Arugments and reminiscing

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Quackity sits on his bed, unable to sleep, or to distract himself. Their argument bounces heavily in his head, forcing his throat to ache. It's their fault, they left him. Why should he care about people that left him behind? They're in the wrong.

His wings ruffle and he paces in his room, trying to find his happy place, Sam advised him to do this whenever he got in a situation like this. To calm down, and relax. What makes him happy?

Alex woke up to another empty bed. He sighs and mourns his loss quickly, sitting up groggily, stretching his arms and wings before rubbing his eyes. It's brighter than usual, Schlatt must've knocked the blinds out of place. 'No they're raised.. whatever,' he yawns and slowly gets out of bed, preparing to have an uneventful morning of loneliness to start the day.

He hates this cycle but what can he do about it?

The smell of breakfast leads him blindly to the dining room where his food is still steaming. Buttered toast with a scrambled egg on top and some bacon on the side. The Mexican grabs the empty glass and fills it up with water before sitting down and eating by himself, white noise filling his ears as he swears he hears the shower running. 'I'm imagining it,' he thinks to himself, finishing his food up as quickly as he can.

He tucks his wings into his nightshirt, which is comically too large on him. He found it funny how his shoulders are bare and how the fabric stays on him. But it's cosy, so the duck can't complain.

He hears the static-like noise stop and stares at the hallway. "Weird," he gets up, fearing it's a break in. They do have lots of enemies, so it's not out of the question to suspect they're being robbed. "Hello?" Alex speaks louder, getting up and walking over to the hallway, standing on his tiptoes to somehow see farther.

"No." he shakes his head, he doesn't want to remember this. Not right now. He lays down in his nest defeated, scents of his fiancés unhelpful. His eyes water and he muffles his sobs into one of their shirts as he tries to stop hurting.

"Who's there?" Q frowns concerned, before making his way to the bedroom to get his weapons. As soon as he opens his chest, he hears a faint footstep too close too late and he's lifted off the ground.

He yelps in fear and struggles, before registering a hearty laugh from the perpetrator. "Schlatt oh my god you gave me a heart attack!" He hits his husband's arm, as he's being let down.

The ram's hair is damp, and he has clean casual clothes on, so it's obvious he was using the shower.

Wait he's here.

"Wait how are-" "I took a day off. For both of us. I missed you so I figured I might as well use vacation days," he smiles, the action widening when he sees Quackity light up with joy. "You did? Oh- I- awww baby," he hugs the taller president tightly, love expanding quickly in his body.

Schlatt chuckles and lifts him up again, to hold him closer and have his legs around his waist. He falls back onto the bed back first and they stay like that for the duration of 8am to 10am. Just, together. In bed.

In love.

Quackity sniffles and glares at Sapnap's shirt. Dumb memory. He wishes he could relive it forever and ever. The scarred man stands up, wipes his eyes and puts his glasses back on. Tucking his hair into his beanie, he adjusts the collar of his shirt, and leaves his locked room, making his way downstairs. In love, huh?

Knock. Knock. Knock. Schlatt looks over at his door and sighs, getting up and closing his wardrobe to hide his nest. He opens the door slightly and then completely wide, staring at Quackity in confusion. "Sup."

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