Fight Me!

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I ran into Percy in the hallway on my way to the Great Hall. He was walking with his girlfriend, Annabeth I think.

Yeah, her name was Annabeth.

"Jesus, you're everywhere I go. What's with you and your weird friends being everywhere?" I said, finally snapping.

"Look, Perry, I'm sorry." Percy said, apologizing.

"My name is Harry. Ever since you lot got here, it's like you're gods. What did you do that's so great. I saved the Wizarding World! As a baby! Try and top that." I said, crossing my arms. These guys really aggravated me. And NO! They didn't try and accept their popularity, they rejected it. Especially Percy. I'm not saying that I don't like them because of that. It's just that the Wizarding World is my safe haven away from the Dursley's, the one place I actually had friends, and these guys jerk it all away.

"Again, I'm sorry. I get that you're like top dog here and all, but we're just here to help. I don't want to like take your throne or anything, because that's not cool. This ends here, I don't want to keep fighting with the guys I'm supposed to be helping. Truce?"

I thought it over, and saw Annabeth and Percy, once again in their own world. Playing with each others fingers, and Percy kissing Annabeth's forehead every once in a while.

"Sure, on one condition." I agreed,

"Name it," Annabeth answered for Percy,

"You teach me how to use your wicked awesome swords." I said, cracking a smile at them both.

"You've got a deal. Mate." Percy said, with a terrible British accent for that last part.

"Please, never do that again." Annabeth said, before I broke into laughter.

"Whatever, you know you loved that accent Wise Girl." Percy said, flipping his hair. Yes, he flipped his hair.

"It was ten times better than your God awful Italian accent. That's for sure." Annabeth said, laughing.

I didn't know for sure yet. But I'm pretty sure that this is a great start to an even greater friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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