Chapter 7: School Daze

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The first thing Katelyn was aware of was the sound of music bringing her out of sleep she looked over to her end table and at the source of the noise. Her slate which was playing music as an alarm to wake her up. As she picked up the device to turn off the music she saw on the screen that it was six thirty in the morning on the day of Ardas Katelyn had set several alarms at thirty minute intervals to wake herself up gradually with each song getting progressively more jarring. This was a routine she had set up on the device back when she was still in school so she could wake up in the morning and have enough time to get ready before classes which usually started at ten.

The memory of her school life brought a number of emotions to the surface some negative like all the people who she's glad she doesn't have to see anymore like Jason Nikos who thought he was so great and Debra Richter who was always accusing her of cheating just because she beat her during combat classes despite having an elemental advantage. It wasn't Katelyn's fault she noticed that Deb didn't pay attention to her surroundings in battle and could be easily blindsided by a swift opponent and her bad temper didn't help either.

But, then Katelyn turned her thoughts to Emilia her best friend, confidant and secret cousin, she still couldn't believe her family was using Emilia to spy on her like that, thankfully after confronting Raiden about it she found out that at least their friendship was genuine she knew her brother wouldn't lie to her face and the more she thought the more she realized that he had never lied at all. Raiden was just looking out for his sister and as Katelyn's wings entered her line of sight she became acutely aware of why he needed someone trustworthy to watch over her.

Katelyn sighed she would like to sleep longer but after all that reminiscing her mind was now fully awake so she decided to start her day as she walked over to the bathroom to freshen up then she would put on her swim suit for her morning lava bath and train with either Grigar or Tatiana she even hoped to see Gustav today she still couldn't believe the creepy robed figure who greeted her on day one was an actually a boy close to her age who as it turned out was easy on the eyes. This was another reason she missed Emilia no one to girl talk with. She guessed she could try talking to Tatiana but quickly disregarded that option since it seemed like the demoness in question may have a thing for her brother which was awkward.

So Katelyn just kept it to herself. Maybe she could talk to Krystal about it the next time she saw her sure Krystal was a married adult woman but Katelyn had a feeling she was still very in touch with her inner teenager.

Putting all those thoughts aside for now Katelyn decided to start her day as she got up and walked towards the bathroom for her daily hygiene routines and to put on her swim suit for her morning lava bath then see what Grigar and Tatiana had in store for her today.


Emilia was just exiting the changing room attached to the dorm showers fully dressed in her clean uniform her seed pouches secured to her belt, hair freshly brushed and slightly damp, book bag hanging off her shoulder by it's strap carrying whatever books she would need for class, a look of optimism beaming on her face.

After her conversation with Raiden, Emilia had been feeling energized. Katelyn had known about their family ties but, she had excepted her which was an enormous weight off her mind, not to mention the fact that Raiden had submitted an application for a prestigious university was a definite bonus in her opinion.

Emilia was now exiting the dorm and heading towards the campuses main building ready for class since she knew that while Raiden could submit an application for her she still had to keep her grades up or they would most likely not accept her no matter the level of recommendation she may have.

After all the Unified Alliance university was actually fairly new school having been established around ten years ago and had received a lot of push back from purest groups due to it not only allowing enrollment to humans and demons, but for that to be a part of the schools founding principles, in fact the only reason the school had been successful in it's establishment at all was due to financial and political backing from a number of powerful and wealthy houses including the Gale and Moltanus families and several others who have close ties with those families.

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