episode 33 - i am being practical 😐

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Swara stop talking about anything rubbish she started talking with everyone how much it's important and needed she tell pragya and bulbul she will talk with sanskar about there baby's abortion soon for him right now his plan his revenge is important and she don't want to distract him and baby's responsibility is very big she will not able to handle it nor sanskar so it's good that they will take this decision she go at pool side area and cry not wanted to show anyone how much heartbroken and shattered she has become just in one day when she thought to celebrate the news of her baby but in return she got accusations for playing with sanskar's feeling his emotions not loving him want him only for money which she is unable to tolerate in any way
Swara -(touch her belly) i am sorry i couldn't be a good mumma i am very bad in every relationship being a wife being a daughter being a granddaughter being a girlfriend and now i am being a bad mother too i couldn't able to do anything for you i love your papa alot i can't be without him but he don't have trust on me baby on my love and proving my love to him i have to remove you from our life i don't have any other option near me i will talk with your papa i am so sorry please if possible forgive me that i have been failed as a women itself baby (she get up weep her tears make herself presentable and go toward sanskar's room she go inside see him standing at balcony swara go toward him) sanskar (he just hummed looking outside) i know i have hurt you alot you just explain me your point of view and thinking about the situation of my mother i was wrong I WILL TALK WITH MY DOCTOR AND TAKE APPOINTMENT FROM HER ABOUT MY AB......ABOR..... ABORTION I KNOW THIS IS VERY BIG RESPONSIBILITY AND I AM NOT CAPABLE FOR THIS I........(she stumbled holding her right cheek controlling her tears feeling a tight slap she look up toward sanskar who hold her elbow and pin her to wall immediately)
Sanskar - are you mad what exactly your talking haan how dare you to think about abortion haan didn't you feel anything before talking about this rubbish
Swara - i am being practical sanskar we have so many things in our life leaving this much big responsibility you have your work beside this all things and now your focus on your revenge too and that's the most important thing right now
Sanskar - you have gone mad what even make you think that i will let you think like this (swara look toward sanskar hearing him) you totally gone mad
Swara - till yesterday you wasn't ready for baby and now you want baby you said we can't handle this much big responsibility you said this is so much big responsibility and you have some thing eles important right now to do and that's your revenge plan i was just doing what you wanted yesterday also i was wrong and today also i am only wrong how can this possible when you said that was right and today you suddenly change your decision till yesterday our baby was no more matters to you then now why you want him i don't think so you should leave your plan for this much big responsibility and i am doing that only which you wanted i didn't say anything from my ownselves i am just following your orders which one wife should do i have taken doctor's appointment at 11 it's 9 you get ready and if you don't have time then also it's okey i will myself go there ( swara what about to go sanskar hold her elbow)
Sanskar - you won't do this silently stay inside home only why your always behind pulling the trigger of my anger you can't keep yourself silent na
Swara - now my talking also trouble you sanskar you have said don't know what what to me you question at my love you just accused me as a gold digger and i can't even say anything talking about baby like this you have started i have come to give you good news and you turn it as bad news now why your getting concern about my baby it was my mistake that i have come in your life it was my mistake that you fall for me or may be i have forced you to love me just for money you have make fun of my love your accusing me for that also which i don't even know i never hurt you intentionally it's you who have done it eventually thinking about it your revenge get so much important for you that yesterday you just didn't think about my baby also you was being practical and today i was trying to be practical that was my mistake that i thought you will get happy hearing this news may be for you everything was mistake even our love making also that's why you don't want to accept my baby you was feeling suffocated having me near you and just said I don't deserve your love you don't want me near you did you ever think what your words must have work on me just as acid you must have directly said me that you can't buy anything for me i have never asked you anything my ma and dida never give me this upbringing i have asked everything from you thinking i must be also having some right to keep my desires and wishes infront of my own husband but i was wrong i wasn't having any right on you even you blame me for masaji's mistakes too which i wasn't even knowing what should I do tell me na i have been in that environment sanskar where i have seen very bad bad situation from this much years i never wanted anything else just one thing my love should be not be like my ma you never comfort me saying that it will never happened when you feel like meeting me