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Betrayal ~ Bloody battles.

Saint Drake Dante.

"We need to get out of here." I projected into the minds of my family as the group of hunters emerged from the woods surrounding us, they were a large number its why they had the guts to even pull this off but one thing was unclear for me, how did they get past the territory boarder without the patrol noticing. "No, we need to protect the innocent." Jonathan argued as he had shifted back, standing tall and proud but also very naked, safe to say Deniz didn't have to worry about size but I didn't dwell on that. "Listen here boy, I protect my own, I'm not going to risk anything here by fighting a battle that has clearly nothing to do with us, if you used your nose you could smell the scent of a wolf on the group of hunters walking in the front meaning someone betrayed your pack." Lincoln replied as he had shifted back himself, a growl escaped Kyro's jaw and I sniff the air again amidst the chaos, the wolfsbane vapour was getting thicker. "Deniz, come, let's go." I order my little brother as we take off headed in the opposite direction, my hope was we could double back once we cleared away from the hunters and wolves scrambling to get away.

"The gas its not spread out this far, I can breath." Deniz alerts me and we slow down our pace, I hadn't cared enough to wait for the alpha borns to argue whilst the hunters got close, I was pregnant and my little brother  didn't have a great history with hunters, I had to protect the two at whatever cost, Deniz and I skid to a stop when a wolf I didn't recognize stops infront of us growling lowly, this was clearly a threat and I definitely felt the betrayer vibe coming off him. "Behind me, now." I order Deniz as a growl escapes my lips, he does as told as I get ready to fight the other wolf.

Fangs and claws bared we pounce on each other, he goes for my eyes and I avoid every claw he aims at me, the level of skill the wolf has let's me know he wasn't an ordinary wolf, I had to be careful, we roll on the grassy ground trying to pin the other one down and sink our teeth but I evade so does he. Pushing back with my hind legs I roll away from our attacker and stand infront of Deniz again. "I need you to call your brothers, as loud as you can, once I give you the go." I whisper in Deniz's mind, he acknowledges it but doesn't respond, I still look at our attacker, their right hind leg was a weak spot I could attack. "Now!" I give the order and Deniz howls like a siren creating more chaos but it works in my favour as it stuns our attacker, I move quicker than before slashing at his snout with my claws, blood gushes out as I duck down and bite down on their leg making them howl in pain, not giving up the opportunity I use the momentum to maneuver the wolfs body slamming it into the tree. Deniz doesn't wait for my words we run back using a different route, the only way to get to a safe place was through the hunters, from a distance I could see they were spaced out now in the field the wolves once occupied, they were trying to kill or hurt as many as they can but the wolves were trained for this, every pack trains for this, so those who couldn't fight had fled leaving those who could to deal with the hunters.

"I need you to follow me, the only way to safety is to go through them." I explain to Deniz as Lincoln in wolf form appears behind us with blood covering his fur in a red coat. "Don't run off like that, we were worried, as you've already figured out hunters had surrounded the area before coming in so the only way to get back to the packhouse or wherever is safe is  straight through them." Lincoln asserts as I see more wolves attack and kill hunters to create a path for the others to go past. "They just keep coming." Deniz whimpers and I nuzzle his head in comfort. "Can you fight, I can't fight and keep you safe, I'm not saying give Rouge control I'm saying you need to fight." Lincolns statement was directed at me, my wolf was unhinged when it came to threats so I barely let him take control when it happens, right now I could do it hopefully I didn't give over control in rage. "Yes, I can do it, Deniz needs to be safe." I reply as Lincoln nods and we head straight for the hunters.

Lincoln tears the first one apart as I jump into the air and tear another apart with my claws, he and I continue our blood bath, clearing the way for our little brother, one hunter had instinct enough to roll out of the way as Linc attacked his leg, before the hunter releases his gun I bite down on his neck tearing it out, the taste of human blood covering my mouth, I didn't care currently, as my mate finally decided to show up and fight beside me. "Where were you?" I angrily growl in his head and he whines. "I was helping Jonathan, we had pups and elder wolves to help clear out, once we were done, I came for you." He replies as I bite down on a hunter dragging him down to the ground where my mate grabs his leg by his jaw and we rip him in half. "You're lucky there were pups involved." I answer as my anger dissipates, I look around and everywhere I see there is either a dead hunter or a dead wolf, the whole massacre didn't make sense. "Look out!" A voice yelled amongst the chaos but we are all too late to register as a blade pierces my front right leg making me hiss and wail in pain.

"Saint!" Kyro yells in anguish as he turns along with his brother, they find who threw the knife easily and tear the human apart, his head and oragans spewing to the ground as if he had passed through a grinder. "Easy." The wolf who had yelled before speaks gently as he assessed my wound, Kyro growls threateningly seeing as the unknown man was touching his mate. "My name is Cornell, I won't hurt him, if the knife stays in him any longer the bane poison will spread." He explains and Kyro along with his brothers surround me still in wolf form, Cornell drags out the blade making me growl at how careless he was with doing that. "I'm sorry, but it had to be done, this was definitely meant to kill you." He explains as I look at the blade and realize he was right but why would a hunter I barely knew about have a specified need to kill me, Deniz was wide open he could've thrown it at him but he targeted me, then the wolf we fled from resurfaces in my mind and I sprint back to where I found him.

"The hell!" Cornell yells before shifting into a large dark brown almost black wolf following me and the brothers who had taken off when I had, Deniz had known better so he had raced back to the pack house. "What happened, where are we going?" Lincoln demands as I slow down, Kyro keeps going and lunges for a wolf infront of us, the two roll on the ground biting and scratching, Kyro being the bigger wolf won easily. "I can smell a faint trace of you on him, what happened?" Kyro questions just as another another rams itself onto his body throwing him to the trees, seeing the actions of the other unknown wolf I slip into a state where Rouge my wolf takes control and he attacks.

Oh no I hear Kyro whisper as Rouge slashes across the wolf's face with claws that dug deep into the snout, surprised and hissing in pain the other wolf lunges for us biting down on my leg and breaking it but that doesn't stop my wolf, he stands and attacks again this time doing what the other wolf had done only worse, flesh and bone are exposed as we separate but quickly lunge at each other, the wolf bites down into my leg near my neck and I tear down into the skin of his stomach, without caring about our own safety my wolf let's our opponent sink his teeth into the knife wound making blood gush out, realizing what Rouge was trying to do and succeeded I try take back control but its useless, the poison having come from my blood is more potent and the effects are almost instant, my wolf attacks again in a berserker state, crushing two more legs, tearing skin apart and finally slowly crushing the wolf's neck. "Enough Rouge!" The voice was dominating, it radiated power and control, my wolf listened and gave over control, I knew who had stopped me, the only wolf who could, my mate.

Quickly wolves surround the wolf I had just about nearly killed and as he shifts back to his human form I'm shocked to realize that it was Renallo, the other wolves growl dangerously at us and though we should've backed down, there was something about threatening three alphas that didn't go well with actually threatening three alphas. Cornell was one of those alphas and he stood with us growling a warning to any who dared attack us. "Stop, the pack is safe but we have another problem." Alpha Hunt, Renallo's father states diffusing another fight which would have led to more deaths. "What exactly is that other problem?" My mate asks as he shifted back to his human form like most of the other wolves around us but I do not, my body was naked only for a few to see. "We have a traitor to his own kind."




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