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Memories ~ Pregnant Proposals.

Saint was warm, safe and happy, he felt content being held so tightly by Kyro, he had chosen him, chosen him over her, he had a lot he could not give Kyro but hoped they would work it out, a sacrifice he never expected the alpha wolf to make, when he had heard that Kyro had found his mate, his bags were packed and ready to go but when he came home with a look in his eyes that made his wolf purr and his skin shiver feeling tight, he knew something had gone in his favour, and since that night which Kyro marked him, and he marked him, they have been together, canoodling and bending over surfaces that were available to share in mind  blowing pleasure, he wasn't ashamed, never.

"Good morning." Kyro whispered in his hair as he held on tightly and didn't seem to want to let go, his breath tickled Saint's neck making him chuckle as he responded. "Good morning." He replied with a moan at the end because like always his mate was hard in want, so being mischievous Saint moved his body to grind on the long, thick, hard rod that gave him endless pleasure. "I like it when you're naughty." Kyro whispered in his ear as he eased his body to grind more on Saints parted cheeks. The moment got ruined instantly as nausea hit Saint hard, it threatened to spill at any moment and sensing his quivering body Kyro let go and followed his mate toward the bathroom, Saint vomited all he had eaten the night before, he held onto the toilet seat whilst Kyro held his hair, if he hadn't with how long it was, it would be soaked in puke.

"That wasn't expected." Saint mumbled as he went to the sink and rinsed out his mouth with mouthwash. "Yeah, are you okay, you have been puking a lot lately." Kyro pointed out making Saint blush knowing Kyro had noticed even though he had tried to hide it. "Yeah I know, Senior told me, then I held your hair two days ago at the office when you vomited in my desk drawer." The large alpha explained further making Saints cheeks flush even more with guilt."I thought it was a stomach bug." Saint defended but looking at Kyro now there was no point trying to deny the almost inevitable. "I might also be pregnant." Saint whispered but Kyro heard him and stayed silent, the alpha shut off all his other senses and only left his hearing, and as clear as the day, he heard it, a second heartbeat, strong and pumping away. "So do you think its a boy?" Kyro asked completely knocking away Saints somewhat held together bravery with only that statement, wasn't he supposed to be surprised or apprehensive, something.

"I can read your thoughts, you're all over the place and no, I'm not anything, happy, overjoyed yes, I've wanted a kid or six of my own and you just gave me my first." The alpha asserted as he took his mate up into his arms and kissed the living daylights out of him, for Saint this was how his mate showed his love, in his passion. As they settled on their large bed to revel in the happiness of having a child together, after being together loving each other slowly, Kyro knew it was time, he had been waiting for the right moment but he wanted to honor his mate and his late family by doing things by custom and also because there was no better time. "I'm not going to ask this because we just found out we are pregnant, but because I bought this ring a month ago and I hadn't found the right moment to ask you, the Dantes have a lot to offer you, any man who would want you would offer you everything he has, but I won't offer you that because you already have it, I offer myself, my love, my soul and my wolf, I am only a wolf who would do anything to be with you, even defy death itself, I love you—" He paused as he opened the draw next to his side of the bed to get the ring. "And I want you to marry me, make me the happiest among the happiest of men, build this home with me because without you I am all but nothing and having everything is not worth it, so please, marry me?" Kyro asked as he had gone on one knee, Saint had been a mess of tears as Kyro spoke now it was his turn, his life flashed before his eyes since the day he met him, to right now, and only one word echoed in his head. "Yes."


Sam Smith ~ Make it to me.

Saint Dante.

The sun was rising in the sky as I held Deniz and my mates hand, they walked on either side of me, making me feel safe and secure, we stood just by the oceans edge where the sand met the sea, it was a beautiful sight. "Finally at peace?" Deniz asked and I nodded, I nolonger felt anger even a sliver of it toward any of Renallo's friends, they were nolonger there to haunt me and a strange peace came over me with that notion in my head. "Are you going to miss this place apples?" Linc asks and I shake my head in refusal, I had nothing to miss here, only the bitter taste of unwanted memories, I had gotten my peace, my mother and father's killers had been caught and vengeance had been a blade sharpened and used. "Its time to go home my love." I stated placing a kiss on Kyro's cheek, he nodded as he held me close to his warm body just as Linc did with Deniz, their love was never a thing to question.

"Deniz can you go get the car, you're driving us back." I tell the little energy ball and he untangles himself from Linc's embrace making a bee line for where we had parked the car. "Will the boy agree with coming to Louisville?" Kyro asks his brother and I realize that they were talking about Jonathan, with what happened to me and what happened recently, it was for sure that they didn't want Deniz being here or living here, the pack was unstable and their values didn't exactly follow that of the other packs, it was a conundrum. "Maybe you can talk to his father." I suggested and both brothers nod, that was the only way to get him to come with us, but if he were to refuse himself, then he  had to choose between here and Deniz. "You won't have to." Jonathan calls out from behind us and I'm the first to turn and meet his eyes. "What?" I question and he nods lowly. "I won't and I will never choose this place over my mate, its never truly been my home and I won't stay here when my mate and I could be happy in a place I can finally try and call home." Jonathan explains and I smile toward him, moving away from the brothers I hug him and he relaxes in my embrace even if he has to bend down a lot to hug me, just like my mate. "I still need to talk to your father, as formality, and you need to say goodbye, you can come back I would never take that away from you but until we are less insecure with Deniz you won't be back." Lincoln explains as he points to his brother in his explanation, it was better to be direct with someone than not tell them the truth and have complication later, Senior taught me that as my first lesson.

"I understand." Jonathan replies as he hugs me one last time and walks away, we also go our own way as Deniz comes speeding down the upper road whilst honking. "Why did you let him drive?" Both brothers groan simultaneously making me laugh out loud. I may have been born here in the bay but it wasn't home anymore, and home was where love is, with the people you would die for, this wasn't it, I wouldn't miss it but I had made sure that what happened to me here couldn't and wouldnt happen to another person, I had left my mark as secrets unravel. "Be careful!" Kyro and Linc yell as I check my phone for anything new, the video that pops up has me rather speechless. "This just got dicey."



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