7 Minutes in Heaven | Natan x Reader

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Written: 23-09-2021

➳ Highschool AU

Updates will be much slower since school has started.


"H-hey!" Yelping, you are dragged by the arms. You squirmed defiantly, trying to get out of your friends' grip, but they only tightened in response. Knowing escaping is futile, you stopped struggling and let your friends pull you across the floor like a haversack.

"Do I have to do this?" You helplessly whined at your friends. Perhaps, you might be able to soften their hearts and change their minds.

"The ones who got picked all did it." Casting a look at you, Kimmy then promised cheekily. "Cheer up! It won't be that bad, at least for you."

"That's right! Furthermore, I think you'll love it instead," Claude added suggestively with a wiggle of his brows.

"But you guys haven't told me who he is." Flashes of images appeared in your mind as you tried to recall the accessories worn by your friends. Still, you are unable to decipher the mysterious person who dons a monocle.

"Come on, (Y/N). Couldn't you tell?" The brown-haired male laughed as he poked fun at your denseness.

"You know I'm not at the brightest when it comes to this stuff."

"Relax, it'll be fine. And, we're here." Your friends pulled you to your feet, and you found yourself standing before the storeroom at the end of the hallway.

"Huh? W-wait—" Before you could question their choice of location, you were left with no room to speak before being given a hard shove. It sent you tumbling to the wooden tiles, and you hissed when the flooring rubbed against your skin harshly. The door immediately slammed shut behind you, and you heard a clicking sound.

"That hurts, you little piece of shit!" You openly swore as you picked yourself up, rubbing your skin tenderly to soothe the pain. Though, Claude could not hear you as he and Kimmy returned to the living room.

As you waited for the mysterious person to make an appearance, you also took a quick scan of your surroundings. Though empty of supplies, the storeroom seemed small, its space probably sufficient for only two standing persons to fit in. All in all, the tiny enclosed room is enough to set off someone's anxiety.

You did not have to wait long before someone fiddled with the doorknob. Instinctively, you retreated, fully pressing your back onto the wall as fear started creeping onto you. Despite feeling queasy, you could not help the curiosity settling in the pits of your stomach on the figure behind the thin wooden barrier.

Your breath hitched as the door creaked open, the scratchy sound prickling your skin. Heart thudding erratically within its cages, the sound is crystal clear in your ears. You wrung your hands as a sign of nervousness. Why does this resemble a scene from a horror movie? Now, you know what it's like to be in one.

The light pouring through the opening reflected a shadow of tall stature onto the ground. The mysterious person entered the room and broke the tensed silence.


Gently caressing your ears like silk, the all too familiar voice jellified your legs. You felt weak all of a sudden, and it took quite an effort to stay on your toes. And there's only one person you knew who could have such an effect on you. Natan.

"O-oh, it's y-you." Suddenly possessing a shy demeanour, you cannot articulate a proper sentence, only responding with a few words that your brain manage to piece out. You cursed inwardly for completely forgetting the monocle that hung on the breast pocket of Natan's waistcoat.

Natan's chest rumbled with low laughter as he stood before you, his height towering over your small frame. "Well, guess it's the two of us."

"U-uh? Oh y-yeah..."

"Hmm, interesting choice of location." Once his vision got used to the darkness, Natan's eyes flickered from left to right, taking in the size of the tiny room. "Though, it'd be cramped if we both are to sit on the floor."

Still, Natan proceeded to take up the available space by settling himself on the floor and leaning his back against the wall, contradicting his earlier statement. Due to the constrained space, he resorted to crossing his legs instead. He patted his legs while you stared at him dumbly.

Without waiting for your reply, Natan reached up for your wrist and gave a tug, pulling you down onto him. Startled by the sudden action, you yelped, and your hands instinctively flew up to his shoulders in a bid to steady yourself.

You could not fight the faint blush creeping up your cheeks at Natan's dauntless move. It worsened when you caught him grinning at you without any sense of remorse.

"A-are you crazy?" you questioned the male's sanity. Flushing red with embarrassment, you shyly averted your gaze, refusing to lock eyes with him.

"We're playing a game of seven minutes in heaven, aren't we?" Natan cooed as he took in your bashful form. Never have you strongly felt the urge to wipe the shit-eating grin off of someone else's face. Until now.

"(Y/N)," your name fell off Natan's lips like a whisper, grasping your attention as it sent light tingles down your spine. "Look at me."

Though a soft murmur, you instantly obeyed the command, and you found yourself gazing into those pair of aquamarine orbs. Despite no lighting entering the room, except for the small gap below the door, they seemed to glow in the pitch-black darkness.

Natan's gaze flickered to your soft lips before going back up. You hitched a breath, and you found yourself unable to look away from those glowing orbs. Does he want to?

"Push me away if you dislike what I'm about to do next," Natan breathed out. Slowly, he leaned in till his lips were touching yours, capturing you in a kiss. Eyes fluttering shut, you gave in and let loose, letting your body respond accordingly. You could never hate this.

Lips moulding together, they moved in sync, taking the time that the world has bestowed on them. The slow and gentle kiss is a silent gesture of affirming the feelings between the both of you. Lost in this moment, everything else became secondary.

Natan let his hands fall to your hips and pulled you closer. You pressed yourself closer to him and softly tugged on his platinum locks. When you felt the wet appendage seeking entrance by swiping your bottom lip, your lips parted and welcomed the intrusion. You never knew kissing could become an addiction. And you will be hooked onto his kisses, entering the point of no return.

When insufficient oxygen intake became a problem, Natan and you broke apart. Foreheads pressed together and lightly panting, he looked at you with affection, a glimmer of lust shining in those aquamarine orbs. Then, the corners of his lips tugged upwards. The smile being infectious, you could not help but return it, even breaking into fits of giggles.

"Be my other half, (Y/N)?" Natan proposed as he kissed the back of your hand, his gaze trained on you with gentleness akin to reverence. Judging from your reaction to the kiss, it boosted his confidence in asking you out.

"You know, we should perhaps do this another time."

"Yeah, in your dreams!" you snorted and gave Natan a light shove on his shoulder before snuggling into the warmth of his chest.

"Right," Natan shot you a devious wink. "If I do, it'll be you."

You continued to straddle Natan's lap as his hands wound around your waist. You and he stayed in that position, making full use of the remaining time by soaking in the brief moment of intimacy.


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