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Mom dropped me at school today again and I hope it won't always be like this cuz she always treats me like a kid. I feel, I'm not!

I walked into class, it seemed empty.

"I guess mum dropped me off too early today" I soliloquized as I dropped my backpack.

On opening my locker, a paper fell and I opened it.

'Does your mum have to treat you like a kid? I hope you wouldn't mind talking to me a little longer today. Let's meet at the cafeteria at break ~Reece' it read.

Reece, his life is full of papers. I squeezed the paper and threw it in the trash can.


I turned. What th'fuck! This dog? What does he want this time?

That's Carl, he's a pest. I hate him and I can never have even an atom of likeness for him. He's a really ugly being, sometimes I see him as a monster.

I walked away.

"C'mon, I called you"

"And I don't care"

"I've been taking in the way you snub me often but not today. I saw you talking with Reece yesterday and..."

"That's none of your business" I interrupted, angrily.


"Just shut up already and get out" I yelled.


At break time, I didn't remember to meet Reece at the cafeteria, not my fault though. I guess I forgot because I was so engrossed in the novel I was reading.

Katie came in, panicking. I didn't notice her presence until she tapped me.

"What is it?"

"It's..." she tried hard to talk as she breathed heavily.

"Calm down and tell me what's wrong"

"Can you swim?"

"That's ridiculous, why do you ask?"

"It's Kelly, Reece pushed her into the pool"

"What! How could..."

"There's no need for that, we better get someone who would save her"

More like a superhero or something. I stood up, hurriedly as I abandoned the novel I was reading. She pulled me.

It's not like Kelly is someone important but I've got to help anyway.


I never knew Reece was that crazy, I mean why would he do that? Was he out of his mind? I began to find faults in him, trying to dislike him but I guess it wasn't working.

"I don't see anything good in that Reece guy, I really don't understand why you like him" She frowned.

"Maybe I just got crazy" I muttered, I really didn't feel like talking.

"If he ever asks you yo be his girlfriend, don't ever say yes. He could kill, y'know. Look now, Kelly's sick"

"Oh! Kay" I sighed as I walked into the house, slamming the door at her face. I wasn't really in the mood this moment.

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