Chapter 25

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Double update! Woohoo!

I stared at the costume in Ross' hand, ignoring the giant smile he had plastered on. There was no way in hell I was going to wear that. Out of all the costumes in the store, why did he even bother picking that one? Did he momentarily lose his mind?

"I am not wearing a playboy bunny costume!" I hissed, snatching the costume and placing it back on the hanger. "One, do you honestly think that I would be able to fit into it with this?" I gestured to my gigantic stomach. "And two, there is barely any material on that skimpy costume that it may as well be non-existent." 

He pouted childishly. "But it's so sexy. You have to wear it, Sky!"

I rolled my eyes and waved my hand at the people who were glancing in our direction. "I don't even want to wear a costume, Ross. I don't want to go to this party. I just want to stay home and relax." I winced as my back started to cramp, and I reached behind to rub the aching spot. "The only reason I'm going is because it's Rydel's party." 

"If you don't want to go, then don't." He shrugged. "I think she'll be okay with you missing her party since your due date is a few days away." He took over rubbing my back, much to my relief. My arm was cramping up. "All you should be doing is resting up." 

"Do you think she'll be mad if I don't go?" I asked. Even if I went, I would be leaving early.

Ross shook his head and grabbed my hand, leading me out of the store. "She'll understand that you just want to relax. Trust me, Sky, she'll be fine with it." We approached that car and I quickly hopped in the passenger seat, relief flooding through me as I finally got off my feet. Ross made his way to the drivers side and buckled in, starting up the car and pulling out of the parking lot. 

"But just because I'm not going doesn't mean you can't go." I told him, my fingers dancing across my stomach.

He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together, placing our joined hands on his thigh. "I'm not going without you, Sky. And I would be too worried about you going into labor if I left you home alone. There's always a chance Olivia could be born before her due date." 

"I know." I murmured, my eyes focusing on my stomach. The fact that Olivia could be born any day now was absolutely terrifying. I never thought my pregnancy would fly by in a blink of an eye, and yet I could go into labor at any moment. 

"Are you scared?" I blurted out, unable to stop myself. 

"Absolutely." He admitted after a few seconds of silence. "I love babies, but I've never had to raise one. I'm scared that I'm going to screw up and be the worst father ever." I stayed silent as he confessed all that he was feeling. "I don't regret choosing to help raise Olivia, but I don't want to make a choice that will end up ruining her life. That's what I'm most scared about. That I'll screw up and ruin her life, forcing her to hate and despise me." He pulled into the parking lot of our apartment and shut off the engine. 

I unbuckled myself and shifted so I was facing him. I grabbed both his hands and placed them in my lap. I was shocked to see tears in his eyes when he looked at me. "You will not ruin her life, Ross. Will you make mistakes? Yes, but so will I. It's only natural to make mistakes with raising a baby. Everyone makes mistakes, Ross. If you ask your parents, I guarantee that they will tell you the same thing." I couldn't believe he was afraid of ruining our daughter's life. I never knew he felt that way, and I wondered how long he kept those feelings bottled up. 

He placed both his hands on my stomach and leaned forward, gently kissing it. "I just want to be a great father. Just the thought of screwing up makes me want to pull my hair out."

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