Death of Close Relations

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I can't believe that my people are finally here. But Luna (daughter of Athena) and Neville (son of Ceres) get annoying sometimes. Me? I'm a son of Hermes.

I wonder how Luke is?I haven't been to camp since Percy was twelve and I was eleven, so a pretty long time.

"Annabeth, you promised you would Iris message me." Neville whines, he used to have a crush on her. If Percy knew that, he'd run him through with Riptide.

"Percy, how's Luke?" I ask and then Percy looks at Annabeth and Nico, Percy was speechless.

"Drake, about that. You know how we IM'ed you and told you that Kronos had risen again," Annabeth says slowly,

"He sacrificed himself for Kronos. But he. He died a hero." Percy says continuously pausing.

"Luke's gone?" I whisper barely audible. My brother's dead. My full frickin' brother.

"Malfoy why you talkin' to these Gryffindors?" Crabbe asks

"Got a problem with it?" Percy asks intimidating him, while I wave Luna over and they literally sprints over here.

"My Praetors." Neville says kneeling towards Jason and Percy.

"Annabeth! Oh my gods, I hate using this British accent." Luna says with distaste.

"And living with these crazy families. I mean seriously I know that my mom is nuts but I live with an even crazier family." I say in my normal accent.

My real name is Drake Castellan. Luna's is Luna Smith and Neville's is Neville Rose.

And then Potter walks up, ruining our non-mortal time.

Wizards are just mortals with powers. They can't do anything without their wands. However us demigods, have magic in our blood, so we don't need lame wands to do magic.

"How do you know each other?" Harry asks us. He's too nosy for his own good.

"Luna is Annabeth's half sister, same mom. Jason and I are praetors at Camp Jupiter which is for Roman demigods which I'm not. Long story don't ask. And Drake he's a son of Hermes." Percy explains.

"Okay, well I just came to tell you that we're going to our house" Harry tells Neville and the other demigods not including me or Luna. Luna hugs me, he then lowers is voice and turns to Neville, Percy and everyone else, " the password is semideum." Harry finishes.

"Really that's the password? It's demigod in Latin," Jason says laughing.

"I know losing your brother is hard." Luna says softly and walks away, patting me on the back.


I doubt being a demigod is hard. They don't look like they even do hard things at all.

"Hey Darry, is it? Who's that girl?" Nico I think asks me,

"One the name's Harry ,I'm the subject of a prophecy,and two she's Ginny not like you have a chance with her" I say angry at him. How could he not know who I am.

" Perce would you like to tell him what we've been through?" Nico asks Percy, the tall, tan, stronger, better looking version of me asks.

Whoa! Where did that come from. He is in no way better than me. The Great Harry Potter.

"I don't like bragging. Kid what I've done will give you nightmares, it gives me nightmare" Percy says. Like he's done anything better than me. I'm the freakin boy who lived for crying out loud.

"Oh please." I say, trying to hold back peals of laughter.

" We'll explain it all tomorrow," Percy answered, making me even angrier than I was before.


I caught up with Ginny right as she was going into the common room.

" Hey, you're Nico right?" Ginny asks me,

"H-how do you know that? Is it some kind of wizard thing?" I ask super nervously,

" No, you said it earlier." Ginny says smiling.

" Oi,Ginny why are you talking to him?" A guy with red hair like Ginny's but not nearly as pretty,

"Oh Ron shut up." Ginny snaps at him

" Hold on," I say twisting my skull ring , my Stygian Iron sword comes out and I stick it in the ground. " I summon Ben and Jerry of Ben and Jerry's ice cream." I say

" Hello my lord." Ben says.

" Give the guy some ice cream." I instruct.

" Ginny I approve." Ron says stuffing his face with red velvet ice cream.

" So this is the point where I would give you a rose,but anything planty automatically dies around me." I say boldly.

" Why?" Ginny asks me with curiousity in her voice.

" Well my stepmom Persephone, she kind of hates me -" I manage to say before Ginny cuts me off.

" Touchy subject?" Ginny asks me as Percy and Annabeth walk in.

" Whoa would you look at that. Our little Nick is growing up." Percy jokes.

" Shut up." I mutter,

" It's adorable," Ginny says touching my shoulder, " Well I'm gonna go to bed. Night Nico." Ginny says and then kisses my cheek. She slightly shivers ,but then shakes it off.

" Sorry about that. It's a son of Hades thing, naturally cold." I say blushing color actually reaching my pale face.

" Good night Nico." Ginny says laughing a little bit.

" Καληνύχτα όμορφη (Good night beautiful.)" I say to her and Ginny scrunches up her face in the cutest confused face ever. Ugh, mental slap. Don't go all soft. Snap out of it Nico, snap out of it.

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