Leo Makes His Move #teamleoftw

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I was waiting outside the Girl's Dorms, I had learned my lesson from last time.

You see, I was just trying to talk to Hermione, but the stairs turned into a slide and brought me down. That's actually not a bad idea.

If any unwanted people try and come peeking into Cabin Nine's stuff, we make a slide appear, and boil them in hot tar.

Too dangerous? How about fondue?

"Valdez, you're thinking on overdrive. You're smoking again." Frank said, as he walked past.

"Look, Frank I'm flattered, but really everyone knows that the Supersized McShizzle is hot." I said, reminding Frank of my swag and abnormal hotness.

"Shut up, Hermione's in the library." Frank said, directing me to the woman of my dreams. Yes, she was in my dreams, Morpheus likes to tease me. It's not too funny though.

Anywho, I sprinted down to the library. In all honesty I'm never doing that again. The library is like 2,590,000 miles away from the Gryffindor Common Room.

I snuck up behind Hermione, covered her eyes with my hands and disguised my voice. "Guess who?"

"Hmmm, Idina Menzel?" Hermione guessed falsely. Annabeth had gotten her into Wicked.

Aside from Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys and I'm on Fire by Bruce Springsteen, Defying Gravity was my shower song.

"Nope, Leo, your knight in shining- lemme get back to you on that."

"Oh Leo," Hermione jokingly sighed dramatically,

"So, do you wanna, maybe, I dunno, possibly, perhaps-" I was cut off by that Cormac McLaggen dude.

"Hey Hermione, I was thinking we could go to Hogsmeade together?"

"Sure, next time around." Hermione agreed, sinking our ship.

Our ship was amazing, Lermione, and then stupid iceberg Cormac hit it.

"What were you saying Leo?" Hermione whipped her head back around towards me,

"Nothing," I said, jamming my fists into my pockets and walking away.

I went to the special training room that the wizards made for us. Honestly, it was pretty cool.

There were all kinds of dummies in there, I even built a couple Harry dummies.

I went over to a dummy, and set my hands on fire. After that, I literally sent fire punches at it.

"What'd that dummy do to you?" Frank asked,

"Some stupid wizard dude asked Hermione out. My Hermione."

"Guy trying to steal your girl. Been there, done that."

"About that, look, I'm sorry for goin' after Hazel. She just, ya know, made me feel like less of a screw up."

"No hard feelings, she has that effect on people."

"So, how do I get Hermione to fall for me?"

"Dude, she's into you. It's really obvious."


"C'mon man, you're the Supersized McShizzle, and all da ladies luv Leo."

"You know it." I smiled, getting ready to find Hermione.

"Go get your girl."

Asking Hermione out, take two.

"Hey Hermione,"

"Hey Leo," Hermione blushed a little,

"So, I was thinking, maybe you and I could possibly go on like a date? But only if you want-" I asked,

"About time!" Hermione said, pulling me down to kiss her.

YES! #TEAMLEOFTW! Leo finally gets the girl!

"Calm down Leo."

"Did I, like say that out loud?" I ask sheepishly.

"Yeah," Hermione said getting up. She went closer to me and whispered, "Pick me up at 8."

As she walked off, Cormac McLaggen came by, "Take that McLaggen!"

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