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"He's dead, we saw him hit the rock then the water pulled him under." Leeland reported to his alpha who now seemed happier and healthier than the previous night when he asked them for their help. "Good, good, thank you boys for helping out, I'm sure you have somewhere to be, I won't keep you." Renallo stated in a neutral tone dismissing his friends, they didn't argue just accepted the dismissal and walked out.

"Are you sure this won't come back to bite us when we least expect it." Leeland put across his statement in a worried tone but Edwards waved it off as they got to the parking lot. "If we go down, he's going down with us and he's too proud of his alpha title to do something stupid." The next beta argued convincingly and Leeland accepted it easily, safe to say Leeland wasn't the brightest bulb around.

An ambulance could be heard blaring its sirens from afar, the two didn't think anything of it, how could they, they had better things to worry about. "Would you do that to your mate if ever you got one?" Edwards asked his friend who pondered the question briefly until. "Never." A quick unwavering answer escaped his lips.


Saint Drake Dante.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." I spoke slowly as the wolves in the spacious office stood still and frozen. "Not at all, hey baby." Kyro cheerily greeted me with a peck on my lips. "We were just trying to explain to mister Howard why we won't accept his proposal." Kyro senior my father in law explained as I placed a kiss on his cheek and he returned one aswell. "Good morning sweetheart." He smiled widely as if he hadn't been threatening to hang the man I knew from a life long forgotten.

As I turned to look at him, I couldn't mistake him, I knew who he was, though my recollection of all the things I knew about him was hazy, I knew enough to despise Leeland Howard, who now in that moment sat across my husband's desk. "I'm sorry have we met before." He asked clearly going through a dilemma of wanting to know why I was familiar yet not so.

"I don't believe so." My hardened voice stated, I knew I was in control but looking at him now reminded me of a lot of things and how I hated visits from my past. "Howard, I'm sure you understand, we just can't—." My husband spoke sensing the tension but Leeland interrupted. "Please Sir Dante, I need this contract, it will be my biggest job yet, I really need this." He begged looking at the men in suits but as they looked to me pleadingly, I realized I had to intervene.

"I'm sorry mister Howard, I can't allow you to be our contractor, for this and future projects, The Saint Foundation is my brain child, I own it fully, brand or otherwise and even though my husband looks after it and makes the best decisions for it, if he says he won't allow it then I support that decision, please see yourself out." I rather explained in a harsh tone but I wasn't ever going to get involved with him, he was trouble and I wanted to stay far from it. "But, hear me out—." He argued as Kyro escorted him out and closed the door. "Goddess he's hard to get rid of." My mate chortled as he came over and hugged me.

"Its all in the past baby, let it stay there." He soothed as Senior's assistant came in with Emory wailing, oh I had forgotten his attachment. "Come my sweet child, daddy's sorry." I soothed my crying child as Kyro held us both, it felt good to be in his arms, they were safe, strong and protective. "Come on kiddo." Kyro held out his hands for Emory, he resisted at first before realizing it was his papa then latching onto him immediately. "There there my little warrior wolf." Kyro whispered, as our son was all but small whimpers.

"So how are you this morning?" I asked both men as their usual chirpiness came back. "Same old, same old, making money and kicking ass." Senior stated with a happy smile making me roll my eyes, he had a right to be cocky though, he had worked harder than anyone I knew to achieve the life he had. "And you love?" Kyro junior asked as I settled down by the couch next to him.

"I threatened headmaster Tanner, realized that we need to have a family dinner tonight and also do I look that feminine." I exclaimed and each statement made both alphas have a range of emotions on their faces. "My love, you know I love you, it doesn't matter how you look." My mate asserted making me smile, senior however was chuckling.

"He's your mate, by default he's supposed to love you, however I don't share the sentiment, you are that feminine but it suits you." He explained before I hung him by his tie. "Nice save." His son whispered and in response he whispered an I know. "I better get going, I need to check on a shipment coming in for the orphanage, apparently kids nowadays are addicted to comics." I announced as I stood up, the two alphas acknowledged with subtle nods, I didn't want to take Emory with me he hadn't spent time with senior or his father in a while.

"Your assistant knows where his baby bag is, in about two hours he'll be hungry, have fun with grampa and papa sweetie." I addressed both my mate and our child, they were more than happy to have him, I knew Lincoln's mate had given birth to girls only and since some patriarchal values were still intact with senior he tended to spoil my sons more, I tried as much as I could to avoid it and explain that girls were just as good as boys but it was a war yet to be won, all I hoped for was one day a girl would be alpha and show them how girls could rule.

"Be safe baby." The love of my life called out with a smile and I reciprocated it with my own, I would always be careful, I lived for them, despite anything thrown my way.  I waved goodbye one last time before walking out and heading for the private elevator, it was convenient, waving at the women and men in various suits working, I got to the parking spot outside the building, I knew I was being watched the moment I walked out but I didn't care, whoever it was couldn't face me and I reveled in that cowardice.

The engine roared to life as I sped off toward the orphanage, how I loved spending time with the kids, they didn't have anyone in the pack, so we built them a home, a place they would always be safe and protected. When I had first come to the pack, I was an outcast, it took time to earn their trust but with all that transpired in my life and Kyro's they couldn't go on for long hesitating and debating whether to accept me or not, it became clear, I was grateful for their love, because once they gave it, I never lacked it, the pack was a family I knew I would never lose, its why I made sure that I played my part, to make the life of each wolf worth living.

As I got out of my car I was greeted with hellos from all around me, I couldn't keep up which made me chuckle at my own confusion but I accepted it all and waved at any wolf that passed by. "Saint, how lovely to see you, the shipment just got delivered." The woman responsible for the day to day running of the orphanage greeted me happily and my response was just as jovial, how I loved my life and how grateful I was for it, I hoped I would have this peace till forever.



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