episode 23 : - kavita's evil plot to separate swasan

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Hey dear friends it's very long time that I haven't updated this story of mine na actually i wanted to update but due to some problems and emergency i didn't able to update i know its been 1 year that I haven't updated any of episode from this story i am seriously sorry for that but i am trying to take out time for this story also actually i am making every possible way to end all the story that which of my stories are start now i can give time to them too that's why i am trying to little bit haste in everything but don't worry i will try my best to give time to my all the story seriously for now enjoy this episode

Sanskar go from there toward his friends who was in canteen ignoring whatever kavita said who see sanskar goingly and think something looking toward sanskar only with evil smirk she go from there call someone and instruct something after sometime later swara come out from her class she search for sanskar but didn't see him near corridor or parking she go from there toward canteen see his all friends are there but he is not there swara go toward them they go toward them seeing them seating in tensed
Swara - what happened is something wrong why you all looking tensed and moreover where is sanku he isn't here with you all (they stand up seeing swara infront of them all fine)
Abhi - where were you sanskar has gone to search you only he got call from unknown number that someone take you kidnapping and your in danger that's why sanskar immediately go to search you but from where your coming
Swara - what nonsense i told sanskar that today i have to go canada that's why i am gonna go home early because of my flight why will someone kidnapped me that too from college
Purab - that means someone has trapped sanskar damm he even didn't let us come with him now what should we do because we don't even know that where he have gone to search you
Swara - call him and asked him where he is i just hope he is okey ( abhi immediately call sanskar but his phone is showing switched off) what happened he didn't picking the calls
Abhi - his phone is switched off guys we can't waste time we should check his last location immediately and search him if someone trapping sanskar then it can be dangerous let's go immediately
Swara - i will also come please ( they what about to go stop hearing swara) take me also with you all I'll tell ma something she will make maasi cancelled today's flight ticket of mine i will go tomorrow right now searching sanskar is most important na
Pragya - okey come let's go guys ( all go abhi find out sanskar's last location they see it's showing one old godown) guys it's looking scary should we call cops before entering inside without any safety
Abhi - i have already call cops they will come when they want but right now our guest priority is sanskar we can't just let anything happened to him
Kartik - exactly let's get spread over here and search sanskar and then through message we will inform each other when we will find out sanskar okey ( everyone nods in yes all go inside one by one abhigya go one side kaira go one side purab bulbul go one side ishani and ranveer go one side swara see front door which is little open she go inside see rod age pick up it and go inside look everywhere she is hell scared not looking place but for her sanskar she hear some voice from inside one room she open the door see someone is tied on bed 🛏️ she go inside locked the door for safety she move inside and widen her eyes in shocked seeing sanskar she immediately leave rod go near sanskar open his hand and legs)
Swara - sanku what happened are you okey (seat infront of sanskar cup his face see him sweating badly she weep his sweat sanskar look toward swara he fist his hand seeing her) sanku please say something what happened what's wrong with you tell me na
Sanskar - shona just leave from here right now don't argue with me just go from here please i am requesting to you (monologue) if vigra start reacting then i can't be able to hold myself damm kavita i am gonna kill you if kitten will be stay here near me then it will create problem for us no i can't let that happened she needs to leave from here (to swara) please listen to me go from here kitten please i am saying na nothing will happen to me i will call abhi and all here but you please leave immediately
Swara - no sanku i won't go leaving you alone here what happened why you were tied on bed who did this and moreover who called you that i got kidnapped i was in college only sanku
Sanskar - we will discuss everything later not now just leave from here i can't understand why your stubborn like this shona just leave ma why your seating here i am all okey rest whatever happened with me i will explain you everything not today but tomorrow you first leave from here please
Swara - sanku why your saying like this i came here to save you please don't say like this come we will leave from here (swara get up she open the door she tried but seems like someone closed it from out kavita and nikhil come out who were hiding they give hi-fi to each other)
Nikhil - now slowly slowly vigra start showing its effect then sanskar maheswari will loose his control and hormones will attack badly on his body he will loose his sense and poor swara will looae her dignity from him