you meet me when you feel like hug me you do that and then push me away from yourself saying i love you only it's not prove that someone love you i never in my dream thought that i will be accused in this way you have given my love very low grade reward as gold digger and i am seriously very much thankful to you for that mr sanskar maheswari (swara make sanskar aside she what about to go sanskar hold her hand looking down swara turn toward sanskar slapped him) don't touch me i am feeling disgusting from myself only (swara go inside wardrobe take her bag keep her dresses in the bag and come out sanskar look toward swara seeing bag in swara's hand) i will feel like suffocation if i will stay with you in this room your thinking is very cheap and disgusting mr maheswari and i can't let my baby to be around you and if you didn't stay away from me i will leave for kolkata without telling you (swara go from there closing door in jerk sanskar looks on swara go at one of the guest room who is beside bulbul's room she go inside keep her bag inside wardrobe she come at room close the door she seat on bed. In night abhi and purab come back from office pragya who what about to go at sanskar's room for calling swasan down for dinner she see swara coming out from guest room swara look toward pragya and she silently go down for dinner prgaya knock at sanskar's room door who open the door see pragya who also look toward him seeing his condition)
Pragya - dinner is ready sanskar all are waiting for you at dinner so come let's go down it's already getting later abhi and purab also come back just now
Sanskar - you all have dinner and make kitten also have her dinner i am not feeling like having anything when i feel like having something i will come down and eat dinner (sanskar close the room door pragya looks on she go from there silently see swara seating beside purab for dinner just the servant serve the dinner to everyone purab bulbul and abhi look toward pragya who said she is coming down calling sanskar and till now he didn't even come down)
Abhi - you have gone to call sanskar na then where he is (swara clenched spoon in her hand she look down and continue having her dinner silently) why he didn't come down till now for dinner
Pragya - he said he is not hungry when he feel like having something he will eat dinner that's why he didn't come down (abhi look toward prgaya hearing her he then look toward swara)
Abhi - now what has happened something also left to do or say (pragya look toward abhi hearing him) i am asking something what's wrong between him and shona nor she is reacting for anything hearing me also
Bulbul - shona was talking about abortion at afternoon she said she will talk with sanskar about this
Purab - what nonsense yaar nor he is looking toward his own words now shona also started talking rubbish you both think everything is as joke only na (swara didn't say anything) if you both wanna fight only with each other like this mean way which you both can't take then leave each other and free from this
Swara - WHY DON'T YOU TELL YOUR FRIEND TO GET READY DIVORCE PAPERS MAY BE HE WILL ALSO GET HAPPY GETTING RID FROM GOLD DIGGER GIRL LIKE ME (get up from chair and go from there abhigya purab and bulbul looks on hearing swara)
abhi - good that was only expected from sanskar which yesterday he have done na he was gonna get this reward only for his blunder he himself messed everything because he can never keep his calm down i am out from this matter i am seriously not gonna do anything this time i have so many times asked him to keep his mouth shut he heard no now let him bear this also i don't care (he completed his dinner and go to his room all also go to there respective rooms. It's been two month's that nothing get okey between swasan swara not even ready to talk with sanskar nor even letting him come near herself he try his best to take care of swara ome day she warn him to keep himself away from her and her baby otherwise she will go from his home and his life even swara didn't talk with shorvari parth and manik in this two month because for her sanskar's saying always matters alot she can never go against his saying and she will not even do that ever in her life now swara is 3 month pregnant doctor has asked pragya to take extra care of swara because of over stress her and baby's life can come at risk and because of swara's and sanskar's fight it just increasing at last week kaira and ishveer come to meet everyone and they get to know about swara's pregnancy and swasan's fight. It's one fine day swara was in her room sleeping peacefully all has gone to there respective work place kaira ishveer has joined in office with abhi purab and sanskar for some day till then they are at canada one hoodie man enter in swara's room put something in swara's nose picked her in his arm and take her from there guard open door for the person who place swara on back seat he come at front driving seat and drive car toward airport when he reach at airport he take swara at his private jet and place her on one of the room after sometime later jet take off and in night they reach at switzerland one car is waiting for them at airport hoodie man take unconscious swara in his arm and take her inside the car after sometime later they reach at beautiful penthouse through yacht which is near sea away from main city the hoodie man take swara in one of the beautiful bedroom

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