Chapter 13

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My entire body froze, as did Ross'. Did she really just ask what I think she asked? No one told her while I was in the bathroom, did they? I seriously felt like I was going to puke again.

"What?" I choked out, my voice slightly wavering. She didn't notice. When I glanced at Matthew, I saw that his whole body was stiff as a board.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" She repeated. She was acting normal, like she hadn't revealed the secret I had been keeping from Matthew. I wanted to be angry with her, but I couldn't. This wasn't her fault. It was mine.

My eyes wandered to my friends around the table for some help, but all they did was give me some sympathetic looks. Stormie and Mark did as well. Ross was continuing to rub circles on my thigh with his thumb, obviously trying to give me some comfort.

"I am." I confirmed quietly. Why was this happening now? Why couldn't she keep her mouth shut and ask me in private? She basically ruined Ross' birthday, but I still couldn't be mad at her.

Without another word, Matthew quickly excused himself and walked out of the restaurant. I wasn't sure what I was thinking, but I followed him. I found him leaning against the brick wall of the restaurant, his eyes closed. His jaw was clenched, as well as his fists that were rested at his sides.

"Matthew?" At the sound of my voice, his eyes snapped opened and landed on me. He didn't say a word. "Are you okay?" Stupid question, but what else was I supposed to say? I was never in a situation like this before.

"Am I okay?" He repeated, letting out a bitter laugh. "I just found out my sister is pregnant, what do you think?"

For some reason, I felt a sudden burst of anger. "Why do you care so much?" I yelled. He jumped at my sudden outburst. "We've only known each other for a little bit, and the fact that you're mad at me for getting pregnant is ridiculous! Siblings or not, you barely know me."

"That doesn't mean I don't love you." He snapped angrily. "You're my freakin' sister! I've known about you for a while, and just the thought of meeting you made me happy! So sorry if I fucking care!" His breathing was heavy, and his face was red from anger. I was almost positive that my face matched his own.

Matthew's outburst caused my heart to pound, and my stomach dropped to the floor. I suddenly felt guilt, and I couldn't believe that I had said what I said. He made me realize that I was being a complete jerk.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out, a small frown on my face. "I'm not used to having a sibling. The only people who were basically my siblings were the Lynch's, so this is new to me. They were the only one's who ever cared about me, including my parents, but..." I sighed, not sure as to where I was going. "I understand if you don't want to see me anymore. I can already tell that I'm a terrible sister."

I was taken aback when Matthew wrapped me in a hug. I didn't react for a few seconds, but I finally gave in and wrapped my arms around his body, returning the hug. I swear I heard him breath a sigh of relief, but I wasn't sure.

"You're a great sister, Skylar." He murmured, pulling away from the hug. I was a bit shocked to see that there were tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry that I got mad, but you have to understand that I was shocked. I know we only started to get to know each other, but I couldn't help it. Being your big brother is like an instinct."

I slightly smiled. "Are you gonna be one of those overprotective big brothers?" I teased.

He laughed. "Most likely." His face suddenly grew serious, and I wondered what happened. "Is Ross the father?" The tone in his voice showed that he wasn't mad, just curious.

I bit my lip, contemplating whether or not I should tell him the truth. "Yes and no."

He raised an eyebrow. "Uh, what?"

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