Chapter 6

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“Freedom! Hell yeah!” Ross exclaimed, running out of the classroom, his fist in the air. I laughed and ran after him. “The semester is finally over, and we now we’re free to do what we want for three months.” He was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

“And yet we have no clue what we’re gonna do.” I said. Walking out of the building, we walked through the parking lot and got in Ross’ car. He literally pulled out in a matter of seconds, he was so happy.

Instead of talking on the way home, Ross just turned on the radio and blasted it on the highest volume. Normally I would tell him to lower it since I didn’t want to go deaf, but I decided against it. He looked so happy, and I didn’t want to ruin that.

The past month had been pretty uneventful, and all Ross and I did was go to school and work. There had been a couple of times where there was a college party, but I never went. Ross tried to get me to go, but I always declined. Anytime I pushed him to go without me, he always said, “I’d rather stay home with you then go to a party.” And every time he said that, I blushed.

As soon as we got home, we crashed on the couch, tired from the boring class we endured. It might have been our last class of the semester, but that didn’t mean we didn’t do anything. We had a long, hard exam, and after we were all done, our professor started telling us what he was going to do over the break.

None of us cared.

“We should take a trip.” Ross blurted out. His head was in my lap, and I subconsciously started running my fingers through his hair. How was his hair so soft, like a cloud?

“A trip?” I repeated. He nodded, his eyes fluttering shut. “Where would we go?”

“I was thinking Florida.” He murmured sleepily. “We’ve never been to Disney World.”

“Because we have Disney Land here.” I pointed out.

“Just think about it.” He mumbled before drifting off, his even breathing being the only thing that could be heard in the apartment.

I stared at Ross’ sleeping form, and my eyes traveled down to his lips. They looked so soft and kissable, and all I wanted to do was feel his lips pressed against mine. I shook my head, trying to clear those thoughts. I had a feeling that my feelings towards Ross were growing, and I was scared.

As I stared at Ross, my free hand traveled to my stomach, my fingers brushing across my small bump. Now that I was three months along, I finally had a bump. You would only notice it if you were an inch away from my stomach, but you couldn’t tell otherwise. It was barely noticeable, but I noticed. I was truly amazing, because it made all this more real. I was really growing a person inside my stomach.

I didn’t know when it happened, but I ended up falling sleep. But when I woke up, I noticed I was in my bed, the covers on top of me. Blinking confusedly, I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I swung my legs over the bed and hopped down. Walking out of my bedroom, I found Ross in the kitchen. He was eating a sandwich.

“How did I end up in my room?” Was the first thing I asked. I sat down next to him.

“When I woke up, I saw that you were sleeping, so I carried you into your room.” He answered after swallowing the food in his mouth.

“Thanks.” I blushed slightly. I stood up and walked over to the fridge, pulling out the left over Chinese I had from the other day. I quickly heated it up in the microwave before reclaiming my spot next to Ross.

“Did you think about taking the trip to Florida?” He asked.

 “Not really.” I admitted. "But I say we do it. It'd be nice to get away for a little bit." I shoved a fork full of Chinese food in my mouth. "But going to Disney World is kind of pointless because I won't be able to go on any rides."

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