Chapter 25

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Costello's Perspective:

We walk up the stairs silently. I secretly gaze at Maddie's long curly hair, admiring it. She opens the door to my room casually. Once we're both in my room, she has a bit of a frightened expression on her face. I ask her in a calm tone "What do you want to do?"

She looks at me with an expression on her face that says "Isn't it obvious?" I raise my brows at her "Relax?" She smiles "It was fun, but it was tiring, don't you think so?"

She goes to lay down on one side of the bed. I mimic her, and lay down too. I decide to lay on the side of my body, so I can look at her. She copies me. I say "I've been used to events like that since I was a kid."

She asks "Really? I chuckle "Oh yeah. Hey do you wanna ask each other interesting questions?" She nods, with a goofy expression "Okay, but you go first." I ask "What's your least favourite candy?" She smiles "Probably Nibs. I think they're gross. Okay my's your favourite song?"

I think about it for a few seconds "I mean it's always changing, like the way it is with most people." She asks "But still, what is it right now?" I say "Can U Please Stay? by Isaiah Flowers." She raises her brows "I've never heard it."

I pull my phone out of my pocket and within fifteen seconds, I have the song on. She closes her eyes, almost like she's trying to sleep, and listens to the song that's approximately two minutes long.

Once the song ends she opens her eyes and looks into mine. I start feeling vulnerable when she does that. She says "I loved it." I ask "Really?" She nods, then gives me a big smile "Okay your question."

I ask "What did you think about me the first time you saw me?" She laughs "Oh man....I thought you were trouble, I had decided to stay away from you, but I couldn't. And physically I obviously thought you were hot."

I smile at her "I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen." She laughs, then clears her throat gently "I don't see myself that way." I ask "Why not?"

She blinks her eyes softly "I think it's a thing with a lot of girls." I look at her confused "What is?" She says "Well I've always wanted to be lighter and my stomach isn't flat, there's fat on it that hangs out over my hip line. My legs are bigger then a lot of girls. My shoulders are too broad. And I think I have a funny nose. I've just always wanted to look elegant."

She's smiling but it doesn't go to her eyes. I look at Maddie like she's totally crazy "Maddie, your legs aren't bigger then most girls." Then I laugh "And nothing on you hangs, except your hair when it's down. You definitely don't have a funny nose. And one of the first things I actually thought about you was how elegant you looked sitting there."

She shakes her head "No you didn't." I say "Yes I did." She smiles "What do you think you'd be doing if you weren't the Alpha of your Pack? In fact, if you weren't even a Werewolf?" I look at her truthfully "I'd be a Painter." She nods. "Okay your question."

I ask "Saddest book you've ever read?" She answers "Omg, Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. Costello I swear, after I finished this book I was extremely depressed for three days. Like the message is hopeful, but the events that occur in the book are so incredibly upsetting."

I love how she says my name. I could hear her say my name on repeat for a hour. I look at her lips for a second too long "I've read it." She says "And were you sad afterwards too?" I reply "Yes. For a whole week."

She says "God it's such a great book though." I nodded "It is. Your question." She looks at my chest "Mmmh....Okay here's a question; What do you want to do more then anything....right now, like literally in this very moment?"

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