Chapter 5: A Day in Dragnoff

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It was early morning in Agidas and Katelyn had been awake for just over an hour. She was still feeling a little weak from the other day, but she knew that sleeping two days away wouldn't help her with her control, so she decided to get up anyway. Aridas ment the week was half over after all. Though she didn't sleep the whole day away as she had gotten up to use the bathroom several times, she was still thankful that she didn't have to call someone to help her over to it.

Katelyn surfed the view screen channels for anything interesting, which is how she found out about a demon hemisphere sport called Basher Ball. It seemed to involve getting a ball from the middle of a play area to one of two sides with very few rules and she was certain that if a human wanted to play it they would need to wear a suit of full body armor and be inside of an armored guardian.

But, aside from that she mostly just slept Naidas away.

Katelyn was currently walking out of the bathroom in a robe she got during her shopping spree. It had two slots in the back for her wings, though she hadn't learned enough control over them to use the silts yet, so she just kept her wings draped over her shoulders under the robe.

Katelyn was certain that she'd never had such an enjoyable and necessary shower in her life, since it had probably been over a day since her last one. She had noticed during her shower that no matter how high she set the water temperature, she could no longer get an enjoyable sensation from warm water. She realized that it was probably because of the time she had spent outside, as she realized with a giggle that water could never reach the same temperatures as lava, but the water still made her feel clean.

Katelyn's thoughts were interupted by a sudden knocking on her door, before she could reply, she heard Tatiana's voice sound from the other side, "Katelyn it's Tatiana. I'm alone so you don't have to worry because I'm coming in."

Katelyn watched as the door opened, revealing the amber hued demoness in all her glory. She was wearing a pair of black knee high jeans that showed a lot of her long powerful legs, she was also wearing a grey tank top allowing an unobstructed view of her feminine yet still muscular arms, which ended in her hands which had well maintained nails, the top also had windows in the back for her wings and the look was completed with a pair of brown boots with red socks peaking out the top. Katelyn was still in awe at the way confidence seemed to radiate off her.

When Tatiana saw Katelyn she smiled before saying, "Good you haven't gotten dressed yet. You've got a full day today and it starts with you getting into the swimsuit I picked out for you, you're also going to want to grab a set of regular clothes, don't worry there is a place where you can change, so you don't have to worry about having to come back here."

Katelyn was confused for a second, but decided not to question it, since she could assume demon training tactics would vary greatly from human ones, and she should have guessed that Tatiana wouldn't have insisted on the heat resistant swim wear unless they were going to use it.

As Katelyn went over to her closet and withdrew her swimsuit, she noticed that Tatiana was still in the room she wondered why until the older girl chimed in, "I also volunteered to be the one to get you, because I know you haven't had your wings for long and figured you may require some help with the suit."

Katelyn realized as she looked at the swimsuit that Tatiana may have a point so she sighed and just mentally prepared herself for the trial she was about to go through.

About twenty minutes later, Tatiana came walking out of the main entrance to the castle chuckling with an amused smile on her face, a redder faced Katelyn following a few yards behind her in her one piece boyleg swimsuit and a pair of slip on shoes covering her feet. She had a change of clothes in a tote bag made of flame resistant material held tightly against her chest.

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