Bunch of Bloody Show-Offs

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This morning I woke up with Percy shoving some dumb bronze sword in my face.

"Harry Plooper, you shall awaken!" He shouted, Nico, Ron, Dean, Jason, a large Asian guy and the other guys standing around him.

"Nico, you're a bloody genius!" Ron remarked, laughing his head off.

"I specialize in torture." Nico said, with a look in his eye that was terrifying.

I grabbed my wand off of my night stand and prepared to look at the remains of Percy," Sectumsempra!"

With astonishing speed, Percy deflected the blast of dangerous light off the point of his blade. He then capped his sword. Wait, capped his sword. What?

"Not cool man." the large Asian guy said looking at me like I had committed a serious crime. Ron, Percy, and their followers walked out of the room in a pack.

All I do is protect myself and I'm the culprit. I hate those stupid demigods. Coming to my school, like they own the bloody place. Hogwarts is my safe haven. Now they're ruining it. Well, everyone'll see how awful they are at breakfast. They'll be known as the bad guys, and then Ron will come straight back to me like the loyal best friend he is.

"Oh they'll see how stupid they really are." I said chuckling to myself. Once I had my clothes on, I straightened my glasses and walked to the Great Hall, alone. Where were my friends? Kissing the demigods' feet. They'll see, oh they'll see.

Once I enter the Great Hall, the lights begin to flicker and ghosts start flying all over the place. It was madness.

"I am Perseus Jackson, defeater of many, bearer of Anasuklumos Riptide for you non Greco-Romans, I defeat Ares the god of war, I returned the Helm of Darkness to Hades, the Master Bolt to Zeus, brother of Tyson the coolest Cyclops ever, I am a survivor of the Sea of Monsters, retriever of the Golden Fleece, I held the sky, Artemis the great goddess of the hunt doesn't hate me, slayer of the Nemean Lion, wanderer of the Labyrinth, slayer of Antaeus, owner of Mrs. O' Leary a hellhound, subject of the first Great Prophecy, I bore the Curse of Achilles, I declined the gift of Immortality, one of the Seven in the Prophecy of Seven, Praetor of the Twelfth Legion, survivor of Tartarus, defeater of Gaea, Hero of Olympus, Savior of Olympus, and Son of Poseidon." Percy said, yeah. Sure. He so did not do all those things, I mean look at him.

"I am Annabeth Chase, defeater of many, I held the sky, I am a Heroine of Olympus, I also did most of these things with Percy, I bear the Invisibility Hat, I'm a Daughter of Athena, and Percy Jackson's girlfriend. So you little wizard girls BETTER BACK OFF" Annabeth said, that wasn't scary at all. You'd better note that sarcasm, the woman is terrifying. Most of the girls were cowering in their seats, even the girls with boyfriends.

"I'm Nico Di Angelo, uh. My dad's Hades. I've killed stuff. So uh, yeah." Nico said, walking up to the front awkwardly, with his hands balled up into his jean pockets.

"I'm Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphrodite, I've killed stuff. And yes, gotten my nails dirty while doing it. I'm also dating that blonde kid right there." Piper said intimidatingly, while pointing too Jason.

"Yeah, I'm Jason Grace. Not Yay-son! Stupid Earthborn. I'm a Son of Jupiter, not the planet the god. I kill things for fun-" Jason says before he was cut off by Percy,

"Jason, let's try and maybe be a little positive." Percy says,

"I couldn't do my burnt offerings last night. Nobody gets peace! Not until I burn my offerings!" Jason while his electric blue eyes spark. Little bolts of electricity dancing up and down his arm.

Percy was getting pretty scary too. His eyes were a nightmare, crashing waves, and all I was pure terror.

"You're askin' for it Sparky!" Percy says whipping out his sword and uncapping it. He holds his arms up by his side and then a jet stream of water shoots at Jason. Jason sputters and coughs up the water.

"What no seaweed?" Jason taunts, as he shoots down electricity at Percy. This was perfect, kill two annoying birds with one stone.

"Oops, I forgot it," Percy says as Jason swipes his sword thing. Percy jumps over the strike and cuts Jason's arm. Another jet stream of water comes through the crack in a window Percy made, " There it is."

Jason spits out the seaweed and another 20 volts of electricity shoots down at Percy. Their friends aren't stopping them, just smirking amusedly. After like five minutes of more insane fighting, Percy announces Jason as dead.

" Thank you, thank you very much." Jason says bowing to us.

"That's how you know he's Zeus' kid." Percy says jokingly.

"Leo Valdez, fire user. Son of Hephaestus," Leo says, igniting his hand on fire. Without a spell!

"Hazel Levesque, I'm a bit of a mystery, but I am a child of Pluto." Hazel says, making a gem pop out of the ground.

"You might not want to pick that up. I'm Frank Zhang. Son of Mars, and I can be anything I want to be." Frank says, before he turns into a falcon. Frank turned into a falcon. Frank turned into a falcon! FRANK TURNED INTO A FALCON!

"Now, you might be wondering what Draco Malfoy, Lavender Brown, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood are doing up here with us. Little do you know, they're demigods." Piper says,

"You also might be wondering what Piper, me and Nico can do. We'll show you, right after these guys are done." Annabeth says,

"I'm Drake Castellan, brother of the dead Luke Castellan. I'm a Son of Hermes, and I'm seventeen." Draco says, waving his wand over his head and muttering an inaudible spell. Soon he has ruffled dirty blonde hair, mysterious eyes and just a whole mysterious vibe about him.

"I'm Luna Smith, Daughter of Athena." Luna said curtly, when she waved her wand overtop her head. She was this beautiful girl, with dirty blonde hair and stormy gray eyes! She was gorgeous, every eye in the room was on her, but not for long.

"I'm Lavender Brown, yeah same last name. Daughter of Aphrodite." Lavender said, flirtatiously, smiling around the room.

"Last but not least, I'm Neville Rose, Son of Ceres, Roman form of Demeter."  Neville said, walking up kind of nervously. That's why he's so good in Herbology!

"WELL, now it's time for you to see our powers! I don't have powers that you can really see. But, I know pretty much everything in the world. I'm a battle strategy and technique genius." Annabeth said, while Nico stepped up.

Nico raised his arms, and the lights began to flicker. The ghosts started to fly up to him and bow. Then he twisted his creepy skull ring and it turned into a pure black sword! He drove the sword into the ground and then four ghosts appeared. Two boys and two girls.

"Salazar Slytherin." The guy on the far left said, a smirk creeping onto his face. The Slytherins smirked at everyone like they owned the planet.

"Helga Hufflepuff!" The lady on in the middle of Slytherin and another guy said. The Hufflepuffs just smiled at everyone good-naturedly.

"Godric Gryffindor!" The guy next to the girls said. Us Gryffindors went absolutely wild, I'm talking about whooping and cheering wild.

"Rowena Ravenclaw." The other girl next to Gryffindor said. The Ravenclaws smiled smugly at everybody, like they had just met a celebrity.

"Whew! I'm drained, now go away wizard ghosts." Nico said, taking his sword out of the ground and turning it back into a ring.

"Leo, slap yourself." Piper said, making Leo slap himself. It made me want to slap myself. I think that was going on in everybody's head.

"I have the same powers as Annabeth," Luna said,

"I can, grow things." Neville said, getting a big laugh from everybody. He raised his hands up and ivy grew on the pillars. It was tugging so hard on them, I was surprised that they didn't crumble under all that force.

I might have underestimated the demigods. But now I know one thing, I need to get some help. I can't take them down all by myself. Power is in numbers.

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