11. I didn't mean to look

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"Oh, okay." Joonas answered a little suprised.
"I don't want that you freeze again and it's middle of the night." I said, Joonas got up from the chair and he looked around.
"That couch looks comfortable." He said and sat there. I really didn't know what was going on in my head.
"It's not actually that good for sleeping.. so if you want you can sleep in my bed." I said and walked closer to him.
"And you sleep in here..?" He asked and patted the couch.
"I don't know, if you want we can share the bed." I said and my eyes was locked to his. He nodded and got up.
"You can go already there, I will brush my teeth." I walked into the bathroom. I looked myself from the mirror, I sighed.
"Somebody please pinch me.. what am I doing?" I said quietly to myself and started to brush my teeth. I actually didn't know what I was doing. Nothing? We are just going to sleep, we have done that once before when we both were drunk. But now we are sober.
I walked slowly into my bedroom, Joonas was already there laying, he looked something from his phone. I desided to change my clothes right here in front of him, I was so tired that I didn't care anymore. I turned my back to Joonas, I changed my shirt and took off my bra. Then I took a seat on the edge of the bed and pulled my jeans off, now I was ready.
I snuggled under the blanket and turned my head a little bit to his direction, he was looking at me. He looked kinda confused, but not suprised. I don't know what was going on inside his head.
"What? Haven't you seen an almost naked woman before?" I asked and put my pillow in better position.

"I didn't mean to look, sorry.." He said and turned his gaze away from me, that made me smirk a little bit. "It's okay." I answered and closed my eyes. I was so tired, that's the best feeling when you can go to sleep after a long day.

It was middle of the night, I suddenly woke up and I was freezing. I was so cold that it kinda scared me, how? It was dark and I didn't saw anything, even Joonas wasn't in the bed, where the hell he was?
I got up and walked out of the bedroom, the balcony door was open. I walked there and I was about shut the door, but Joonas was standing there, he had some blanket warming him, he just leaned against the railing.
I walked closer to Joonas.
"What are you doing here? It's middle of the night and it's cold here.." I asked. He turned his head into my direction, he looked so tired. Why he wasn't sleeping?
"I don't know, I just didn't get any sleep so I thought that fresh air could help or something." He said and chuckled a little bit.
I was silent for a moment.

"Let's go back to bed, we both will get a flu if we stay here any longer. Come." I said, shivers were going in my whole body.
Joonas nodded and we walked back inside, I closed the door behind me.
We snuggled back to the bed, we both were cold, but I think I was even more.
"Come here." Joonas said and I went closer to him. He pressed me against his warm but cold body. It was actually very comfy right here, I felt safe.
"Is it warming already?" He asked quietly, I closed my eyes. I mumbled back something.


My thoughts were wondering everywhere, the upcoming album is stressing and this. I'm here, sleeping with Hilda. The boys warned me that I shouldn't play with her. But honestly I'm not. I think the boys don't get it.
And I was thinking about that what happened after we got out of the bar. That asshole man was her ex, I think something bad happened between them. Hilda didn't want to talk about it and she got emotional and pissed when she talked about her sister and her man problems.
Did something happen between Hilda and her ex, something serious and that's the reason why Olli, Joel and Niko are so protective to her. I want to know. I need to know. I can't stop thinking about it.

Hilda was sleeping and we are holding each other, cuddling. I'm sure about that she's not freezing anymore, but I don't mind. She was cute while sleeping, her breath was calm and it started to make me feel sleepy too.

It was saturday morning, I woke up to a hard feeling of hunger. Hilda wasn't in the bed, I heard some noice from the kitchen so I desided to get up immediately, I need food.
I put on my jeans and shirt and walked into the kitchen. There she was, making breakfast. She seemed to know what she was doing, that woman didn't even hear or saw me. That made me smile a little bit.
"Oh morning, I thought that you would be very hungry, so I desided to make breakfast. Even tho I don't really like to cook.. hopefully you like omelette?" She asked and smiled a little bit.
"Of course I like, how did you know that I was hungry?" I asked and took a seat.
"I woke up 15 minutes ago and your stomach made it very clearly that you need food." She smiled even more and gave me a cup of coffee. I just smiled back.

After we ate, I offered to put the dishes away because she had made us breakfast.
"So, what's your plans for today?" I asked and waited her to take the last sip of her coffee. After that she gave me the mug.
"I don't know, nothing I guess?" She said and stretched her arms.
"Did you have something on your mind?" She asked.
"Well I was thinking that would you like to go eat somewhere after I have visited the studio?" I asked and put the dishes into the washing machine.
"Yeah, that would be nice." She answered and stood up.
"Great, I will leave after I have done this. I can come to pick you up, about 5pm." I smiled to her and she nodded.

The day at the studio was fine, although the boys were kinda energetic. I think that they slept very well last night, they were really tired then. Niko and Joel fooled around and they laughed a lot.
I was sitting in a chair, watching what Aleksi was doing with his computer. He was doing something to one song, I was in my own world and didn't really pay attention to anything. My thoughts were only in Hilda. I don't know why.
"Hey, are you listening?" Joel asked and put his hands to my shoulders behind me, I flinched.
"What?" I asked and blinked my eyes few times.
"I asked that were did you and Hilda go last night?" Joel asked and sat next to me.
"Oh yeah, we did go to a bar and we drank one beers." I said and crossed my hands against my chest.
I turned my head to look at Joel, he was still looking at me, I saw that Olli had his attention on me too.
"What now?" I sighed and looked both of them.
"After that..?" Joel asked. Why are they so curious? Like seriously. Apparently I can't do anything nowadays without that I need to tell everything to everyone. But I think that they are more interested in what I do when it has to do something with Hilda.

I have to lie. If I say that I was sleeping with her again, they will never shut their mouths about it.
And I'm sure that Joel, Olli and Niko wouldn't be so happy about it.
"After that I slept in my own bed and she slept in her own. What else you want to know?" I asked. I'm proud of myself, they believed every word. Good.
"Nothing, that's enough." Joel said and started to scroll his phone.
We all were quiet for a moment, I just kept thinking about one question and I really wanted to ask that.
I opened my mouth, but didn't say anything, I was trying to find the right words to say.
"Umm.. why are you guys so protective to her? I don't mean that it would be a bad thing, I think that it is very good thing. But.. guys we are best friends and you all know that I would never hurt her." I said, I think that Aleksi and Tommi wants to know the answer too, they are just too scared to ask that.

Joel, Niko and Olli looked at each others, maybe they are deciding that who will answer me.
"It's-" They all said at the same time but got silent. Oh god for fucks sake. TELL ME.
"We are this protective to her because of her ex." Olli said with serious face, they all looked very serious. That kinda scared me.
Wait what.. her ex? That asshole we met last night?
Author's note: Thank you for everyone who is reading this story! Your comments makes me smile and I get even more motivation to continue this story🖤
Stay strong and amazing, bc helps <3

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