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Ma was holding her annual family dinner so I slipped into a lace sheer bodysuit with my nipples covered paired with light jean ripped shorts. I opted out of using a shirt tied at my waist and slipped on strap chain sandals.

I had hired a well trusted friend of mine to watch for Abel and she's been tending to him for quite a long time and doing perfectly with him.

Tonight she's gonna be there to watch Abel while I handle any family matter or anything that occurs.

she knew all about how dysfunctional my family is and how there is more fights then anything at dinenrs that its rare for there to be a pieceful dinner.

I pulled up to ma's place and climbed out with Abel and Maxine. 

I carried Abel in placing him in the cot that Gemma had set up nearby before I went and greeted her and the others and offered my help.

 when some of the guys showed up they practically drooled which got me tickled how they are acting as though they had never seen someone dressed like I am. grant they have seen people dress much worse crow eater, for example, might as well be nude with the clothes they wear. 

I walked up to them and used my index finger to lift their chin to close their mouth.

"Jackson is a fucking dipshit getting rid of you," Happy says

I laughed as I looked back at him and winked

"dipshit hell that motherfucker is beyond fucking arrogant" Tig says

Maxine took Abel upstairs to the nursery where she was gonna feed and stay with him.

I walked back over to Ma who's listening to Tara bitch and complain till I step in.

"shut your fucking mouth you low life piece of shit. you talk to her like that again and I swear I will give you a beating so bad that a plastic surgeon will have to give you a full reconstructions surgery" I say to her

she looks at me shocked.

"You got what you wanted. now fucking take what comes with his fucking ass. but don't you fucking ever disrespect my ma ever again of I will do like I said" I tell her

she shut her mouth very quickly before walking off to the dining room where ly Opie's ol lady makes an appearance and Tara says shit making Ly get upset and leave.

I kissed Ma's cheek and we grabbed the food and took it to the table while the rest come in and Tara cries to Jackson.

He looks at me and I smirk.

"did you threaten her?" he asked

"damn straight Jackson" I replied

"why?" he asked

"I don't answer to little boys" I replied 

He smiled

"your little deputy is a little boy I'm a man" he says

I chuckled at that.

"No your a little boy who cant stop playing with shit" I replied

"she's not shit" he says


"you have a problem with me don't take it out on her regardless of what occurred that lead up to you and I divorcing," he says

"Like I said, Jackson. I don't answer to little boys and last time I check your not my father, just a sperm donor" I replied

I heard a few spit their beers out as they choked from that comment.

"Watch it or I'll take Abel from you" he says

I got right in his face.

"you touch my son and I will make you regret waking up in the morning" I promised

"I'm not scared of you."

"you should be."

"excuse me sorry to interrupt, I wanted to inform you myself" Hale says walking in looking me over before he looked at the others.

"whats wrong David?" I asked

"Lu was beaten to death, we found her body along side the rode. we don't know anything else other then that. I am sorry" he says before he got to make his leave.

"thank you" I say 

he nodded his head and walked out.

"your so fucked" I say

"why?" Jax asked

"Otto asked you to keep watch on Lu and what happened?"

He glares at me

"best hope if you ever wind up back in prison he doesn't fuck your world over"

"he's a brother he wouldn't do that." 

"A brother who truly and honestly loves and cares for his ol lady will do anything to avenge their death even it means killing one of their own that was supposed to do something that, that particular son asked them to."

"You know nothing of this club," he says

"I know more than you'll ever know. I know that you won't last long in this club before garbage behind you will have you leave this club, leave your family behind and go away with her. I know that your days are as good as numbered."

With that said I went and got Maxine and Abel before I told everyone goodbye apologizing to Ma for the loss of her friend.

Lovin him always (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now