A overview of Terras

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Before we begin our story I feel it is prudent to include a bit of background knowledge about this world called Terras so you can more easily understand things this isn't too insult readers but so that the story can be told without having to bring up references that would break the fourth wall.

This page will have more added to it as is appropriate to provide information about the unique planet known as Terras and the many beings which inhabit it.

First off Terras is about the same size as the Earth and for the most part has many of the same physics aside from a few unique locations and unless stated otherwise.

Terras has three moons one of which being Arden which is almost identical to earth's moon other than it being a brownish orange color, the second is Naida it looks blue in color and is equal to Arden in size it is a strange moon that is half mineral and half liquid with the liquid part being in a constant state of freezing and melting, the final moon is the greenish Aria which is physically the smallest of the three moons being technically about half the size of either but possessing a strangely well developed atmosphere with a mixture of many gases which swirl around it making it look much larger similar to a gaseous planetoid, the latter two moons are only able to exist due to the large amount of mana surrounding Terras, and along with the solar systems star Pyros represent the four main elements, and depending on the position of them can increase the powers of the element they represent.

This worlds inhabitants include animals that are similar to ones we are used to as well as some mythological creatures, especially dragons which come in a variety of different shapes and sizes and types but, are always reptilian in appearance, they are all wild by nature but with proper handling, and upbringing can be trained as war mounts, pets and all things in-between.

The main sapient inhabitants of Terras are humans and demons. Humans in general have the same basic appearance of regular Homosapiens of Earth they are known for having great control over natural mana, capable of harnessing elemental energies and manipulating nature using magic spells and special weapons, armor, and tools. They also hold the advantage in numbers out numbering demons at least 50 to 1. 

Demons on the other hand are generally larger, stronger, more durable and possess large reserves of internal mana. Their appearances are very diverse some looking mostly identical to humans other than being larger and having horns, tails or wings (wings can be bat like bird like or even like the wings of a dinosaur), sometimes all three while others take on more beastial traits and may even have extra sets of limbs.

While these are the main two intelligent species on Terras many other species and unique clans also exist, but they will be introduced in time. 

The Terras year is comparable to Earth's, but slightly shorter being three hundred and sixty-four days long divided into twelve months which are further divided into four seasons each season consists of two thirty day months and a single thirty-one day month in the middle of each season.

Weeks are seven days long, but are named differently starting with Pyrodas, then Ardas, Naidas, Ariadas, Yamidas, Hikaridas, and finally Teradas ends the week each of the first day is named after the sun with the next three being named after the moons the fifth day is named for the ancient word for dark and the day after the word for light and finally Teradas is named after Terras itself where all the elements mix together with dark and light seamlessly.

Each season is similar to Earth's seasons but with the addition of corresponding to one of the four primary elements that seems to be stronger during that time of the year with months named after constellations viewable fromTerras associated with the element of the seasons they are most noticable during. Starting with winter which is associated with the element of water followed by spring representing earth then is summer represented by fire and finally fall representing air.

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