Fuck you!

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"Reece" I yelled, for the umpteenth time now. Finally, he turned.


"I've been calling you"

"So what?"

"I just wanted to..."

He cut me short "you're just a shameless whore trying to  force yourself on me"

What the hell is this idiot saying? I had a crush on him in middle school doesn't mean I still do. I agree I've been pesky but still...

"How'd I ever force myself on you? I don't go after broke asses like you, xuz you've got nothing to offer. Just so you know, you're very useless"

"Fuck off. Screw you"

"What the hell are you saying? Why are you so proud of nothing, huh?" What am I saying? I don't know but I don't care.


"I don't wanna hear it. Your life is so fucked up and you can't even do anything about it cuz your stupidity is of outer space. Look..."


"Shut up, I'm not done yet"

He kept shut.

"I don't know what to say to you but don't ever try this shit again. Or you'd regret it. It's not just a threat, it's a warning. I look small to you doesn't mean I'd just watch you call me names that way. I..."

"I'm sorry"

"What do you mean you're sorry? Weren't you the one calling me names few minutes ago? You started it, you bastard, didn't you?"

"I accept that I'm whatever you called me, I just realized I was foolish to have done that to you"

"What brought up the idea, huh?"

"I don't know but I just wasn't myself"

"You can never be yourself, of course. Because being yourself is a typical display of your foolishness, stupidity and uselessness"

"I said I'm sorry" his voice showed remorse.

"And I don't care. Your sorry won't take me nowhere, would it?"

He  sighed and shook his head, still frowning. He looked frustrated and fed up.

"Fuck you and sorry too" I walked away. Still angry. If there was more time, I'd prefer to continue dissing him.🙌

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