Chapter 3

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The past week had gone by so slow, and I had skipped every class because my morning sickness was really bad. Ross offered to stay with me each time I told him I was skipping, but I forced him to go. We had all the same classes, so he offered to take notes for me. I found the gesture really sweet.

I found everything Ross was doing for me really sweet. The fact that he offered to help me raise the baby made me incredibly happy. I never thought in a million years that this would be happening, but the fact that I wasn’t doing this alone made this a lot easier.

And just the other day, I told all his siblings, except Rydel, Ratliff, and his parents that I was pregnant. They were shocked to say the least, but they were even more shocked to find out that Ross would be helping me raise the baby. Well, Rydel wasn’t really shocked. She actually started squealing like a thirteen year old girl.

But then the questions started rolling in. All the questions included Ben, so I then had to explain why he wasn’t in the picture. And even though I was upset about Ben not being there for our child, I didn’t show it. I cried over that bastard too many times, and I was done. I didn’t need him, and our baby didn’t need him.

“Please let me keep this down.” I muttered as I shoved a spoonful of cereal into my mouth. I was actually able to swallow the spoonful and keep it down, but just as I was about to try and eat another spoonful, the nausea I had come to loathe crept up on me. I dropped the spoon, letting it hit the ground, as I bolted to the bathroom.

“I can’t even eat my favorite cereal.” I mumbled angrily, once I finished puking anything I had in my stomach. Gross, I know, but I didn’t care.

Just as I walked out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth, the front door slammed shut. I walked into the kitchen to find Ross picking up the spoon I dropped.

“I’m guessing you had about three bites before you bolted to the bathroom?” He guessed, an eyebrow raised.

I chuckled and shook my head. “Nope. One. I think I’m gonna stop eating until this morning sickness is done.” I was obviously joking, but I was so done with throwing up every day.

“Yeah, not gonna happen.” He grabbed the bowl of cereal I was eating and started eating it himself. “You need to eat. Have some saltine crackers if you can’t eat anything else. Those helped my mom when she was pregnant with all of us.”

“Then I’ll stop by the store and buy some after work.” I went to my room to go get changed for work, and Ross followed.

“Do you really have to go to work?” He whined.

I rolled my eyes.” I have to, Ross. I can’t miss work, and I don’t want to call out.” Even though I skipped classes, I never liked to call out of work. I worked part time at Get Shaved, and Ross worked at some skate shop.

“But you puke your guts up all day.” He pointed out.

Again, I rolled my eyes. “I don’t puke all day. It only happens in the morning, so I should be good for work.” I searched my closet for a pair of jeans and my work shirt, and quickly grabbed them, throwing them on my bed.

“And what happens if you end up feeling sick?”

“Then I’ll tell them the truth, Ross.” I sighed. “I’m gonna have to do it eventually, so it might as well be now. I don’t want my manager and co-workers finding out when I walk in and I’m as big as a whale.”

This time he rolled his eyes. “You’re not going to be as big as a whale. You’re so overdramatic.”

“Says the one who once cried because his favorite character on a dumb TV show died.” I scoffed.

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