Bittersweet reconciliation (cont. from the past is hard to forget)

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Quackity lies on his bed, the night sounds of crickets and soft shuffling keeping him painfully awake. Memories replay in his head and he picks them apart, 'flatty patty' and 'sugar plum' ringing in his head. Fuck he hates that ram bastard.

So why does his stomach churn at that thought?

He yells into his pillow, anger simmering into pain, and soon Quackity is crying into his pillowcase, Karl's words of divorce haunting him. Ghost lips haunt him. Why can't he just let go, why can't Schlatt let go?

They kissed.

It was a mistake.

So why does Alex want to go back to him, crawl back like the pathetic ex he is and take the affection to settle his broken heart. Why.

He screams more into the pillow. Eventually he calms down, rationalises his thoughts the best one can at 1am and stares out the balcony. He's picked up the bad habit of smoking, and it's rather intoxicating.

Quackity watches Schlatt and Fundy by the cages, messing and testing the Dreamons. His heart longs for the ram too much for him to just ignore it. So what if Karl thinks they're not a good match anymore, so what if Sapnap doesn't disagree with the brunet, Quackity doesn't need to care.

He doesn't need to care when he's got his rebound right there.

Hours pass and finally Schlatt is finished, walking back to his room. Alex chews on a mint to rid himself of the cigarette smell, fixing up his beanie before running downstairs to the bottom floor. To Schlatt.


Fundy and Schlatt made good progress with the Dreamons, Schlatt didn't get his hand bitten off when he stuck it into the cage so there's that!

Walking back to his room, the hollow feeling in his heart returns, and he finds himself sighing again. He and Q are in a weird position, and he might've fucked it with the kiss, god fucking damnit why did he kiss him, why did he think that was a good idea-?!

Schlatt sighs and opens the door to his room, collapsing onto his bed. It creaks at the springs recoil from his sudden weight. It's cold, as always, and tonight it's unbearable. He misses Quackity, it's so obvious. His tired eyes stare at his bedsheets, a quiet thought letting him know that he should change them when a knock interrupts his mental note.

They let themselves in before Schlatt can answer, and he rolls into his back to realise it's Quackity.

The very man who plagues Jon's mind 24/7.

The air thickens, and Jon starts finding it hard to breathe, his chest feeling too tight all of a sudden.



Quackity's wings shift with discomfort, and his gaze shifts to the floor before settling stark into Schlatt's near-dead red eyes.

"About earlier.. I would like to pick up where we left of." His voice stays calm, eerily commanding and leaving no room for argument.

"You... ran." Schlatt tilts his head, mind not seeming to catch up with the situation.

Alex furrows his brows and his wings puff up defensively as he attempts to defend himself. It's only then that it hits Jon.

And, fuck, it hits hard.

"Wait shit- you- Alex?" Schlatt sounds too hopeful for his own good, sitting up immediately as he stares at Quackity for any lies, for any deceit.

The duck only stares back, falling back into silence.

They've made a habit out of this, falling into silences whilst hiding in their heads again. But Schlatt needs clarification, he needs closure, he needs closenesss.


Quackity gets onto the bed, closing in on Schlatt before pushing him down and straddling his knee, stroking back his hair with one hand as the other messes with his cheek. His eyes burn, burn into Schlatt's skin, his eyes, his soul.

He's missed him too much.


Q leans down to connect their foreheads, closing his eyes as thoughts rush back in. He shouldn't be doing this, not when he's engaged, not when this hurts so badly, not when he's unsure on how he feels about doing this entirely. But, shit, when Schlatt leans up to his forehead, a quiet whimper escaping him at their connection, Quackity couldn't care less about his uncertainties.

Their night is messy, rushed, longing, grasping at each other's bodies desperately to make sure this is really happening, breathing hot air into each other's faces unceremoniously, crying in each other's hold as the emotions weigh them down.

They remain entangled in each other's limbs, naked but warmed by the other's body and Schlatt's blankets. Schlatt holds Quackity close, nails nearly digging into his tanned skin as the ram feels the familiar rush of possessiveness reign over his nerves. Quackity's wing covers Schlatt's torso protectively in his sleep, subconsciously succumbing to his feelings.

Fuck, this is a bigger mistake, and Alex can't bring himself to care.

Not when he finally feels loved again.

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