episode 36- swasan bless with baby boy

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It's been 8 month that everything swara start to get back to herself how she was before and now swara had clearly warned him not to talk with her about that because she don't want to destroyed there beautiful relationship again talking about something nonsense and sanskar understand everything and he never bring that topic after that between them today swara was admitted to hospital on saying of her doctor she was resting in hospital bed just then sanskar come
Swara - sanskar now i am feeling suffocated and bored here when will doctor come and take me inside operation theatre
Sanskar - jaan yaar have some patience it's matter of our baby and you want haste on that also sometimes be calm and patience too
Swara - look baby who is saying who can't be himself ever calm and patience and now he is making your mumma understand that
Sanskar - do you really think my baby will gonna listen to you no jaan he always will listen to me more than you he will love me he won't show that but it will be truth only i am his father and i know this much about him
Swara - that's your misunderstanding why you always argue with me on stupid matter my baby will only love me and he will ne mumma's boy
Sanskar - i don't have any problem if he will become like you but i am talking about whom he love more you or me already i back off on this that it will be boy because i am saying you it will be girl but your not listening me on that also so i know one thing whoever it is he or she my baby will love me more than you mrs sanskar maheswari
Swara - fine we will see when baby will arrival but i think he is no mood of coming out (look toward her baby bumb making faces) sanskar i am looking very fat na with baby bumb
Sanskar - it's because of our baby moreover its looking you more beautiful and cute at that same time (swara glare sanskar hearing cute word from him) i am saying truth jaan
Swara - call me hot sexy beautiful gorgeous marvellous breathtaking but don't call me cute i am not cute i just hate this word why you are troubling your wife when she is on hospital bed
Sanskar - fine i am not gonna argue with you on this matter because you will become fierce and start fighting with me till then you won't go inside operation theatre baby save your papa (just then swara start feeling pain in her baby bumb she look toward sanskar angrily hold his coller) sorry sorry i am calling doctor jaan wait just take deep breath (he asked nurse to call doctor sanskar start rubbing swara's fist seeing swara in so much pain) i am so sorry jaan because of me your getting this much pain
Swara - idiot it's common every women get pain when she delivers the baby your not the first one who is becoming father you boka ahhh (hold her belly in tight fist sanskar look toward swara just then doctor come to take swara in operation theatre swara hold sanskar's hand tightly sanskar try to take out his hand from swara's grip seeing they reach operation theatre) boka what your trying to do i won't go alone inside if you won't come i will not go inside
Doctor - mr maheswari please come inside we need to do mrs maheswari delivery right now (sanskar nods they go inside) mrs maheswari push please (swara try her best she put her all strength holding sanskar's hand feeling damn pain sanskar look toward swara)
Sanskar - kitten please push common push (swara slap sanskar who get shocked doctor and nurse chuckle) what did i do yaar jaan why you slap me
Swara - it's because of you i am feeling this much pain you make me pregnant and now asking me to push do you know how much it's paining boka ahhh (doctor slowly slowly bring baby down swara started closing her eyes and with final push baby come out while crying swara look toward baby blinking her eyes several times in tears and she get unconscious sanskar look toward swara patt her cheek getting scared)
Sanskar - jaan please open your eyes what happened (look toward doctor who handed the baby to nurse for cleaning the baby) doctor what happened to my wife is she okay
Doctor - yes due to pain and tiredness she fall in sleep don't worry baby and mother both are safe and sound you please go outside we will shift your wife at her ward and bring your baby also there only by the congratulations it's baby boy (sanskar smile hearing doctor he peck swara's forehead and then go out he take his mobile from ward boy what about to dial abhi's number he received his call he take it in second ring)
Abhi - you don't have any manners so i thought to call by myself only to asked how's shona and baby
Sanskar - you won't change ever na abhi you don't even want to keep yourself hold want to know everything on time only i just now come out from operation theatre and there mobile wasn't allowed inside during a delivery and about kitten and baby both are safe and okey shona is sleeping and baby has gone for cleaning procedure well it's baby boy
Pragya - that's awesome when you and sanskar returning back from canada we just can't wait to see baby and hold him sanskar ( hearing pragya sanskar make faces because he don't want anyone should touch his baby)
Sanskar - no anyone is not allowed to touch my baby (all shake there head in impossible hearing sanskar he never was this much possesive for anything except his kitten and now his baby too) moreover if you want to see you can see when he will be near me and my jaan
Kartik - your such a moron sanskar now you have behaving like a jerk we know it's your baby and moreover he is something to us also so you can't stop us to hold him get that
Sanskar - then i won't returning back at all my baby is so small and tiny i won't give him to anyone get that (just then nurse tell him that he can meet with swara and baby) well i will talk with you all later i am going to meet my son and my jaan bye (he cut the call all shake there head in impossible but they are happy that now everything is okey between swasan thers all misunderstanding also get clear but they didn't know that swara had changed fully because sanskar didn't tell anyone about this as per swara's saying. He go at swara's ward see baby in swara's arm who is looking toward her baby with affection and love he go near them and see his son who is looking toward swara with his big big button like eyes just like swara's eyes carbon copy nothing is changed in his face from his mumma he seat near swara take his son softly without letting him get hurt and look toward his son with so much love)

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