Part 52

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In the living room, Henry went back and forth a few times. And he's entirely at a loss on what to do next. Mrs. Maya took note of his conduct and looked at him with a worried look on her face. Mr. Robert, standing next to his wife, was likewise at a loss for what to say to help them figure out how to locate Sophie. Overnight, Henry wandered the streets of Kuala Lumpur searching for Sophie, although he was confident he would not find her with his wife. What happened to her? Is she a kidnapping victim, or is it possible that a taxi driver who concealed her everywhere? What he is concerned about is if Sophie will be abducted, raped, or murdered. That's right; he can't think of anything. Henry has reported the incident to the authorities and advised them to be patient while preparing a report. According to the law, he should have had to wait at least twenty-four hours before someone could be officially reported missing.

His eyes were watering, and tears were forming in the corners of his eyes. Since his mother's death, no one has ever been able to bring him to tears. However, the unexpected loss of Sophie placed a severe strain on his masculinity. Taking down the ego that has been so proud of itself for so long is difficult. For a bit of time, he was overjoyed, and then, without warning, his pleasure was snatched away from him. Mrs. Maya, who was already pleased, inquired as to where they had been the day before. His mother has also said that what occurred yesterday has been recounted many times to him. How Sophie requested that he leave her there since she did not want to burden him with the task of transporting her home.

"Sir Henry, please accept my apologies. Mommy should have sent her back to the house and then to Tasha's school. Something like this never occurred to me as a possibility." Henry bowed his head and closed his eyes. His thoughts kept circling back to what he had spoken to Sophie on the phone when he was called the day before.

"Are you able to return on your own? I'm sorry, but I'm unable to pick you up. Sophie, there's a little bit problems."

He would have been able to prevent all of this if he had just disregarded Nicole's plea the day before. When Sophie phoned, he could not disclose the true nature of the situation because he was concerned that the truth would break his wife's heart if his previous tale, which was soiled, were brought up. He should have left Nicole and gone to pick up his wife the day before. Isn't Sophie the one who Henry should safeguard, rather than Nicole? But Henry is not sure what caused his heart to be so tender in helping Nicole yesterday. Because the girl had promised him, she would not contact him again after this, and he seemed to comply only when Nicole requested him to take her to the airport, which was most likely because of the girl's vow not to call him again after this.

They also went to his apartment to retrieve all of Nicole's things left there by accident. At first, he was a bit dubious about the girl's request, but after seeing the girl's sincerity, he decided to comply with her request as well. He wanted to get away from Nicole as soon as possible. He didn't like the girl interfering with his life, which was already very content due to his relationship with Sophie. Remember that he would appeal to Nicole, who approached him after Sophie declared her feelings for him.

"I'm sorry, Nicole. As I've already said, I'd want for us to put this incident behind us. I'm in love with my wife right now, and im happy with her. If we're together; I can't afford to treat you the way I used to. We've already sinned against the will of God once. It's something I don't want to say again. I'm sorry for what I've done. And all of my affection is simply another cause for Sophie to adore me."

"What happened to your initial pledge, by the way? You're the one who's maintained your word, right?"

"I'm sorry, but the promise I made before is one that will lead to bad things happening. Sin is something I don't want to do anymore. I really don't want to let her down."

"You, on the other hand, have let me down, Henry."

"I'm sorry if I've let you down. Please accept my apologies one again. However, there was really nothing between us before this. It was simply a case of desire. We are thrown into the valley of sin by our desire. That is why we must put a halt to everything. Nicole, we have a responsibility to repent. I have begun... and I implore you to join me in beginning your repentance. Don't let yourself get carried away."

"But, Henry, I adore you to the moon and back! Can you honestly claim that there was no history between us before this happened?" Nicole on both counts.

"What sort of love do you have, Nicole... when there is another romance in the background? Surely you recall that I don't know how many guys have a sexual connection with you while you are with me." As she listened to Henry's remarks, Nicole's blood began to surge. She was in a relationship with another guy, as was only natural. She used to travel on vacations overseas with a group of other guys as well. She did not believe that Henry was aware of the situation. Even though Nicole assumed that she had been cautious enough to keep her connection with other men a secret, it seems that Henry was still able to sniff it out.

"But... I'm madly in love with you. Those are just acquaintances that provide entertainment for me when I'm lonely or miss you. And you've betrayed your commitment to me. You've been hanging out with Sophie. You, too, have cheated on me in the past."

"I'm not interested in a relationship like that. Loyalty should always go hand in hand with love. What's the purpose of love if you don't have loyalty and honesty? That's not even love in the traditional sense. That kind of love is not what I'm looking for. I want to be loved in a way that is acceptable to God. That's how I've discovered love in the past. Please, Nicole, we have been completely ignorant to the joys of this world for all of this time."

She has not been able to break free from the way of life she has been living for a long time. Nicole is still young, and she has a lot more she wants to discover and experience in this life. If she repents, she will give up everything she has worked so hard. No, this isn't the right moment.

"Okay... if that's your choice, there's nothing I can do about it, right? Leaving this way of life, on the other hand, I'm not sure I'm ready just yet. A lot of goals in my life I wish to accomplish . I will do so if I repent. I love my life now."

"Nicole, I'm hoping... that you'll alter your ways. Avoid coming later when you're sorry, when you want to repent, but it's too late to change your mind." He stated it in a calm voice. Nicole did nothing except purse her lips.

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