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for three days Ma and I told about different things to keep me from stressing and having a panic attack if not go into much too early labor.

I tricked my mind that Abel was with dad at the cabin having grandpa and grandson time while Jax was off on a run. 

With that in my mind on repeat, I didn't stress I remained calm.

On the third day, ma and I was busy in the office handling files.

"Alright so we have a shit ton of files to sort through to get updated and the very old ones tossed out," Ma says

"alright just tell me which cabinet to start on first and we will go from there" I tell her

"start on the far corner then come back this way," she says 

 I do that and work my way from the bottom up. I sat in the office chair using that as aid.

"I can't believe we've kept paperwork from the eighties like that's two decades ago nothing or half the people I should say are no longer here whether they are alive or dead or even moved out of the state." ma says as we look through the files.

We get halfway through the middle cabinet when we hear someone pulled up followed by motorcycles so we peak out and see Jax and the van so we drop everything and rush out. I stand there waiting as I grip Ma's hand and she does the same to mine.

When Jax walked over to the van door that was open from the back I stood there with anticipation of seeing Abel in his arms.

When Jax stepped back and I seen my son I let Ma's hand go and I took off towards my husband and our son.

"Abel" I called

"mommy" he replied reaching for me.

I reached them and took him from Jax's arms and held him to me and kissed his face as I walked to the picnic table and sat down holding him to me not wanting to be parted from him.

"I'm om, mommy" he says

"Yea you are baby, you are home" I say as tears of happiness fell from my eyes.

Jax and the others stood there watching us. Ma came over and kissed the back of Abe's head before rubbing my back.

"Thank you so much Jax" I say looking up at my husband as he made his way over to me and lifted my head wiped the tears and kissed me.

"no need to thank me." he says

"I know but still" is al lI stay as I kkiss him then go back to huggined Abel.

"How's issy?"  Abe asked

I sniffled

"she's fine, she's perfectly fine just like you are" I tell him

"wat we call her?"

"its not decided yet" I tell him 

He nodded his head before he wanted down where he wrapped his arms around my stomach the best he good and greeted his sister which made me smile as the others awed.

I stood up and we headed inside to the clubhouse while Ma left to deal with Tara.

I sat with Abel curled up close to me and kissed his head not able to apart from him since he was taken.

"any names you like?" 

I looked up at Jax.

"I like Anaila Zaylee" I replied

"So do I," he says

"it's only fair she picked your two's daughter's name since you were hard headed with Abel's name," Opie says as he and the others come to join us.

"harder headed my battooties he was firm on that name and wouldn't budge so we stuck with it and we will stick with Anaila Zaylee Teller," I said 

The others including Abel laughed at that. I knew Abel laughted cause I said a funny word while the others laughed cause I was refraining from curing.

"It's a pretty name Lassie," Chibs says

"thank you Chibs," I say

 he nodded 

"thank you all for bringing him home" I say

"no need to thank us, he is our nephew and practically grandson," Tig says

I nodded in agreement with them before I snuggled more with Abel who drifted off laying his head in my lap. 

I grinned as I brushed his locked back and played with his hair for a bit.

"you keep your mind occupied? " Jax asked

"yea I told myself he was with dad at the cabin having grandson and grampa time while you was on a club run. with that in my mind on constant repeat it kept my body and mind at ease that nothing was wrong." I tell him

he nodded his head

"Good didn't need to hear you went into early labor or anything horrible happened to Ana," he says

I sat there running my fingers through Abel's hair as the others walked off to either get some rest or clean up while Jax sat beside me and rubbed my stomach talking to our baby girl.

I looked over at him and smiled before I leaned over and kissed him softly. 

"you ready to be a girl dad?" I asked

"not really but I will do my best," he says

"I think you'll be perfect of course you'll have points from Opie since he's got experience with Ellie."

"what he doesn't tell me I'll learn on my own with you by my side."

"girls aren't that bad to handle, " dad says walking out

We looked up at him.

"It's the boys you gotta worry about. but with how you both are with Abel you've both done a damn good job. so Ana will be a cake walk" Dad says

I smiled as did Jax

"thank you dad," I say

 "Welcome," he says before he comes and kisses my head and walks off leaving Jax alone with our son again.

Lovin him always (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now