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"Nope, no, you don't need that for school." I told the twins when they showed me the wolf and cat stuffed toy.

It's been a week, I enrolled Hyeju in school, the same school where Hyunjin and the other kids attend. Hyeju told me that she was homeschooled, there is just a certain day that her teacher will come and teach her.


"No, don't do that face in front of me, it won't make me let you put that on the cart." I told them.

We are having school supplies shopping with Haseul, Jinsol, and of course the kids.

"Ugh! Fine! But that's the only unnecessary thing you would get."

"This is not unnecessary mama." Hyunjin said and happily put the cat in the cart.

"Thank you mama!" Hyeju said also putting the wolf in the cart.

"You're too weak when your kids show their cute side." Jinsol said and laugh.

"What can I do? They don't do that often." I said.

Let's say, they have that personality of mine, they don't show their cute side often. I don't say that I have a cute side but yes I have.

"Umma, I want this one." Chaewon came running holding a toy accessory full of butterflies.

"No you can't, you don't need that for school princess." Jinsol said.

Watch her let Chaewon put that toy in the cart after a second.

"I'll tell mommy that you flirted with the ugly la-."

"Okay okay! Put that in you little brat! Plus, I didn't flirt with anyone." Jinsol said and now it's my turn to laugh.

"Aish! Why does she need to have Jungeun's brat side."

"Okay! Got that on record!" Hasuel suddenly appears while holding her phone.

"Yah! Don't you dare show that to Jungeun! I don't want to sleep on the porch!" Jinsol complains.

If Jinsol does stupid things, Jungeun doesn't make her sleep on the couch, she makes Jinsol sleep outside by their porch.

After shopping, we let the kids choose where they want to eat and of course, they always choose McDonald's.

Like the usual, people look at us. Haseul made me and Jinsol order the food while she stays to look after the kids.

"Hey, hey, hey! Oh my gosh! Calm down you little demons!"

"Wow, these kids look like we didn't feed them for ages."

As soon as the order arrived, the kids devour their foods like it was their very first time to eat after being trapped in a dungeon.

"Mama, why isn't there any bread in McDonald's?" Hyunjin asked shoving five pieces of fries in her mouth.

"There is Hyunjinie, the burger buns, their bread." I calmly said and bite my burger.

I look at Hyeju when I noticed that she suddenly became silent.

"Are you Hyeju-yah? Do you want more fries?" I asked she shakes her head.

"Why? Is there any problem?" I asked.

"Mama, I wanna go home." She quietly said.

"Go home? Are you tired? Are you hurt somewhere? Is there something bothering you?" I asked and she just shakes her head.

"I want to go home mama, please." She said and nearly cried.

Something is bothering her, I know.

I look around.

Someone pulled my shirt and it was Hyunjin who was holding Hyeju's hand.

"Mama, let's go home." Hyunjin said.

"Okay, okay, we'll go home now." I said.

I turn to my friends and immediately got what I wanted to tell them.

"Go, don't worry about us. Figure out what happened alright?" Haseul said and I nodded.

I got our things and guided the kids out of McDonald's. Reaching the parking lot, the two headed inside the car while I put the things we bought in the trunk.

While driving back home, Hyunjin fell asleep still holding Hyeju's hands. Hyeju was just there, sitting silently at the back while looking outside the window.

I'll make sure that I'll talk to Hyeju once we reached home. She won't be like this if nothing is bothering her. Hyeju still often had her nightmares, it's either she is crying in her sleep or she is mumbling 'I'm sorry' man many times.

I won't deny it, I know she might be abused.

Reaching the house, I carried Hyunjin to my room and Hyeju followed me silently.

"Hyeju-yah, I'll get our other things in the car, okay?" I said and Hyeju nodded her head.

After getting the things in the car, I go back to my room and Hyeju was not there where she was seated before I left. I panicked.


"I'm here!" I heard her little voice on the balcony.

I was relieved to see her sitting by the balcony.

"What's my little Hyeju doing here?" I asked sitting beside her.

She hugs me and hides her face on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry mama."

"Hey, why are you saying sorry? You didn't do anything wrong Hyeju." I said and caresses my hands at her back.

"Because I told  you that I want to go home." She mumbles.

I push her a little to let her face me.

She looked at me with her small triangle mouth.

"It's alright Hyeju, there's nothing wrong with that." I said and bops her nose that making her smile a little.

"Can you tell mama why you suddenly want to go home?" I slowly asked.

She looked hesitant to open up to me.

"Wolfie, you can always tell anything to mama, don't hesitate to tell me a story or anything okay?" I told her and she nodded her head.

This is such a loud silence.

Hyeju still won't tell me about anything earlier. She's just sitting quietly beside me.

"Do you want to eat watermelon Hyeju?" I asked.

"Later mama, when Hyunjinie is awake already." She said and I smiled as I pat her head.


"Yes Hyeju?"

"I saw him." I look at her confusingly.

"Him? Who's him?"

"Monster, I saw him at the mall and I got scared that's why I wanted to go home because of him." She said while looking at her lap.

"Can you tell me the monster's name?" I asked.

Monster? Does he hurt Hyeju? Was he the one that caused all of Hyeju's bruises and nightmares?

"I don't know his name and I don't want to know his name." Hyeju said frowning.

"Did he hurt you before that's why you are scared of him?" I directly asked.

Hyeju didn't say anything.

F*ck this!

Whoever that man is, I'm gonna sue him when I found out who he is.


Hello! Sorry to keep you all waiting for updates. Three more days before Christmas! Wishing you all a Merry Christmas in advance. I'll try to update whenever I can.

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