Chapter : 5

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Fuck off my fate, I can't control
over you...

Taehyung : You are making me dive
into you again Y/n....and again..

He hissed over you as you pulled your head away from him. Hate was building inside you but not actually knowing the things that are attached through some kinds of complicated strings over you.



[ You said back with the same pitch that Taehyung growled over you. You didn't know what to do, all you want was knowing what wrong is with you... What's wrong with a normal girl to be in this mess. ]

Taehyung's face burnt into red as his gaze turn more darker looking over you. Without even saying anything back all he did was standing up and leaving the room closing the door with a loud thud.

You flinched as the door slam echoed through the room. You were alone at his castle room as he all left you alone in this palace now. Regretting your words you asked yourself a minute.

" Did i sounded mean "

Yes i did... He was trying to figure out what the things going inside here and calming you down in his way.... In the way he only knows... His dominant way... But you didn't care about it anymore...
All you wanted was running away from all this mess.

Opening the door you didn't cared about the guards. All you wanted was running away from this life....It was all messed up to be broken again. It was already broke into pieces and you didn't wanted to have some feelings to patch it up just to be broken more will be so hard for you.

Running to the endless hallways founding at last a door, you pulled it open revealing a garden with a royal water fountain in the middle...

Y/n : Where is the damn exit!

You cursed yourself muttering under your breath while tears kept flowing through your eyes... Being fed up by everything. You collapsed to the floor not having energy to stand up and face this life again. Hugging yourself as you sit near the fountain crying your heart out.

.......... ? : So you are Y/n.

[ A raspy voice echoed behind you as you suddenly felt a hand over your shoulder... You suddenly moved to back and stood up to look back at the owner of the voice. There was a man about 6 feet with dark gaze over you. ]

He wears long black coats with a sword of black silver lining up against the sunlight. His gaze traced from up and down over your body as you jolted back being uncomfortable over his stares.

It was not like Taehyung's stare. His stare was magical that make you feel loosing your self up to him but this man stare made you took your steps back... It was bringing soo much Negative vibes towards you. The garden falled into darkness as the man suddenly smirked looking at you.

...... ? : Well well well..... So the mens were right. The first ever human that in Aozv was indeed delightful for the mens here.

[ He took his steps again towards you as you kept stepping back by the negative aura filling the whole room making you scared a little. ]

[ You stopped when your back hit the wall as he suddenly smirked wider. ]

......... ? : I am Ubel, The Negative Superior. More to say the king Negative's brother. Nice to meet you Y/n.

He offered his hands towards you for shaking but you were scared because of aura as you just stayed still to figure out what is happening. But making you freeze he suddenly pulled you hands towards him making you shake it forcefully.

Ubel : Don't make me mad miss Y/n.

[ He crushed your hands in his hands as
your eyes filled with tears over the pain. You wanted to yank your hands but you couldn't move.....He was controlling you like you were freezed...]

You wanted to scream out but your lips couldn't move. He made you completely froze as all you can do was crying for help...

Ubel : Trying to seek help from others to escaping from me, Lady no one can move against me.

[ He pulled you towards the wall placing his hands over your neck partially choking you as you cried out more... ]

Ubel : You look sooo tempting that
i wanna rip you off.... Why you have to be with Taehyung...Everything to him...

He pulled you up to the wall holding you against the wall.... Ubel's face went towards your waist snuggling his face towards you face...


A loud sword swinging sound was all you heard as you collapsed over the floor... Coughing a few times you finally catched your breath as the whole negative era loosen around you.

Looking back towards the sword all you could see was Taehyung putting his black sword over Ubel's neck

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Looking back towards the sword all you could see was Taehyung putting his black sword over Ubel's neck...



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