A retry- for old times' sake

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The venue has the same uninteresting decorations the ghost ram saw in the tour. He isn't surprised but he still walks over to it, because he sees a figure sitting in one of the chairs, staring at the altar.

White painted wood adds to the unnecessary elegance, as flowered vines hang down. The little stream going under a beautifully constructed, though small bridge adds the background noise that settles Schlatt's ears. He steps onto the marble floor and sees the duck hybrid tense. "Why are you here?" Quackity stands up, narrowing his eyes sceptically.

Schlatt elects to ignore him for a second, looking around the guest seats before looking back at him. "I wanted to see it properly, this seems like a good place for a wedding," he hums in approval as he runs his hand over the back of a chair. "Uh huh.. well you saw it, now you can leave." The Mexican glares at the former president, hinting not so subtly that he doesn't like his presence near. Schlatt meets his eyes and notices how they're slightly reddened. "Have you been crying?" He huffs out amused as he steps closer, grinning.

Instinctively, Quackity took two steps back and rubbed his eyes furiously, denying he ever did. "No I fucking wasn't, leave." He forces himself to stand as Schlatt towers over him. A sneer forms onto the undead ram's face as he is fully aware of his affect on the casino owner. "Seems like you were, thinking about your deserting lovers." He presses all the right buttons, smugly smirking at Q's reactions.

The duck hybrid's shoulders tense and water glosses over his eyes, as his brows knit together in rage. "Leave, Schlatt." His voice stays cold and controlled despite his emotions, a trait Schlatt was unaware he had within him. "Did you decorate this place?" The former president looks around, taking in the scenery shamelessly, 'he was always the one for flair and showcasing' he thinks as he looks at the archways.

Quackity searches his ex's face for any hints of mockery but he ultimately finds none.

Fitting, he supposes, he's known to always lie.

Nevertheless, he nods and looks back at the altar. An open book is laid out on the lectern, oh how he wishes he was able to use it. "Yeah, it looks like it." His brows furrow and he turns back to face Schlatt. "What's that meant to mean?" He glares, as plausible insults fill his head, mockery of his work, the ram was always great at that.

"It's your style. Over the top but still modest enough to not be in your face." He looks back at him, underlying emotions buried deep under the marble flooring. "You clearly planned this, it's a shame it's going to waste, no?" He tilts his head, insulting the still open wound ignorantly. "Yeah. But oh well, someone else can use it." Quackity does his best to control his tone, not letting himself dwell on the fact that his lovers have left him, left him without a care in the world.

"What time would it happen at?" Schlatt walks over to the altar, slowly, having his head turned towards the gold lacing on the marble white arch. "None of your business." Schlatt huffs and turns back at the duck, smiling cockily. "There's no harm in saying, I can't really exploit wedding plans Quackity, I'm not that good."

It doesn't convince Q, who glares harder at the ram hybrid. "I don't care, I'm not going to tell you. It doesn't concern you in any way, shape, or form." It stings a little, the reality of being so detached, but again it's hidden under the stone features. "Would you tell them then? Because it certainly concerns them." "Fuck off." He pushed a little too much, he's aware, he needs to lure Q back out of this shell. Because Schlatt is curious on what his ex husband would have done for his dream wedding that doesn't include him.

"I'd tell you." Interest sparks, he can tell in the way Quackity's mouth stiffens. "What do you mean by that?" He takes a cautious step forward, his eyes prying into the other. "Well, our wedding wasn't the best, I can tell you that." Schlatt chuckles dryly as he remembers that day and how fast it went by. "What would you have done differently then?"

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