14: Siblings

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I called into the classroom I thought was reserved for the Poetry Club, but I suppose not, as she wasn't there. We were going to scope out the place together before we went out for coffee... not really responsible of the future club president to be tardy.

I stepped into the room, an old looking art classroom that exists on the second floor of the creativity wing. A stack of Mipha's flyers were on one of the student's desks. I picked up the stack as the red-haired girl rushed in.

"I'm here! I'm here." She bounced in front of me, easily excited and with a large toothy smile on her delicate face. "Are you ready?"

"Mipha!" I laughed, "Yes, I am. I was worried you forgot and left already." That wasn't exactly true... I was worried she left already, but for a different reason. I thought perhaps that maybe she left, I'm sure she doesn't want to be seen in public with me. I'm sure people already have noticed us together, I wonder when the rumors will start... I'm sure people will say that she's trying to get close to me because I'm the principal's daughter... getting close to me let's her get what she wants through me... a devious plot. I'm surprised she seems so nice too.

I shook the awful thoughts out of my head. Why would I think that? She's my friend. Mipha however saw my internal struggle and at once and went into mother mode.

"Zelda, you're shaking your head. Are you ok? Is something wrong? You look distracted-"

"No, no I'm fine! Please!" I placed a smile back on my face. "Let us go shall we?" Her concerned expression eventually melted back into a shy smile.

"Yes, let's."


"I never would have known you were so passionate about color-coded notes, Zelda!" The shark girl bit down into her chocolate donut.

"Oh well... very few people would be willing to listen to me chatter on and on for three hours like that." I replied a bit embarrassed and red, hiding it as I placed all my cards and notes back into my back. I can't believe I talked for that long-

"Really, well they are missing out! You really are such a joy to talk to!"

I pretended to now organize my bag to mask my ever growing blush. "Well thank you... not many find that the case." Well that and I'm usually too shy to speak up. Being social is incredibly hard and draining.

"Oh... well you are very welcome Zelda! And thank you for helping me with all this! The club I mean." I met her eyes to another one of her signature sweet smiles on her face. "I doubt I would have made it this far without your support and organization!"

"Oh! Then in that case you are welcome!" I returned her words with a grin of my own. "But I'm sure you would have done fine without me. You may not look it but I can definitely sense the ambition you have." I laughed, it's so nice having a friend again, but I can't help but feel I'm forgetting something...

"Shouldn't we be heading back to the school? We should check to see if your measurements and ideas for organizing the desks work..." she handed be the rest of my papers and nodded. No hurt in checking measurements... even though I'm fairly certain I'm correct you can always be wrong.

"I'm just not sure why we have to move the orientation of the classroom you know? I think it's fine the way it is." Mipha mulled over the idea.

"Well of course! But I've read some articles on how the desks are placed can help with concentration and such-"

"Oh Zelda! I love you, but I want this to be fun. It's a club remember? Not another school class."

"Oh right..." I embarrassed myself again. She has a point- I take things too seriously I suppose. I drank the remains of my Cappuccino and gathered my things. "Let us go then."


I placed the key inside the classroom door to re-lock it. Mipha had gone home after the coffee shop and I took my measurements and cleaned the classroom up for tomorrow. I'm hoping that it really will go ok, it means so much to Mipha, and it eventually it became important to me too. I really hope tomorrow goes perfectly for her...

The sound of loud quick footsteps started me into spinning around. As I turned I saw a pair of two large sapphire eyes staring back at me.  "GAH" my hands flew to my face in surprise. I think I scared him too because he jumped backwards as well. "I- I'm so sorry!" I waited for his response but it never came. He looked all flustered and his hand scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"So... what was the reason you snuck up on me?" I laughed nervously trying to create some sort of conversing point. But again, instead of answering me he just looked from me, to the door, back to me. Then back at the door. "Do... you want to sign up?" I gestured to the 'Poetry Club!' Poster on the wall adjacent to the classroom.

"Yes!" He said enthusiastically. Or at least that's what I thought he said. It sounded more like a hyah!

I took out my clipboard and handed a pen to the boy. "Sign here please! Oh thank you! You are our third member thank goodness. We need at least three to get the club running off the ground and you arrived just in time!" He handed back my writing utensil and I glanced down at the notes he made.

"...Link? Your name is Link?" He grunted in assurance. What an... interesting guy. I am tempted to ask why he doesn't talk but that would be so rude...

"Heyyyyyy Link!" Another guy ran up to "Link". He was very very tall. At least six feet. How is he a student?! His head full of red hair shook with excitement as he continued. "We have to watch the archery club! I hear Revali is killing this year. As they say. Haha!" His loud lighthearted laugh made even me crack a smile.

"Oh?" He looked past Link back to me. Oh shoot more social interaction oh no... "excuse me, I don't believe I introduced myself.

"Y-you haven't! But that's ok, I was just leaving-"

"Nonsense! My name is Sidon!" He flashed me a toothy smile that reminded me of a certain someone...

"And my name is Zelda," I returned the smile. "I have just transferred here".

"Ah! Zelda Hyrule. Is that right?" I nodded.

"It was a pleasure to meet you! But me and Link must be going to the tournament. Would you like to come with us!?" The offer took me a back but I declined.

"I apologize, I'm afraid I can't. I have a lot of content to catch up on from being gone."

"Oh! I understand. But perhaps some other time?"


Sidon started to depart the scene. "Link! We must be going now or we will miss it!" The boy slung his backpack over his shoulder. With a final glance of something left unsaid, he was gone.


I promised I would upload another chapter sooner but I didn't TwT. Schools been terrible. Really sorry about that. Also I've gotten waaaaaaay too many more ideas for fanfics but not enough time. Oh no.😭
Until next time!(hopefully soon!)

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