17. Warning ~ Mentions Of Rape & Murder.

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Present ~ The Pain Inflicted On Another.

Grunts and moans were loud in the room, their pleasure knew no bounds and this was it, they had gotten the permission to defile and act on desires so perverse they could only be acted on in the dark with no way of them ever coming to light, the grunts of one stopped as his seed spread all over the body beneath. "You're a good one." He commented without a care of the person beaneth him, he kicked away the arm that tried to touch him and stain his pants. "Have fun." He called out to the five others in the dimly lit room as the stench of blood permeated the air even more, but they didn't care, he hadn't cared when he did it to another.

"Please, please stop, it hu— ah!" He tried to beg, but what would begging so weakly bring except more pain, which was their pleasure. "You know why this is happening." A cacophony of dark laughter went around in the room as one shifted into his wolf then slowly walked over to the body of Leeland on the floor, everyone watched waiting to see what was happening except another who had gone on his knees and plunged his cock forcefully into the man, like many others had, he could only spill tears as the pain intensified because of the claws that dug into his back and were dragged from his shoulders to his lower back, tearing flesh apart as if it were paper, blood seemed to slowly trickle out of the wounds, he had lot a lot of it.

"Confess." A voice whispered just as boot met face and his jaw was broken again for the third time since he was abducted from his office earlier in the week, he had thought some person with a minor grudge against him had come to just scare him but how wrong had he been, they had done to him things he could never speak of. "Confess." Another whisper as his arm was broken by the shifted wolf exposing bone. "Confess." The whisper came as four branding irons were placed on his shredded back making searing hot pain engulf his entire being. "Confess." Another whisper as the grunts of one reaching climax made it in the air and the seed was sprayed all over his legs making him hiss because he could barely feel them, with how broken and cut up they were. "Are you ready to confess?" The man asked again finally, he stood over him he could tell with only his sense of hearing, his eyes were to swollen to open.

"I will confess." Leeland had been broken, both in his mind and body. They sat him upright in an awkward jerked position since he couldn't do that by himself even if he tried. "Then confess." The dark voice asserted as a blade ran the length of his ear to his mouth slicing flesh open. "Saint was innocent, we shouldn't have—" Leeland began as claws dug into his thigh. "Confess." The room hissed as the claws drew blood. "Edwards and I did it, we defiled him, took turns on him even when he begged us not to, we shouldn't have done what Renallo told us to do but we did because we were loyal to him and I regret it so much." The man spoke as tears trailed down his cheeks. "Where was your regret when he died, how did he die?" The voice asked. "We threw him off a cliff above jagged rocks so that the rocks would tear him apart and the water would pull him under—ah!" A kinfe had pierced his shoulder making him pause. "You civilized wolves are supposed to be good, and care for others, you blame us rogues for being savages, when you did that to an innocent boy." The voice accused with a low laughter. "May the goddess be merciful." He whispered one last time as the shifted wolf tore out Leland's throat by its fangs.


Saint Drake Dante.

"Alpha Hunt, I suggest you calm yourself down." I spoke above his accusations. "No I won't calm down, tell me where Leeland is, ever since you came my friends have been dying, where is he?!" Renallo yelled as he looked at all of us. "Brother calm down." Jonathan tried but Renallo was taller and stronger than him so he pushed him away with a warning growl. "Follow me." I mumbled lowly and he slightly calmed down, Jonathan wanted to follow but Deniz held him back, this was a conversation I had to have alone, I had to finally say it. "Where are we going?" Renallo asked as the elevator reached the top floor and we began to walk up the stairs to the roof. "What did you do to him?" The alpha accused making me chuckle at how ridiculous his accusation was.

"I haven't done anything, I've been in sight of your watch this past week, I've been with my kids, my family, there is nothing that I've done to your friends, and why would I do anything to them, I barely know them." I argued and he growled loudly his eyes turning to a bright red. "I know you did something Saint, I may not know what it is but you did, I know who you are, you coming back here was no coincidence, this building is no coincidence." Renallo shot back making me sigh, he was boarderline delusional now, I had done nothing except want to help people and in his eyes I was the enemy. "Renallo Hunt, don't be stupid to throw wild accusations, you know nothing about me, nothing about who I am, so don't you dare cross a line you can't come back from." I warned lowly as he finally sighed seeming as if his anger was dissipating.

"I wondered how it would be like to see you again, maybe in another life, but the goddess had to torture me so she brought you back in this life so I could watch you with another man, with children, and happy without me." He growled lowly as he his hands held my upper arms tightly. "I may not know you, but I know your scent, I dreamt about it for all these years, and looking at you now, I can't believe I lost you." Renallo spoke in a tone that invoked something akin to hate in me, he had his friends throw me off a cliff and lie about it, my family was killed and he felt nothing, he had no right to feel regret, he didn't feel it feel it before. "You haven't changed at all, you've always wanted the pretty things, you've always wanted everything for yourself, if you're happy, you're satisfied then the world can fuck itself, you weren't happy with Saint so you killed him, rather than just reject him you killed him." I hissed as fireworks from the pack festival burst in the sky making me see the tears that threatened to spill from the alpha's eyes. "Let go of me!" I growled loudly and his hands left my arms. "It is you." He whispered but it wasn't me, the Saint he knew was weak and dependant on him to make him happy and I had no such feelings.

"I'm not the boy you're looking for so desperately, and I haven't done anything to your friends, I advise you, don't come near me, ever again." I exclaimed whilst turning to walk away, Renallo pulled me back. "We aren't done yet." He growled just as a larger body slammed into his and since we were by the edge of the roof the railing broke and he fell through, I gasped looking at the exact version of my husband, he walked over to where Renallo fell through. "Cockroaches don't die easily." He stated angrily as I walked over to where he was looking below and there he was, Renallo was staggering to his feet after falling through the tree, I rolled my eyes with a sigh and turned to my best friend. "Apples!" He cheered. "Lincoln!" I yelled in excitement aswell as I happily threw myself into his embrace. "I missed you." I mumbled as he rubbed my back and picked me up. "I know apples but I'm here now." He reassured making me feel safe again, happy and secure. "How did you get here so fast?" I asked as we descended back to where the family was. "Dad sent the jet to get me but the girls were exhausted so they will be here tomorrow." He explained as the lift opened and we were surrounded by family again, it felt so good.


That's the confrontation I wanted, where Saint finally showed the alpha he wasn't who he was before, he was better now.


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