Chapter 28- Peace Offerings

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"How was it?" My mother wasted no time asking as I got into her car. She wanted to pick me up after my first session with Melissa. I sighed in relief that it was over, but mainly because I felt a bit tired of the cornucopia of personal questions. I was readable. As sad as I was to hear and witness a lady figure me out in seconds, I figured it was for the best. I wasn't doing as okay as I should have been. As I deserved to. Melissa mentioned that I deserve to feel as much happiness as I can and dwelling on the past and people of the past only dissolves any happiness that my future can produce. She didn't mention what she knew and how she would help, but I kind of knew she would. I was going to trust her, even though I hated that yellow pad of hers.

"It was good. Surprisingly good." I said buckling my seat belt. I rubbed my forehead and turned the little button on the dashboard to give some air. I was warm and needed to relax for a bit.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me." She said driving away and smiling. Although the therapy thing came out of nowhere, she was so happy that it did and that I was actually cooperating. I wasn't comfortable with all of it yet, but time was still on my side and I was going to try for everyone's sake.

"I talked to your math teacher today." She said. There only few sentences that could have made me more angry or pissed and that one was definitely on the list.

"Oh god. I thought he dropped the whole thing after you talked to him?" I whined. She called him right after our fight to clear things up and the conversation got very heated. My mother obviously defended me and knew that I didn't cheat, but he didn't budge. She threatened going to the principle about it but he let the whole thing go before she took and drastic measures. Thank god for that. He didn't speak a single word to me in the last lesson and I was kind of happy. I didn't want to hear him speak. Or breathe for that matter.

"He apologized believe it or not."


"He said he was out of line and he apologizes if he offended anyone." She said while looking into the mirror.

"He did more than offend me I can tell you that." I huffed.

"Peyton. Let it go and be graceful. It's over." My mom said looking to me with that motherly glare and I took out my phone to listen to some music. 

"You're dropping me off at the Hemmings' right? I still have to work today." I mentioned loudly through my headphones, remembering my schedule.

"No, Liz knew that today was your session so she left it alone." She said ripping out an earphone.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Why do you complain?" She raised an eyebrow. Why did I complain?

"Because I'm barely there as it is, I am just trying to help you." I said with defense in my voice. I was just trying to help my mother and this was a mutual agreement. It was odd to clean Luke's room now that we were on somewhat okay terms, but everyone knew me to know that I still didn't give a flying goose.

"Honey, I don't even think you will be needing to help that much anymore, I got that promotion remember?" She reminded me as if I had forgotten. She had already started and I wasn't even sure what she was doing. I hadn't forgotten it and I would think it was fishy until the day that Luke wore a paisley sweater vest.

"Whatever. I won't get involved." I sighed.

"You know that I'm going out tomorrow night right?" I said reminding my mom and she nodded.

"With a girl from school right?" I nodded.

"That's nice to see. You going out and having fun." A midst of a smile forming on her face.

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