Kavita - and then she will hate sanskaar that he take advantage of her he tried to force himself on her when she was stopping him alot he didn't hear her and just broke her virginity ohh god i just can't wait to see that live show that's nikhil you know today my revenge will finally get fulfilled swara sanskar will get seperated he dare to say me no he rejected me for that small double standard kitten he will now regret his whole life for messing with me (how she completed she received hard and tight slap on her right cheek she fall down nikhil look up see abhi hold his coller angrily they get shocked seeing them)
Abhi - give the key's right now kavita or eles i will kill your brother right being a girl your falling this much low i just can't believe this (pragya take key's from her kavita immediately throw key on well who was near that godown all get shocked beyond limits)
Kavita - just enjoy now how your dear sanskar gonna ruin innocent swara poor she you know everything was going so perfect but she come between and ruin everything so punishment is needed na guys now just enjoy
Pragya - keep your mouth shut kavita (to others) guys do something before something wrong happened between swara and sanskar which destroyed everything just do something guys
Abhi - Ishani bulbul hold this jerk we will break the door that's last option we having near us now because rather than that we can't do anything (inside vigra start effecting on sanskar's body his sense start getting loosen he look toward swara who was seating near him he push her swara fall down)
Sanskar - I SAID GO DAMMIT WHY YOUR ARGUING WITH ME JUST OPEN THIS DAMM DOOR AND LEAVE RIGHT NOW (sanskar take rope and tried to tie his hand swara look toward sanskar in tears seeing him) please shona leave for me we don't have time for anything please (he throw whatever is infront of him which make swara scare seeing her sanku like this tears roll down from her eyes she jump in fear when someone broke the door sanskar look toward door see abhi kartik ranveer and purab he take sign in relief)
Kartik - nothing happened right sanskar you okey you haven't done anything na (sanskar shake his head in yes) thank god but still situation isn't in control
Sanskar - (hold his head) TAKE HER DAMM AWAY FROM ME RIGHT NOW (boys look toward sanskar hearing him) don't look toward me take her away (swara look toward sanskar in tears) just go and drop her directly to airport send her away (he close his eyes)
Swara - no i won't go ( sanskar get frustrated more hearing swara he look toward boys who looks on his eyes fall on rod which swara bring with herself)
Kartik - swara try to understand you won't understand why sanskar saying like this it's good for you both only please hear him out and go
Swara - didn't you heard what i say i will not go anywhere leaving him when he is in this condition what happened to him why he is reacting like this please tell me
Abhi - swara when this much people is saying something then it won't be something wrong na all think good about you and sanskar that's why we are saying not saying literally requesting you just leave from here right now
Swara - without knowing reason i won't go anywhere and that's final why you aren't telling me what happened to him(swara what about to go near sanskar ranveer hold her hand) leave me let me go please
Sanskar - (monologue) her stubbornness one day seriously gonna kill me don't know from where she have bring this much stubbornness inside her what the hell ( see rod)i don't having any other option if i will stay awake then i may end up doing something wrong for which i will regret my whole life ( he look toward abhi) take that rod and hit me
Swara - WHAT NO what rubbish your talking sanku why will abhi bhai hit you what nonsense is this ( she what about to go near sanskar ranveer tighten his grip on her wrist) leave me please bhai what the hell you guys are doing
Sanskar - abhi we don't have time for this staring session don't make me regret doing something wrong just hit me yaar i can't stay awake it will gonna create big blunder hit me right now (abhi look toward kartik purab and ranveer he slowly take rod fisting his hand tightly swara shake her head in no in tears)
Swara - no please what your doing what the hell he will get hurt 🤕 you can't do like this please bhai (abhi look toward sanskar who fist his hand he sign him to hit abhi close his eyes then open and hit sanskar's head hardly swara jump in fear seeing this she blink her eyes several times sanskar winch in pain more tears roll down from swara's eyes she see blood coming from sanskar's head she jerk ranveer hand go near sanskar) sanku (she keep hands on same place where abhi hit sanskar) we will go hospital right now nothing will happened to you (to abhi) how could how can you hurt my sanku like this
Kartik - we will talk later purab ranveer you both look after kavita and nikhil once cops come hand over them to cops and come hospital we taking sanskar to hospital right now okey (purab and ranveer nods in yes composing themselves seeing sanskar) let's go swara please right now don't do any kind of stubbornness it's an request ( they immediately go out see cops come abhi and kartik take sanskar swara go behind them other looks on kartik and abhi make sanskar seat on back seat with swara who was holding the place with handkerchief from where blood coming out kartik start the car abhi seat in passenger seat they go to hospital)
