Chapter 26

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Costello's Perspective:

As much as I'm enjoying this, I can't control myself anymore. I sit up gently. Madeline stops what she's doing, and looks at me like she's been caught doing something wrong "Did you not like it?"

Without answering Madeline, I grab her by the hips, using my hand, and I flip us, so she's underneath me again, and I'm positioned in between her legs. She looks up at me, with a sad expression. I look at her happily "Maddie, I loved it. I just can't stop myself anymore."

Maddie gives me a soft smile. I thrust into her without any warning. I kiss her deeply,as I move in and out of her. She sighs so gracefully I think I'm gonna die of utmost adoration for her.

I put my face in her neck, and kiss her, making her moan. I'm not sure if she'll like this, but I decide to risk it. I take both of her arms, and pin them down, intertwining my fingers with hers. She looks into my eyes, like she's all mine. Like I've just claimed her. Like she only belongs to me. I kiss her deeply, she bites my lip.

I start moving faster. She starts making these delicious noises that I could listen to forever. I go at my fastest speed now, still keeping her arms pinned down. I gently bite down on the side of her neck, as I'm about to come undone. I pull out of her a second before I do.

About ten seconds later once my high is at its end, she passes me a towel from my drawer. And gets one for herself. We both clean ourselves and throw the towels in the laundry hamper. She takes off the dirtied sheet off the bed and throws that in the hamper too.

Then she looks at me with a smile. "That's the best sex I ever had." I look at her with an expression of mock anger, and I joke "You've had sex before, with who?" She laughs "You think you're so funny, right?"

I decide to bug her. I start walking up to her, she takes steps back wards, I have her against the wall now. I pick her up from the back of her thighs, she giggles "No no no, what are you doing?" I attack her face with kisses "Being funny, since you like it so much."

She puts her hands in my hair, and gazes at me in adoration "Hey." I stare at her quizzically "Hi." She asks "Do you remember what you said in bed?" I shake my head like a child, and decide to tease her "Nope, I was too busy making love to you."

She looks at me with a frown "Oh okay." I chuckle "You're such a baby." Her expression changes all the sudden, into one of irritation "Okay can you put me down please?" I grin knowing she's mad "No I like you like this. Naked, your legs around my waist . Your back against a wall."

She struggles to get out of my grasp till she finally succeeds. I watch her as she gets underwear and a baggy, over sized sweater that's mine. She slips on the underwear, and throws on the sweater.

I grab a pair of shorts, and swipe them on quick. She opens the door to my room, and goes into the hallway closet. She pulls out a grey sheet. She brings it back to the room. And puts it on the bed quickly without saying a word to me.

Then she lays down on her side. I immediately get into bed, and spoon her. She shakes her body "Stop it, get off me." That's it. I start laughing loudly. She turns to me and looks at me angrily "I knew it, I knew you just wanted to sleep with me, you had a bet with your friends or something."

I try to grab her face. She moves away from me, and gets off the bed. As she's walking to the door to walk out. I use my Werewolf speed and get to her. I pick her up bridal style "I'm in love with you Madeline. Don't you see that by now? And a bet? Are we in a High School movie?"

She raises her brows cutely "Well you never said it till now." I chuckle "Well you were acting like you hated me before. So it would have made no difference. But I have said, I care about you, I can't live without you. I thought you'd annotate it from that."

She looks at me innocently "Why do you keep carrying me? I'm not a baby." I kiss her neck "You are my baby." She looks at me intensely "I love you." My eyes go wide with complete astonishment. I put her down, and kiss her passionately, when I pull away, I say "YESSSSS." She laughs "You're crazy." I say "For you."

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes "I'm hungry." I ask "For me?" She looks at me flatly "I'm taking off my makeup, then I'm going to the kitchen." She walks into the washroom, when she comes back after seven minutes, I'm right behind her.

Once we're in the kitchen she says "Do you want French Toast too?" I say "Yes please. But only two pieces."

She nods then starts taking milk and eggs out of the fridge, grabbing bread,sugar, and cinnamon from the cabinet. And a bowl and a whisk. Then she takes a pan out and turns the element to medium heat. And throws some oil in the pan.

I admire her quietly, not saying anything. She looks like poetry in motion. Her long hair swooshes lightly with her as she moves. Her hand looks inviting as she flips the bread in the pan.

Once she's done putting two pieces in a plate for me, and two for herself in a plate. She shuts off the element. Rinses the pan with cold water, rinses everything else, and puts it in the dish washer. And brings the plates to the table, to eat with me. We both eat quickly. I kiss her cheek "Thank you, my Love."

She laughs, no way let's think of better pet names then that. I'll call you Coco, and you can call me......hmmm Waterline."

I look at Maddie like she's crazy "Don't ever call me Coco." She swallows the bite that's in her mouth "Why not Coco?" I look at her sternly "I'm serious." Madeline looks at me mischievously "I'm not scared of you."

I shake my head "Don't call me that." She challenges me "But why not Coco?" I raise my voice subtly out of true irritation now. "Maddie. Stop." Maddie looks mad now too "I'm not kissing you or having sex with you till you don't let me call you that."

I abruptly speed kiss her "I just kissed you." She grabs her empty plate and stands up "Yeah you kissed me. I'm not kissing you, or having sex with you."

I roll my eyes "Then I'll just have sex with you." She laughs "That's rape, you idiot." I look at Maddie with my best smirk "Not if you like it. And don't ever talk to me like that again."

Maddie rolls her eyes "I will talk to you like that again if you're being an idiot, like you're being now, and you literally just raised your voice at me for a joke. You don't talk to me like that again."

I stare at her "What are you gonna do?" She gives me a death stare "I'll throw you against a wall." I ask "So violence that can injure someone is okay? But un consensual sex is not? That's just like choosing one evil against the other. And obviously I'm not gonna do that to you anyways."

She looks at me with an evil smile "Okay Coco." I use my Werewolf speed and sprint to her. She gasps when I'm in front of her. I grab her chin gently "Don't call me that again." She smiles big, unafraid of me. "I will." I say "Then they'll be consequences."

She laughs carefree, and pushes me away, then she says mischievously "You know I feel like suddenly it's really hot in here. Maybe I'm just thirsty." She gets a glass of water, and drinks it down. Just to add to her joke. 

I roll my eyes at her. She strips the sweater off her body, then the underwear. My eyes go wide with minor shock. She  carries both things in her left hand. "Oh I feel so much better." I gaze at her perfect body.

She walks back upstairs like that. Completely ravishingly naked. I feel myself getting sucked into a hazy lust filled vortex. She lays on her stomach in bed, just to tease me.

I lay down beside her, on my back. I can't imagine not being able to make love to Maddie again. After about five minutes I give up "Okay fine you can call me that, but honestly it's such an ugly pet name for me."

Maddie laughs then says dramatically "Victory. Hahaha." I look at her "Your crazy." She turns her head to me "I won't call you that and I liked when you called me My Love. It was nice. I just love proving you wrong." Then she grinned at me.

I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I know you do." She put her head on my chest. And wrapped her arm around me. Then put her right leg over my right leg. I asked "Are you going to sleep now?" She mumbled "Yes. Goodnight."

I turned to her, and wrapped her up in my arms. She sighed. God she kills me. I fell asleep five minutes after that.

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