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Ana came into this world very early in the morning. though my contractions didn't start til around eleven thirty. I get everything together while Jax slept before I called ma and asked her to come watch Abel while Jax and I headed to the hospital.

She was so excited that she practically raced here telling me not to worry Abel is fine with her that I just focus on Ana the whole time.

I smiled and kissed her cheek before I slipped on my flip flops and went to wake Jax up.

when I tapped his cheek it didn't work, I rubbed his chest that didn't work so I leaned down and kissed him which got him to respond and moan but not wake so I did something a bit mean I went down on him and that got his ass awake.

I pulled back and smirked.

"Good you're awake let's go to St.Thomas and have our baby girl," I say before pecking his lips

he whined before it dawned on him what I said. he jumped up outta bed quickly got dressed before coming over to me and making sure I was ok.

"I'm fine, everything is taken care of Ma is here with Abe so let's go have Ana," I tell him

He nods and helps me up before we head out telling ma bye and we love her.

When we got to the hospital I told them all the details they needed to know before they took me to the maternity ward and got me changed from my street clothes to a hospital birthing gown and hooked me up.

I sat there looking at Jax who was practically a nervous wreck so I reach overtook his hand and kissed it.

 "We are fine, we are here under the watch of a perfect team," I tell him

"I know I just don't want nothing to go south," he says

"it won't I promise," I tell him

He nodded his head and got up to kiss me on my forehead before he sat beside me and rubbed my stomach.

we spent three hours waiting for Ana to decide she was ready to make her entrance but she didn't wanna do that. no, she wanted to wait longer. It wasn't till around four am that she decided that she was tired of my womb and ready to be heard and seen. & boy did she scream and cry her little heart out.

Jax cut the cord then the nurse took her off to clean her up and weigh her as I took care of delivering the after birth and the doctor took care of the remainder.

Once Ana was cleaned up and good to go the nurse handed her to Jax that was standing close by.

"she weighs a total of 8lbs 7ounces" the nurse says as she smiled

Jax walked over and sat in the chair holding our baby girl as he teared up and cried before carefully bringing her up to his lips and kissing her softly.

"shes so beautiful baby," he says

"that she is Jax" I replied

When he hands Ana to me he steps out to make a call to Ma while the nurse helps me when Ana starts to cry wanting to be fed. 

After Ana latches on and gets ready to eat the nurse and others congratulate me before they leave. the main nurse tells me when she'd be back to check up on us before she too left.

I lay back watching my baby girl as she rested her little fist on my chest as she ate.

"She looks just like you"Jax says

 "even has my eye color" I replied

"It makes her perfect like her momma and brother" he says

"as well as her daddy jackson. your perfect too" I tell him

"all cause of you" he says

"reguarldess of who its due to your perfect, and I love you so much."

He leans over careful of Ana and kisses me.

"mom says she's on her way with Abel" he says

"cant wait till he meets his sister" I beamed

"I can't either he's gonna love her' he says before he takes her and burps her. while tending to myself and fixing the top of the gown while the nurse walks in wheeling a cot for Ana.

So Jax lays her in it and she goes right to sleep.

"she's beautiful, congratulations," the nurse says

 "thank you " I replied

"she takes after her momma," Jax tells her 

The nurse grins watching as Jax kisses me before leaving.

When Ma walks in she hands me Abel and I hold him close while Ma walks over and carefully lifts her granddaughter up and kisses her cheek gushing over her before she brings Ana over and hands her to me so Abe can see and hold his sister.

"Issy?" Abe asked

" yea bud it's sissy," Jax tells him as I carefully place Ana in Abe's arms and held him to support her.

"awe" he gushes and kisses her softly which Ma of course snapped a picture of him kisses Ana and her cooing at him.

Lovin him always (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now