Chapter 10: A Battle with Tough Choices

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The man indeed wears a black cap and black jacket. Under the jacket was a dark green shirt, dark blue pants and white Nike shoes. Now, Ray, Bon Dieu, Diona, Philippe, Rodd, Jonathan and Luke were getting a lot more details about the real culprit. His face and hands was rather a bit wrinkly and that face was terrifyingly familiar to the group especially Ray and Rodd. When the man removed his cap, his curly hair was starting to become gray. And right before this, Ray had realized who the real culprit is.

"No. No, it can't be. How did you—?"

"Yes. It is I— well, you know me already," the man said.

"How come Ray knows you before you appeared in the light out of nowhere?" asked Bon Dieu.

"Because while I'm bittering revenge on Mr. Miyagi and his student named Daniel LaRusso, I happened to have one solution to make Cobra Kai alive. Now and forever."

You can hear Diona's rage of fury, but decided to hold some of her anger in just to make sure nobody gets hurt. You can only hear a growl from the latter herself.

"You're that malicious John Kreese who invented Cobra Kai along with the manipulative Terry Silver."

"Oh, that's right. Looks like your boyfriend told you about his life in Miyagi-Do," said Kreese.

Ray's eyebrows went down in slight anger, but he's sending his glaring daggers to Kreese,"How did you—?"

"Wait, you two are dating?! Since when?!" Bon Dieu asked in shock.

"While I'm trying to find a way to make Cobra Kai alive now and forever, I happen to see Ray with his certain sensei with Daniel and his girlfriend in Golf N' Stuff. And don't you see? I also happen to be one of the viewers of his very first school play."

"You saw us in the play?" asked Diona.

"You want to make me Cobra Kai's most wanted victim?" asked Ray.

"First—" Kreese pointed at Diona. "—yes, I viewed you two in the play." Then, he pointed at Ray. "Second, I don't want you to be the victim. I want us to be friends."

Ray swept his hand as if to decline the request from the ultimate enemy of Miyagi-Do. While doing so, he could feel Diona's camera slipping from his hand. "Not a chance—" That same hand started to form a fist as he continued on an equal verve. "—Kreese." Then, his fists clenched and were on both sides of his body. His eyes were glaring at him the entire time. "I won't be joining Cobra Kai. Especially yours. And I never have and I never will."

"Alright, then. Why don't we settle a deal?" asked Kreese.

Ray raised his eyebrow in serious confusion, "A deal?"

"A deal," he confirmed with a nod. "If you join Cobra Kai, you'll have no problem with your friends and family. And if you don't..."

Suddenly, Ray felt a kick on his butt. Then, two hands began to push him on his knees.
"Ray!" he heard Diona crying out.

"Well, you'll see what I can do," said Kreese.

You can see Bonnie walking to Kreese's side. Her evil smirk can be seen through Ray's painful eyes and he could hear her knuckles cracking.

"You don't have to do this, sis," Ray finally heard Philippe's voice. "That man is dangerous."

"So what, brother? All your life, you wanted to protect me from bad guys kidnapping me, but it annoys me on how overprotective you are. I keep telling you that I can take care of myself, but you weren't listening. So I decided to look for a dojo that's capable of taking care of myself. And somehow, Cobra Kai's mission of striking hard first with no mercy give me a mischievous but fun idea. Revenge. Revenge! Revenge on you for being overprotective towards me! And now, you'll see what price you're gonna pay."

As Ray heard those words, his foot managed to touch the ground before using his knee for support in slowly getting up. His arm was placed on that same knee while doing so. Once he's back on his feet, he got into his defending position and readied himself to fight back.

Once Bonnie's words were finished, she lunged forward to kick Philippe in the stomach, but was unfortunately blocked by Ray's hand. He pushed her foot down before spinning in front of Philippe. He then, got into his fighting position as his tough expression appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, Philippe. We'll fight this together," he told him.

"Oh, look who it is. Someone is backing up for a fight," Bonnie said with an evil smirk. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get."

That's when she delivered a roundhouse kick in the direction of Ray's left temple, but he used the "wax on, wax off" skill to block the kick and used some of his takedown skills he learned from Aikido to bring her to the ground.

However, Bonnie flipped herself back on her feet and got into her own fighting position. She was about to lung forward to attack him with dirtiness when hands block the moves she was trying to use against Ray. He looked up to see the big brother himself. But as he blocked her first few moves, Ray can hear Philippe's voice full of concern.

"Look, I know you want to take care of yourself, but please, come back. To me. To us. To our family. For we are the family who cares for you so much."

"If you all care for me, then why are you spending time caging me inside our house? It's more like a prison to me. I want to go out and explore the world, but you kept me caged in quarantine at home! Our mother homeschooled us, even though I want to meet new friends in a modular building school! It's really annoying how protective you all are! Now, you'll pay for this! Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!"

With that being exclaimed, she was full of rage and her fist lunged to deliver a really hard punch, but Ray came in and managed to use his strength to block the punch. But the punch kept moving forward as if Bonnie was breaking through to complete her mission of vengeance.

Right now, Ray and Philippe were helping each other fight Bonnie while at the same time, dealing with her dirty martial arts skills and trying to talk things out through her. But Bonnie never listened to every word and kept punching and kicking them roughly. Every move she tried to deliver were blocked by the two boys. Or at least they tried to.
Suddenly, they were brought down to the ground by a few quick  kicks. Once Ray and Philippe were on the ground, Bonnie stepped forward with an evil smirk on her face.

"Those are just warning kicks, but the next kick..." She raised her foot. "...will smash you into crumpled tree branches."

You can hear a gasp of horror from Diona as she didn't want to see what's gonna happen to the two boys. Especially Ray.

And just as Bonnie was about to give them her final kick, electric shocks erupted in her body.

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