Chapter 26

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This is the second to last chapter! Sad, I know, but I'm excited to start writing the sequel! This will probably be a really long chapter since I want Olivia born in this one! Enjoy!

I stared at Ross, my eyes wide as I clutched my stomach. His own eyes were wide, and he continued to open and close his mouth. I would have laughed if I wasn't having a mental freak out. My water just broke and we were just standing in the middle of the living room.

"Ross, we need to get to the hospital." I told my frozen boyfriend, my eyes pleading for him to move.

He blinked, and then before I could even take a breath, ran into our bedroom. I followed him and leaned against the doorway as I watched him grab my bag filled with clothes for myself and the baby. He was mumbling under his breath, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Once he made sure everything was in the bag, he hurried out of the room.

"Ross, you need to calm down." I placed my hand on his arm and squeezed his bicep softly. "Freaking out won't do us any good."

He blew out air from his cheeks and ran a hand through his hair. "How are you not freaking out, Sky? You're in labor!"

I chuckled softly. "Because panicking isn't going to stop my labor. All we can do right now is go to the hospital."

He sighed and pecked my lips. "Your calmness is freaking me out, but let's go before it goes away." He grabbed my hand with his free one and led me out of the apartment. Just as I was about to get into the car, a contraction hit me and I braced my arms on the door. Ross rubbed his hand up and down my back while I breathed through the pain.

"Well, that sucked." I muttered, slowly sitting down in the seat. It was painful, but I knew the contractions would only get worse.

"But you did good." Ross kissed my forehead before closing my door and getting in the car. While he drove, I called the hospital and informed them that we were on our way. I wanted to call everyone and let them know I was in labor, but I decided that Ross would do that when I was all settled in the room.

After a fifteen minute drive and getting hit with another contraction, we finally arrived at the hospital. Ross grabbed the bag, helped me out of the car, and we walked through the main entrance of the hospital. We entered the elevator and Ross pressed the button to the Labor and Delivery wing.

"Can you call everyone and let them know what's going on?" I asked Ross, my hand draped over my stomach.

He nodded, just as the elevator doors opened. "I'll call Rydel once you're settled in the room."

We stepped out of the elevator and walked over to the nurse's station. Before I could even open my mouth to greet the nurse, Carly, the nurse greeted me first. "Skylar Evans?" She guessed, a smile on her face.

I nodded and managed a small smile of my own. "Yeah, I called from the car about ten minutes ago."

Carly nodded and placed a clipboard with paperwork on the counter, a pen next to it. "Just fill these out and I'll take you to your room after."

"I got it." Ross said, grabbing the paperwork. He placed the bag on the floor and started filling out the papers. Once he was finished, he handed them back to Carly who filed them into my patient chart.

"Okay, if you follow me, I'll take you to your room." She said, standing up from her chair. "You're in room 3607."

Ross grabbed my hand and picked up the bag from the floor before we followed Carly down the hall toward our room. "I can't believe it's finally happening." Ross murmured, squeezing my hand.

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