Chapter 15

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“Sky, get up. Staying in bed all day isn’t going to do you any good.” Rydel told me, rubbing my back soothingly.

“Just leave me alone.” I mumbled, my voice coming out all raspy. After all the events that happened yesterday, I ended up crying all night. I barely slept. That would make it two nights in a row that I barely got any sleep.

“Not gonna happen, Sky.” She peeled the covers off my body, and I didn’t bother to complain. “You don’t have to do anything today, but I don’t want you staying in bed all day.”

When it came to Rydel, you never wanted to argue with her.  Much to my dismay, I slowly sat up, my hair most likely a wild mess. Rydel smiled widely and told me to be downstairs in twenty minutes for breakfast before walking out. Since I wasn’t planning on leaving the house, I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a bun before heading downstairs.

“I’m making eggs.” Rydel announced, noticing my presence.

“Whatever.” I muttered, plopping down at the table. “Where’s Ellington?”

“Work.” She answered. Once the eggs were done, she placed them on a plate and set it down in front of me. “Eat up. You barely ate yesterday, which isn’t good for the baby.”

“I know.” I snapped. “But at this point, I don’t give a fuck. All this baby is doing is causing me trouble. Maybe I should listen to Ben and just get rid of it.” I didn’t know what I was saying, honest, but I didn’t care at the moment.

Rydel stared at me in shock, her jaw practically hitting the floor. The eggs that were currently on the fire were burning, but she paid no mind to it. “What?” She squeaked out.

“You heard me.” I shrugged like it was no big deal. “I might as well get rid of this baby if all it’s doing is causing trouble. Ross obviously doesn’t want it, or me apparently, and I’m just done.” As I continued to speak, my brain was on overdrive. I knew what I was saying, but it was like I wasn’t the one saying it. I didn’t want to get rid of this baby.

She finally turned off the fire and approached me. “Do you hear yourself? You want to get rid of the baby because you and Ross had a fight? What the fuck is wrong with you?” She was angry, that much I could tell.

“Drop it.” I growled, standing up, my eggs untouched. “I don’t need a lecture from you. You’re supposed to be my best friend, not my mother.”

“If your mother was alive, she would tell you the exact same thing.” She snapped.

“Stop.” I roared. “Just fucking stop!” I went to walk away, completely done with the conversation. My vision started to blur, and I started feeling lightheaded. I had to grab onto the arm of the couch to steady myself, but it was no use. I could hear Rydel calling my name, but it sounded distant. The room started to spin and I could feel myself falling towards the ground. The last thing I heard was Rydel screaming for help before I completely blacked out.


“This is all my fault. I did this to her.” I heard someone say. It sounded like they were crying, but I wasn’t sure.

“Ross, you can’t blame yourself.” The voice was feminine, and I could only place it as Rydel. It didn’t sound like Stormie.

“She hasn’t been sleeping, Del. That’s all my fault.” I felt Ross’ hand grab mine and give it a squeeze.

Having enough of their conversation, I slowly opened my eyes, only to have the bright sunlight hit my face. I squinted my eyes, doing my best to get used to the sudden brightness. I slightly turned my head to see Ross and Rydel, but they still had yet to notice that I was awake.

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