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When I arrived at the lot I grabbed my things and headed towards Jax's dorm that is used for lockdown and very late returns from runs.

"Hey baby" Ma greeted when I walked out to where she and the others was.

"Hi" I replied

"Ana and Abel are playing with KEnny,Ellie, and Pieper" she says

"alright thank you" I says

"whats wrong?" dad asks

"got into it with a son" I replied

"Jax?" he asked

"Juice" I replied,

"what the fuck happened?" Ma asked

"Jax sent him to come to get me and when he showed up he was beating on the door as if he was the damn police. when I asked him about it he said he didn't know if I'd hear him. I noticed he was a bit off if not more than a bit. he was acting like someone who was fucked up with drugs. when I told him to leave he told me no and told me that Jax told him not to show back up here without me. so I told him again to leave but he forced himself inside my house and we fought. I knocked his ass out and tied him up before calling Jax telling him I was gonna kick his ass when he said he didn't do anything I told him what happened and he got pissed off and told me he and some others would be there. so I waited outside after getting my things for lockdown. I seen Jax and a couple of others show up with the van and when Jax asked where he was I pointed behind me inside the house. he told me to come on here." I explained

"Motherfucker" Dad says as he walks off probably to wait for my husband and the others to bring Juice here or he'll call and find out what happened or what they'll do to Juice.

"apart from the dumb shit head how are you?" Ma asked

"well I think I'm pregnant not to surewas gonna go get checked but things happened and here I am." I replied

"Kip you and Phill come with us. Chibs tell Clay and Jax Amoret and I went out" Ma orders before she takes my hand and leads me out

We go to a clinic and they run some tests before sending me off to get an ultrasound since I am in fact pregnant.

"Alright well it looks as though you're four weeks or more" the doctor says

I smiled as she then proceeded to take pictures before making sure everything was going good.

"Alright I'll get the photos. things look great nothing to fret about" she says before she walks out while I wipe my stomach clean of the gel and fix my top before sitting up.

"hope it's twins," Ma says

"why twins?" I asked

"it will even yours and Jackson's family. unless you plan to have more" she says

"Dont know yet if we will have more of this baby or babies" I replied

After the doctor handed me a few pamphlets about what to expect and the scans I thanked her and left making sure I left the what to expect pamphlets behind since this wasn't my first time.

When we got back to the clubhouse Jax and Dad were right there waiting for us.

I hid the scans in my bag for now wanting to know what happened with Juice before I shared the news.

"you ok?" Jax asked as he caressed my face

" yea I'm ok, just went to make sure things were not damaged after that fight with Juice" I tell him

"and nothing's damaged?" Dad asked

"nope. I'm good" I tell him

"what did you do with Juice?" Ma asked

"we sent him to rehab" dad says

We both nodded not wanting to dampen the mood the two of us was in after finding out what we had.

"well I got some grand news" I announced,

"what's that?" Jax asked

"you're gonna be a daddy again. doc says I am about four weeks or so pregnant" I replied

both he and Dad was smiling.

"congratulations" dad says

"thank you," I say before he and ma walked off inside leaving Jax and I outside.

"you happy?" I asked

"I'm beyond happy," he says grinning as he leaned on the railing.

I walked up to him and dropped my arms on his shoulders he wrapped me up in his arms.

"I love you," I tell him

"I love you too," he says

"Think you can handle the possibility of twins?" I asked

"we've done a damn good job with Abe and Ana so twins wouldn't be an issue," he says

"we'll have to wait and see huh?" I asked

He nodded his head before he kissed me as he stood up and lead me inside where everyone congratulated us.

I looked at me who just grinned.

I shook my head grinning knowing she'd not kept that a secret long.

"Sorry I couldn't help it," she says

"I knew you'd not keep it long" I replied

she laughs and shrugged.

I showed everyone the scans and they congratulated us again before Jax and I went and showed Abe and Ana that mommy was carrying possibly brother or sister if not both.

Lovin him always (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now