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Happiness, it was fleeting, almost non existent, but I had it, I had happiness, even without eating for days on end, or having to beg for scraps at other people's homes, I was happy, because I had family, they were my constant, they were all I had and I knew one day things would get better, if only that were true.

The sand under my feet made me feel better, the ocean in its vast expanse made me realize how miniscule I was comparing to everything I was but my turmoil was just as great as that ocean. I could feel him coming before I even saw him, he out of everyone knew my pain and a lot of nights made me forget it with fleeting pleasure. "Are you alright?" The same question yet again. "I don't know what I am, my father died and my sister is on her death bed, this morning your father told us he's bringing down our house, so I don't know if I'm alright." My response was harsh, unnecessarily so but I had to say it, if only he could just tell them, or accept me, he could help.

"I'm sorry about your home, I will try speak to my father, maybe we can figure something out." His words were only that, they didn't soothe me anymore. "You always say that." My voice rebuked, I was tired of the lies and sweet words, I was tired of it all. "Come on Saint Drake, you can't mean that." He argued but I meant it, I meant every word. "I'm tired Renallo, of fake promises and happy endings, your father is the alpha, and I'm your mate, but the two people who know that are me and you, the alpha if only he knew could change everything if he knew—." I couldn't finish my rant as a hard slap had knocked my jaw loose.

Blood seeped all around my mouth making me feel that tinge of metal, I didn't even have strength to stand up and face him, this was one of those times I was beaten for wanting something like always, and he didn't stop, a kick to my head made me groan, another to my back, another to my stomach, I was a malnutritioned wolf, the damage he was inflicting was more severe than anything but I took it like always, ready to meet my maker and finally feel peace.

As the last kick to my head registered all I saw was the swirling darkness that consumed me. How peaceful it was being gone, having to dream of running in fields of flowers with my family, without being an outcast to the pack, but the goddess wasn't so kind to offer me death just yet. Cold salty water dripped off me, it brought me back from peace, blood still stained the length of me, and the broken bones of my arm that were mending at a snails pace.

"Wake up." Another splash of cold water finally jolted me awake. "Did you truly think I would love you, you who has no family left, no home, you're so poor the humans don't even want to come near you and you want me to acknowledge you." He spat over my body as his boot dug into my stomach. "Please Renallo don't —." My broken leg registered all the pain, he hadn't done it but I realized we weren't alone by the hidden white stones of the beach, he had his crew of rich kids of the clan with him.

"It was nice having you, Saint Drake, but I have mates bidding on me, and I'm afraid poverty won't cut it." His words were more painful than the hurt he had inflicted. "Saint Drake, I reject you, as my mate." His words were gentle as if being spoken to a lover, I had a mind to just accept it and move on to heaven, there I would be peaceful. "I accept Renallo Hunt." I whispered gently allowing the pain to flood every part of me like acid in my veins but what could I do, I was unwanted and soon to be dead anyway. "Break him, and throw him off the cliff, he always wanted to be with the fish, let him."

That's all I heard as the darkness took over and finally surrendered pain, and fleeting happiness for peace, if only death had a sense of taking people when they want.


Church bells rang around us, it was rather amusing I was here, attending my own funeral but I couldn't help it, it had to happen, but the thing was the actual person who had died was the woman whose picture was beside mine, my mother had died, if it were heartbreak or being killed all I knew was that she was dead and nothing could change it.

"Its time Drake." The alpha wolf mumbled next to me, I acknowledged him with a nod, I couldn't face him, I was too weak in that moment. "Thank you, for bringing me here, I needed to say goodbye, even to myself." I exclaimed making him chuckle but it was true, the wolves of Sandton Bay had declared me dead, my mate the alpha's son had ordered his wolves to throw me off a cliff, I was dead, a part of me was dead. "You're welcome." He whispered as we walked toward his car, I was saying goodbye to pain, and I hoped I'd never endured it again.

As the car sped off I looked over to the beach that I always ran to when I needed to be alone, now it was a broken faint memory, of a better time.
"You'll be fine Drake." He whispered next to me. "I hope so."


This is Sandton Bay, welcome, let's journey in the life of Saint Drake, even I the author can't wait to see what comes next.



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