episode 20 - I am in love

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Swara look toward sanskar who was already staring her only swara shrugg her thought and look Otherside for avoiding eye contact with sanskar he shake his head in impossible seeing her antics chuckle
Sanskar - by the way shona (swara turn toward sanskar and look toward him) can we (swara get nervous) I mean let's talk something about you and me (swara get confused) means your family and mine (swara nods slowly in yes) by the way where is others they didn't come upstairs till now did they are not in home
Swara - hmm they say they having some urgent work (sanskar from hearing swara because they can never go leaving him alone whatever will be situation how urgent work they having) so abhi bhai saide that be with you till they didn't come back
Sanskar - okk come here and seat (sign her to come near and seat swara nods he take out his mobile try to call abhigya Bulbul Purab ishveer and kaira but no use) don't be nervous okk I am not going to do anything
Swara - rather than talking you take rest you must be feeling weak and low na ďue to fever (sanskar look toward swara smile little hearing her hold her hand swara looks on)
Sanskar - relax I am good and all okk and morever till I have you I don't think so I will feel any kind of weakness and low so relax by the DId you informed to your Maa and Dida even your teacher about you being here or else tommorrow you will get into trouble that's not problem I will be there to not let you caught in any kind of trouble but you know the mentality of our college student
Swara - I didn't inform maa but sir call maa and ask about me so maa said I was not feeling well so that's why I return back to home
Sanskar - that's good but if you have any problem with staying here then you can go shona I (swara shake her head in no immediately) Okk you want to stay here (swara nods slowly) but why so shona
Swara - your not feeling well na how can I go leaving you alone abhi bhai said me to stay here till they didn't come back to home till now see its getting evening also
Sanskar - you want to go leaving me shona (SWARa look toward sanskar she don't have any answers of this question with her to give sanskarr )
Swara - hmm hou take rest your not feeling well na so don't talk too much you take rest please (avoid eye contact which hurt sanskar he understand SWARa wants to avoid him so he look Otherside ) why you're giving stress too yourself don't give it please
Sanskar - hmm do one thing you go back to your home (SWARa imneadiately look toward sanskar hearing him) yes swara you go back to home (swara get hurt listening sanskar's stern voice swara what about to say something) I will take care of myself I don't needed anyone for taking care of me you go home your family must be waiting for you they must be worried you're not unlucky like me na so you go now you having loving family to take care of you and get worried not like mine go (he take his mobile call Abhi) hey Abhi come back to home I want to talk with you all about something important right now (to swara) don't worry from now on no one will trouble you regarding to me (swara look toward sanskar in tears she feel bad by SANSKAR's this type of behavior with her he never talk with her like this is this first time and she is damn much hurt from that she herself didn't able to understand why she is feeling in this way just then abhigya ishveer kaira bulbul purab come back to home they come in Sanskar's room look toward swasan)
Abhi - sanskar what happened (sanskar look toward abhi then his friends swara also look toward them weeping her tears without anyone's  notice )any problem are you OK
Sanskar - (to swara) you go swara I will talk with my friends you go it's already really late thanks for coming here from today onwards you will be not troubled go (all looks on)
Kartik - sanskar what happened what's wrong with you why you're talking with swara in this tone any problem what happened
Sanskar - from now onward you all will not trouble her about anything and even not say anything regarding to me it's my mistake so I was just clarifying My mistake swara you go why you're wasting you're time unnecessarily on me (swara look toward sanskar then go from there hearing him in anger go closing door in jerk all looks on they look toward sanskar in shocked and confusion swara go down take her bag in anger and frustration)
Swara - what he think himself did he is mad or what haan when I said him that I wanted to stay with him why he is behaving like jerk first he himself say that he loves me and now he himself saying me go away from him I aM only mad go come here it's my mistake only that I care for him and come here runningly (go from there taking taxi go to her room see her maa and Dida make herself presentable and realax for Sometime infront of them)
Shobha - shoru how many time I have make you understand that if your going somewhere then go telling us but no you always done like this stupid things and make us also worried for you unnecessarily
Swara - I am sorry dida I didn't mean to do that really actually one of my friends was High fever so I just go to see her with her sister she was new joining who was talking with me so in concern I have gone to meet her from school only i am sorry Dida I am sorry maa I didn't mean to hurt you both
Sharmishta - it's not about hurting us shona is that we get worried for you baccha your not this much big that you know the outside cruel world so we are just worried for you now if you have come home then do one thing go and take rest go
Swara - Okk I am going (swara go to her room lock the door and throw her bag) just because of that idiot I have to lie with my ma and Dida for the first time bloody stupid sanskar maheswari now you're going in my nerves how can he just say me to go leaving him when he having fever I wanted to stay with him ahhh he is making me mad behind him how will be I stay without knowing how he is I even don't having number of his any of friends and his stupid family don't they have brain to understand my sanku this is ridiculous (remove her heels earrings and watch take her clothes and go to change come out wearing dungree

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