'Rest bud'

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Steve and DK really had nothing left to do. All their tasks being done and such

So they were just at security, with Steve watching cameras. Steve sat down in the chair there, and DK was leaning against the wall.

"DK, bud, come here," Steve said, causing the older confusion. But DK moved away from his spot on the wall and walked over to Steve.

Steve grabbed DKs arm and pulled him onto his lap. DK squeaked a little and his face flushed, as he was now straddling Steve's lap. He met Steves eyes, which were full of mischief

"Steven!" He scolded.

"Yes, Dakotaz? You looked tired,"

"Doesn't mean you can just pull me onto your lap!" He said, squirming a little, trying to get up.

"Too bad. Sit still so I can watch the cameras," he said to the man on his lap. DKs face was still flushed but he stopped moving and glared slightly at Steve.

"And what exactly do you want me to do? I can't even watch the cameras," DK said. Steve leaned forward and spoke in his ear

"Rest bud," Steve said. His voice sent a shudder through DK who gave in and relaxed a little.

Dk draped his arms around Steve's neck, cuddled into his chest happily.

"Go to sleep," Steve encouraged. DK felt safe and let his guard down, closing his eyes and resting his head on Steve's shoulder.

Soon DKs breathing turned slower and Steve knew his friend had fallen asleep.

After being almost killed a few hours before, he didn't blame him. Steve smiled and lost interest in the cameras, instead taking interest in DK.

Steve had never paid close attention to his friend before, even when they met up. He had always chosen Apollo.

But with DK asleep on his lap he couldn't resist just staring at him for a minute. Steve trained his fingers absently down DKs back.

He heard a soft laugh and Tubbo came in.

"Awww. You two must be lovers," Tubbo said with a soft laugh. Steve glared at him.

"Wrong. He's just clingy," Steve said, not realizing that Tubbos' laugh had woken up DK. The older man did not move, remaining where he was

"Clingy? Sounds like Tommy,"

"He might be worse than Tommy. At least you can hang out with other people," Steve said with a soft laugh. He was lying of course, trying to get Tubbo of their back

But DK didn't know that. Dk thought he was telling the truth. But he still didn't move, remaining up against Steve to see what else he had to say

"He's always on my ass about things too. Do your tasks, don't separate," Steve said with a mocking tone. Tubbo tilted his head

"Ooh, really?"

"Mhm. I fucking hate him but hes so sensitive that he will just start crying if I tell him,"

"Ha, yeah, that might be worse," Tubbo said with a smile, but a flicker of annoyance passed through his eyes

"What are you doing in here bud?" Steve asked, curious to see what he would say. He didn't fully trust Tubbo, and wondered if it was because 5up had been the assassin

"I came to see who was on cams," Tubbo said with a smile, but it seemed forced. But Steve trusted Hafu.

"Ah well then, it's just me," Steve said with a smile. Tubbo turned and walked out as DK sat up. "Feel better?" Steve asked. DK looked away from him

"I hate you," DK whispered and took off out of the room. Steve called out his name, shock coursing through his body.

"DK!" He yelled. He took off after his friend, wanting to keep him safe.

But DK had run from the security room, his heart shattering. He just ran until a hand grabbed his wrist. Assuming it was Steve he jerked back and glared.

"Dont fucking touch me!" He snapped. The girl took a step back in shock, her dulled eyes wide, her blue suit shining. "Janet, sorry. I thought you were Steve," DK said, she forced a smile upon her face.

"It's fine. Did you two have a fight?" She asked, playing the sister role. DK rubbed the back of his neck, a frown coming to his face.

"Something like that," DK mumbled. They fell into step next to each other and entered the weapons room, and then the doors locked. Janet whimpered and stepped close to DK.

"What was that?"

"The killer is messing with doors. Lets get them open," DK said as the lights started to go down

Steve had lost sight of DK and had no clue where his friend could've gone. He checked in storage and the doors shut.

"Well shit," he mumbled a little and tried to open them. They didn't want to move and Steve became afraid, shaking slightly. Was he gonna die here? Is that what was gonna happen?

Or what if DK was found dead. As long as he was with a crewmate then he would be safe. That's all Steve was hoping for, was that his friend was gonna be safe. He just wanted to go home. He was tired of this, the game was fun when you knew it was fake. But this wasn't fake,

Steve felt like a shitty person, he had hurt DKs feelings. He never should've said any of that stuff, despite it not being true. He thought the older man had been asleep, he didn't know he would have heard all of that.

And if one died...then they would forever have those be the last words Steve spoke to him, well, about him. The last words DK would've ever heard Steve say.

DK and Janet both got the door opened and headed to fix lights, surprised no one had done it by now.

They entered the light room and headed to the light panel and Janet cried out. Apollo's body was slumped on the floor, head rolling and leaned back against the wall. There was no time to fix lights

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