Swara - sanku please open your eyes please (she rubb his cheek)why your doing like this please tell open your eyes na (abhi close his eyes they reach hospital sanskar was admitted immediately in OT kartik abhi and swara standing outside the OT doctor was treating sanskar) we should inform in his home about him na (kartik and abhi look toward swara hearing her) call his mom dad say them he is in hospital( they remember sanskar strictly said them not to tell swara about he being thrown out from his house just because of her and now he is staying with abhi because if she will find out she won't able to forgive herself and keeps blaming herself which he don't want to happened)
Kartik - hmm no swara they will unnecessarily get hell tensed i think we should not tell them about this moreover this all is college matter na so they will think it's sanskar's mistake only that he didn't control his anger and may be loosing his temper he only must have done something so that's why we should not informed them anything
Abhi - exactly you go and seat silently nothing will happened to your sanku that hit wasn't much strong he will get fine that time that was important which i have done just to save something which is most precious and special for sanskar and for him we have to do this ( after 2 hours later doctor come out till then all also reach at hospital) how's sanskar is he okey now doctor
Doctor - yes nothing to worry he is fine we have done our treatment well when you all take him home then said him take him rest at least for today it's important for him hit wasn't that much hard but he should take rest it's good for his health
Kartik - haan we will tell him thank you doctor for whatever you have done for us (doctor nods and leave from there swara immediately go inside sanskar's room for seeing him all take sign of relief that now everything is okey) vigra effect must he gone na till now guys
Bulbul - yeah don't worry we taken that bottle from Kavita we saw that vigra's effect normally stay for only 1 or 2 hours and till now 3 hours passed now there is no problem at all (swara go inside see sanskar seating on bed see bandage on his head 🤕 she get teary eyes she go near sanskar who look toward her)
Sanskar - stop crying kitten i am perfectly fine why you always get hyper and i can't understand why you being this much stubborn head can't you hear me in once i said you na go then why didn't you leave haan
Swara - sanku why you said abhi bhai to hit you why they aren't letting me come near you what has happened to you i am not understanding anything (sanskar cup swara's face softly)
Sanskar - you missed your flight for me kitten that much i am important for you in your life i wasn't knowing that i will be also this much special and precious for someone i wasn't knowing my kitten love me this much
Swara - i love you alot sanku you was in problem and how can you expect me to go leaving you i won't be able to go sanku do you know how much scared i got seeing you in that condition
Sanskar - i am sorry love that was my mistake i haven't first find out everything i just reacted like a jerk now everything is okey na you aren going canada (swara snuggle close to sanskar hug him he rubb her back) what happened kitten
Swara - after whatever happened today i am scared sanku i am not feeling to go away leaving you everytime only this feeling will scared me to the hell sanku how can I leave just like this when (break the hug touch his head softly)you have wound my heart will not let me go leaving you like this sanku
Sanskar - i will take care of myself ma and dida don't know anything about us and now it's not good age of yours to waste your time like this on relationship first you get enough mature to understand all the situation then we will decided to get married till now stop taking tension about this all
Swara - sanku i am scared you won't leave me na if i go from here i saw in movie this all happened i love you alot if you say me to don't go i won't go but you don't leave me please( sanskaar look toward swara)
Sanskar - DO YOU KNOW IF YOU WILL ALSO WANT NA STILL I WON'T LEAVE YOU DO YOU KNOW WHY BECAUSE I LOVE YOU MADLY DEEPLY INSANELY CRAZILY AND YOU STILL HAVEN'T SEEN MY EXTEND OF LOVE BECAUSE YOU SERIOUSLY DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU MEANS FOR ME I LOVE YOU AND ONLY YOU TILL MY LAST BREATH(peck her forehead and lips softly swara look toward sanskar she hug him hearing his confession but whatever happened with her ma is still fresh for her which she can't forget she trust sanskar alot but reality always hits her badly and make her scared alot for all the happening she look toward sanskar who smile faintly)

PRECAPE - swara leave for canada sanskar's struggle to do something in his life for swara not able to do anything in kolkata because of dp he go canada with abhi who helping him in everything😔😌😔😌😔😌😔😌😔😌😔😌😔😌😔😌😔😌☺️☺️☺️☺️😌☺️☺️😌😔😔😌😔😌😔😌😔😌😔😌😔😌😔😔😌😔😌😔😌😢😌😢😌😢😌😢😌😢😌😢😌😢😌😢😌😢😢😌😢😢😌

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