The past is hard to forget

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After watching Tommy fanboy over Vikkstar's endorsement for POG2020, Quackity stands to the side as hope begins to drain from him. George isn't here. KSI still isn't responding to him.

Things are looking dark.

"It's time for the second one," Wilbur's face is full of colour and confidence, his voice excited and full of energy. Tommy tries to give the introduction, but Wilbur shoves him away from the mic. "Get outta here. I've got my endorsement, here he comes," he sounds so out of breath and excited, Q is really going to feel this defeat. "The one, the only!"

Quackity holds his breath as the message "jschlatt joined the game" pops up with its characteristic yellow font.

Tommy yells in glee, clapping, "yes he's back in town!" "Mr Jschlatt, please get over here." Wilbur speaks over the confused American's "where the fuck am I?"

The ravenette can feel it in his gut, he has no one, and Wilbur has roped in two people that are apparently very dear to the server members. "There's this- is this the Great Wall of China?" The man speaks into the voice chat and Wilbur loses it, laughing hard at his friend's confusion. Quackity's head is spinning, his accent is nice on the ears. "Oh hes at spawn," The POG2020 party president giggles as he shakes his head, looking in the direction of said spawn. "Tommy go go-" "okay hand me some carrots, I'm very low." Tommy eats the orange vegetable, smiling smugly at the Mexican.

As Tommy ventures out to pick the next endorsement up, the man starts to cough and heave for air. "You got an old man as an endorsement," the tanned man teases Wilbur on the stand, grinning widely. "No no, he's not just an old man," Wilbur steps over to him, very quick to defend this jschlatt, "he's-he's my old man." He finishes, tints of embarrassment lacing his voice.

Q wholeheartedly laughs at him, because it's ridiculous. This man sounds like he's half way to the grave.

Tommy starts to frantically shout when he finally finds Schlatt drowning under a bridge, helping him out. He gets the battered looking man towards the audience stands and gets him a bed, as Ponk and a few others start throwing golden carrots at his weak body.

Quackity peers off the edge of the stage and completely loses it over this ridiculous scene, laughing his ass off.

After Wilbur checks on the ram hybrid multiple times, he's helped onto the stage in front of the mic, next to the radiating Wil who just can't stop smugly smiling at his victory. "This is our endorsement," he lays down the foundation of Schlatt's introduction, stepping to the side with Tommy and Quackity as Schlatt is alone on stage.

The brunette taps the mic, "hello?" He sounds disoriented and still very confused, being observed by the hawklike Quackity in the corner. "What is this?" "You know where you are?" Wilbur goes to come and help his old friend again, frowning. "Do you-Do you have an idea where you are right now?" He asks again, having received no answer. "What did- what am I?" The ram turns to his left to look at Tommy and Wilbur for guidance, his eyes unfocused completely.

"Presidency" is a key word Wilbur kept reusing and drilling into Schlatt's head, which begs him to ask "presidency?" "Presidency for L'Manberg, yeah, this nation." The older man in uniform quickly explains, deciding to back off when Schlatt nods, looking back at the audience. "Presidency." His voice booms and Quackity holds his breath again.

Even more so when the ram's piercing red eyes fall onto him. "Who's this?" He asks, still into the mic, but his face towards the now freaked out opposition. He laughs with high nerves, "it's-it's me.... babe." He tries to joke, seeing Schlatt turn to the floor in despair (he isn't sure to be frank). "Don't call me that," his tone is fake serious in a whisper as his voice is still amplified by the mic, and the three laugh at his actually amazing acting.

He stands there in silence as they laugh before they quieten down when he looks up again, determination filling in for the old confusion.

"Democracy is overrated."

Quackity and Tommy start to laugh, hints of nerves in both their pitches as Wilbur's brows furrow. 'No no no no he's not about to pull this off again,' is read clearly on his face as he quickly protests. "Wait wait well hold on-" "you think you need a president?" Tone full of mockery, leading up to a change in character Tommy and Quackity weren't prepared for. "I'll be my own president!"

A sick grin forms on his face as he looks at Wilbur, sneering. Quackity chuckles leniently, defeat not being so prominent anymore. "I'll run myself!" is shouted over by a frantic Tommy who pushes him away from the mic, trying to distract from his quite damaging speech (if you could call that a speech).

Things go downhill from there, Wilbur, Tommy, and Quackity needing to hide in the White House to escape Schlatt's gun (Tommy knows it's Dream's crossbow really). They have to escape yet again as Schlatt and the other audience members come following, trying to break in so he can run his "Schlatt2020".

The sewers are their new refuge, and Wilbur gasps in a plan. "Big Q, Big Q," Quackity looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "I've got a proposition for you. Should we pool the POG and SWAG votes and just run as our own party? Just so we don't get any of these people." Q's mouth gapes as he realises how smart that sounds. "In the case that Schlatt or COCONUT get more votes than POG or SWAG we-we just make the SWOG!"

He grins at the name as Tommy nods enthusiastically and repeats it a few more times. "But that's only if we are beaten by COCONUT and-" "wait wait wait a fucking minute." Quackity's face scrunches up as he makes another realisation. "So this is.. this is conditional?"

He sounds sceptical and Wilbur's face minutely cringes. Shit. "So you're telling me that you guys get all the votes, I'm just gonna be left outta the party?" He sounds disgusted that Wilbur would even dream of him falling for this. "Yes, and if you get all the votes, we'll be left out of the party-" "you know I'm not gonna get any votes, Wilbur!" He laughs shrilly, "fuckin' George is out here being too sexy to join the rally or something." Tommy laughs loudly at that and he completely misses the tension between Wilbur and Q.

"Listen to me Wilbur, this can't be conditional. You gotta- you gotta keep me in or I'm gonna have to endorse another party." He crosses his arms, finalising his decision. Tommy and Wilbur go and have a moment, and Quackity is left in the sewer tunnel overthinking everything. He just took power, immediately. It was pretty attractive, if he wasn't coughing like an elder in the beginning. Though he didn't look half bad, god, he looked like he held power.

"Wait they just want the votes.. they know I won't win- they just want the others to lose." He figures it out. Cursing their names for trying to trick him, Q paces as he begins brainstorming ideas. How should he get back at them. Well, what better way than to endorse the very man that captured his attention from the beginning.

He calls them and implores them to meet him at "Casa de Putas", where he'll nail down their grave. "I was enticed by your SWOG idea," he admits, "until you immediately admitted to me that you would only use me for votes." He just adores the annoyed and tired look on Wilbur's face as he grins. "If you didn't get enough votes, you would only use me for votes. You guys have clearly been trying to use me this entire time. So it's SCHLATT2020, bitch!" He laughs victoriously as he slams the door and runs out to the ram in bed who promised him a cabinet seat if he did endorse him.

Calling him sweet names, complimenting his looks. Quackity was beginning to see what the others saw in this peculiar ram.

What a fucking idiot he was. 'Baby sugar plum, all you have to do is sit there and have a fat ass,' what a crude asshole.

Quackity hates Schlatt for that, for demeaning him like that just to call him flattypatty and have it as his last words to him. He hugs the pillow tighter and hopes they smother him, as he knows he changed, and that he did love him, and possibly still does. Fuck.

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