Nest making

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"Nests are better when there's a person to share them with!"

Schlatt remembers this rule, a rule set out by his ex-husband all those months ago. And it's moments like these where he really understands the rule, having his son to share this experience with. He smiles as he brushes hair out of his face whilst asleep, feeling so at peace. It won't last he keeps telling himself, that he has a family of his own now. And yet here he still is, asleep in his arms and nest. A familiar rocking motion of the world around him sends him unconscious, and the scents and feelings around him of softness and security implore he stays asleep.

Soft hands shake him awake and it takes him some time to understand the situation. But he recognises Tubbo's awake face and he feels calm. The boy has his hair pulled back on a head band when not around his husband, since Schlatt made a passing note of liking the colour of the boy's eyes (he's using Schlatt's head band).

"What's up Tubbo?" Schlatt rubs his eyes and yawns, fighting off the lingering pull of sleep.

"I was erm.. sorry for waking you up like that, but uhm I was wondering if you could.." he trails off, not wanting to seem stupid.

He shyly looks up when Schlatt sits up, moving hair out of his face as he raises an eyebrow for him to continue.

"... I really like your nest and the idea of it and I was wondering if you could maybe um.. teach me how to make one?" His ears move back a little as he looks up unsurely to watch his dad's expression change.

The undead ram doesn't have any words to explain the feeling in his chest. Pride? Probably. He smiles and chuckles as he nods, "of course I'll teach you, don't look so afraid of asking me."

He smiles more when he sees Tubbo's shoulders relax and he hugs him, heart warmed by the way his son's lamb tail wags with absolute glee. "Thank you!" He gasps, "ooh, and now you'll get to spend more time with Michael and Ranboo!" "I'm pretty sure Ranboo is scared shitless of me." Tubbo snorts and nods, "he probably is. He's always wanting to be on everyone's good side, and I think he's scared of slipping up with you."

The older burnet's heart clenches at the way Tubbo's voice softens by the end of his sentence. It's clear as day that they care about each other, and Schlatt misses feeling that. "Hes a good kid, I won't be too hard on him." He rubs Tubbo's back as he remembers what that feeling of unconditional care felt like. "... I love you dad." There it is. "I love you too kid."

Schlatt didn't have a way to cover his eyes so he stole. Stole Quackity's glasses. Him and Tubbo wouldn't stop laughing about it, both sure the duck would be less than pleased but Schlatt insisted that "he wouldn't notice, he doesn't even wear this crap." so they guess it'll be fine. He puts the shades on when they get to the trio's room and Tubbo's leg is immediately attacked by the small toddler.

"Dada!" "Hi buddy!" The young ram picks the half dead piglin and hugs him, laughing when he tugs on his bangs. Schlatt smiles at the two and looks around the room for the taller boy. Though it wasn't hard to spot him, the half enderman obviously standing up straight with a fearful look in his eyes. "Guess what we're doing today, Michael?" Tubbo carries his son over to the bed to set him down and have Ranboo calm.

Schlatt watches the scene, very glad he's a good actor. He envies his son for this dynamic but he's more overwhelmingly happy for him. But still, his stomach churns whenever they interact. "I bunno! Hi gandpa!" Schlatt can't seem to feel any negativity when the little boy waves his hoof at him. He smiles and waves back. Tubbo laughs, "yeah, grandpa is here! He's going to teach us how to make a giant bed but for cool people!" Michael oinks with excitement at the sound of that and squeals as he runs around the bed.

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