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though we are Step siblings regardless of us being married before our parents married. things in Jax and my life have been a wild ride, from heartbreak to hopelessly in with a big family.

We have a total of four kids. I was carrying twins when I shared the news that dad and Ma said she hoped it to be twins.

Abe is now eight years old. Ana is seven,  the twins Elara & Rylan are five. 

Jax ate his words when he said twins would be easy. cause let me tell you they were as rowdy as Jax and I when we were little.

Ma says it's revenge for the shit Jax put her through while dad said I was simply getting a taste of what he dealt with.

Once they got older and slightly calmed down I thought it was funny.

Now this little family of six is enjoying life. the club went straight no more breaking the law, no more like threats, break ins, etc.

Yea some of the business they are involved with I don't like since it's porn and escort. but I've told and warned, Jax, if he dares to fuck any of the girls I'll make him a girl after having his dick stuffed and mounted showing what happens when you fuck with this crazy chick.

He promised he'd not fuck them that I am all the woman he needs.

My little family is not perfect we've done bad things in our lives and things may occur that we'd have to go back to what we'd done before in order to protect ourselves. but its how this family works you mess with one you mess with us all.



Lovin him always (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now