I Don't Want To Be Saved (Finale)

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Viggo had kept his word about building up to an escape. Although, you didn't agree with his methods. You didn't expect any sympathy from your captor, but his training was a bit barbaric. He was related to Ryker after all. His training started immediately, and for the first few nights, it was just you and him in the middle of the night sparring with blunt swords. After those few nights, he led you to the dragon's den. You recognized some of them from the attempts of freeing them before you were captured. A white Deadly Nadder sniffed towards where you were when you passed by its cage. It licked through the bars when it noticed you stopped moving as you watched him. The dragon didn't seemed to be fully grown yet or was the runt of his pack.

"I see that you found a dragon already."

The silent night made Viggo's voice more prominent even as he was standing a good distance away from you. Your gaze left the creature in front of you into a puzzled and guarded one when you watched his figure. "If I'm fighting one of them, you can forget about the deal."

"I'm well aware of your moral mindset when it comes to these magnificent beings," he explained, "You're not going to hurt them; you're going to bond with one for our escape."

Oh, that was more of a plausible reason. It made sense since you were on a lone island with nothing but the depths of the sea within sight. Your eyes darted over to the dragon again. Its gaze hasn't changed since you saw it last time, which means it would most likely be more docile than the others that would growl. You approached to it closer. There was almost no change to its behavior except getting a bit more excited. You pushed your hand through the bars and waited for the dragon to lay his snout against your palm. Just like how you planned, he sniffed it first before closing his eyes and laying his complete trust in you. You took a glance at Viggo who walked to your side and looked to be amazed from the small display.

"So this is how the process is done?" he questioned.

You acted like he asked a rhetorical question since you ignored what he said. Instead, you said, "Tell me about him."

"He's a Deadly Nadder," he hesitated before you interrupted.

"I know," you continued, "I mean the history behind this specific one."

"What does the history of a dragon have any relation?" he challenged.

You sighed, having to explain yourself, "In order for our plan to work, he needs to be trained the right away. Nothing needs to be left out for it to work. If there's a slight doubt or hesitation, the bond could snap easily and all we worked hard for would crumble in ruins. But in order for that, any knowledge for past behavior or history is key for a proper bond. Where did you find him? When did you find him?"

He understood from the way he nodded his head, but the look of his face told you had asked the most bizarre thing. "We managed to capture him when he was with his mother. The mother didn't make it, but some of his siblings did. We had already traded them off, and he is the only one left. He hasn't taking a liking to anyone. We should reconsider about it."

"No," you stood firm as you caressed the scales on his head. You felt the vibrations of a purr as you continued, "He hasn't taking a liking to anyone until now. The aggression towards the others could be an advantage, but we have to be cautious that it doesn't get out of control."

He didn't argue, seeing that you knew what you were doing when you walked through the gap of the bars. The white Nadder's tail started to wag just like Stormfly does when Astrid plays with her. He kept nudging your torso and you took the opportunity to hop onto his back. There was a bit of discomfort, but the dragon adjusted well to it when you began soothing it. During the whole time, there wasn't a single noise made from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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