Sleepover | Harith x Reader

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Written: 27-04-2020

Edited: 12-08-2020

➳ Midget!Neko!Reader

*Please read A/N. Thanks!


In the land of dawn, there lives an irresistibly cute couple. Maybe it's the fact that they both have a pair of feline ears on the top of their heads and are midgets in size. Nevertheless, the adorable sight of them together makes the other heroes gush over them.

"Yayy!~" you sang out in glee as your best friend, Miya, gave permission to have Harith stay over at your house for a night.

The two best friends have just finished dinner when you started whining about not being able to see Harith often as he is always out for missions with the Lightborn squad.

"BUT- you two are not allowed to sleep together with the door closed where I cannot supervise," Miya reminded the feline who is dashing up the stairs to make a call.

You called Harith to have him come over as soon as possible, and could not help but express your excitement as your bounced about in your room.

Shortly, the doorbell rang. You could hear the door opening and some voices which you figured were both Miya and Harith's. You saw him from the top of the stairs and started bounding down. 

"Harith!!" you screamed happily into Harith's ears and threw your arms around him. "I miss you~!"

He flinched in shock but nevertheless returned the hug and ruffled your hair. "Hey short stuff, I miss you too~"

Dragging the slightly taller male up the stairs, the both of you found yourselves on your lavender bed, with the door left opened.

"What shall we do?" you sang as you swung your legs.

"Hmmm.. Anything is fine," Harith pondered as he interlocked his fingers with yours.

The pair decided to just snuggle under the blanket and talked about life. Harith was rambling on about his day with the Lightborn squad when he realised he's the only voice in the room. Looking down, he saw his girlfriend cuddling up to him, soft breaths leaving her feline being.

You shifted your body so that your arms were swung over Harith's stomach and her legs were intertwined with his. You are definitely a messy sleeper. Even though Harith is slightly taller than you, you have never felt more safe in his embrace. He is your guardian angel and he swore to be there whenever you need him.

A small smile crept up Harith's face.

Harith reached for the comforter and pulled it up to cover the both of them.

"...I love you..." you mumbled out incoherently as you snuggled further into him. "...really, boyfie..."

Harith leaned down and left a lingering kiss on the top of your head. "I love you too, my short stuff."

Both of them fell into a deep slumber with a smile of content etched on their faces.



Soo.. I decided to change it to a pure MLBB x Reader book of oneshots :P

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