Chapter 15- Energy

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I felt a light breeze come from the window as my eyes fluttered open. I hadn't yet looked around or moved, I just lay there. I felt the comfort of my soft blankets and mattress below me. A few long and deep breaths were taken in satisfaction. The satisfaction, of getting a little bit of sleep and waking up in my bed. But that, is when the realization hit me. I was in my bed. Last thing I remembered, was falling asleep on the passenger seat of Luke's car, and in that moment I awoke in my own bed. Had I gotten out of the car and took a nap? No I didn't. I knew I was tired, but not tired enough to forget events from merely a few hours back. But alas, I was in my own room and bed. Had Luke transported me here? That was the only possible explanation I could think of.

I got up from lying down, and let my feet hang off of the bed. My hand stroked my face in attempt to wake up and ease the obvious confusion. My questions were answered when I saw my bag from 'Adammos Closet' lying on the floor next to my bed, along with my purse. Yes, Luke transported me in.

To sit and wonder about the events prior to my nap, would be stupid. I rummaged through my bag, trying to find my phone, still quite scatter brained. No matter how not superficial I was, the feeling of seeing the grey metal square at the bottom of the bag, was a slight relief. Once I clicked the button, the time came up, as usual, and I was horrified to see the time. It was 3:50, and as confused as I was, I remembered Ashton was coming to pick me up at 4:00.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom trying to save whatever had happened to my face. Lack of sleep, then rushed makeup, cried makeup, and then slept on makeup was not a good look for me. I would be the poster child for raccoon eyes, if that was even a thing. I decided washing the toxic crap off of my face would be the easiest and most efficient thing to do, in the approximate ten minutes that I had.
After washing the makeup off, the deep blue circles and puffy eyes made their appearance and that was when I decided to cover them up with more makeup. Since the last few days, I got the hang of doing this in a fast fashion. Once the mascara made its way back into the gold tube, as if on cue, my doorbell rang. I frantically ran down the steps and opened the door. A grinning head of shaggy hair stood opposite of the door and I reciprocated the grin.

"Hey Ashton." I said out of breath. He walked in through a door and shot me a very suspicious glare. He bobbed his head up the staircase almost to check if someone else was there. Was he thinking....? No he wouldn't.

"Hi Peyton. Stressed out?" He chimed taking a seat at the table.
I laughed slightly and joined him.

"What gave you the impression? My nearly black eyes or my lack of breath?" I stated and gestured that we both go upstairs since I still had to get a few things.

"I was going to say your lack of breath, but now that you mention the eyes..." Ashton teased and I laughed in agreement.

"I just have to get a few things, then we can go." I said packing random crap that I could need into my bag. Ashton sat down on my bed and waited.

"Adammos Closet huh? Well i'm excited to see what you've come up with." He exclaimed holding the bag and I humorously took it from him.

"So am I. That's why, its a surprise." I grinned and Ashton raised his eyebrows up and down in understanding. I felt a chilly draft on my shoulders and that's when another realization hit me. I was wearing a sweatshirt at the mall and now I stand here, in a tank top.

"Huh, son of a..." I quietly trailed off finding my sweat shirt on the other side of my bed. He actually undressed me. Granted, it was only my sweatshirt but he took articles of clothing off of my body against my will. I caught myself slightly exaggerating, but nonetheless I was pissed.

"Everything okay?" Ashton laughed.

"Um, yeah, I just got my sweatshirt dirty." I lied. I didn't want Ashton to know. I would tell him about the oh so fun mall trip, but certain things could be left unsaid. For mine and Luke's sake.

Elusion // l.hTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon