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        Wilmer's face turned red as he looked down at his hands, "I had to make an excuse." 

I shook my head, "You told me it was some event, not your fucking movie premiere. In which, you're the God damn lead!" 

He sighed, "I'm sorry. It wasn't important." 

I threw my hands in the air, "It's a big deal Wilmer! Do you know how much of a shitty wife that makes me look?! You should've told me it was a premiere!" 

Wilmer sat down across from me, "Look, I'm sorry Demi. I didn't want to say anything because you said the media attention would hurt us." 

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, but not as much as you not telling me this would!" 

He put his head in his hands, "I know, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." 

I sat back in my chair, "Whens the premiere?" 

He smiled weakly, "Three days." 

I groaned, "How the hell am I supposed to find a dress in three damn days?!" 

Wilmer looked down, "You don't have to go." 

I shook my head, "Of course I have to go, what are you crazy? You're my husband, it's in my job description." 

He took a deep breath, "I just... I don't want you there if you're going to be mad the whole time." 

I shook my head, "I'm not going to be mad the whole time. I'll get over it."  

Wilmer looked up at me, "I don't want you to go if you're just trying to protect your image." 

My eyes narrowed, "What? I'm not protecting anything." 

He stood up, walking over to the stove again, "I mean, you haven't really congratulated me or anything, or even acted remotely happy for me. You're acting like it's a drag that this is in your job requirements, like it's paperwork or something. Or that if you're not there people will think you're a bad wife. If you don't want to go, don't go. It's that simple. I don't really mind. Would I like to have you on my arm at the red carpet? Absolutely. Am I going to be angry with you if you choose not to go? Not at all." 

I shook my head, "You were acting weird when I told you no the first time. I know when you're upset Wilmer." 

He looked down as he added chicken to the dish and stirred it, "I'll admit, I was upset when you first said no, but I understood." 

I bit my lip and got up, walking over to where he stood, "I'm gonna go with you." He opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him with a kiss, holding his sides, "Not because I want to protect my image, or because I think that you're gonna be mad at me, or that it's my job. I'm going because I love you and I'm happy for you. I'm going because I want to experience it with you." 

Wilmer smiled as he wrapped one arms around my waist while his free hand slipped to the nape of my neck as he kissed me, "God I love you." 


        I nervously fidgeted on the way to the premiere, and felt Wilmer's hand slip onto my inner thigh. 

"Calm down nena." He murmured, and kissed my temple as I leaned into him. 

"I can't, how are you not nervous?" 

Wilmer smiled down at me, "Of course I'm nervous, but.." He leaned down to press his lips to mine, "I'm more excited to walk a carpet with you again." 

I smiled at him, "I'm excited too baby, I just don't want it to be too much for me." 

Wilmer knew all about my anxiety issues with red carpets, and the media screaming. 

"Don't worry." He intertwined out fingers and kissed my trembling knuckles, "I'll be right next to you the entire time. I promise." 

I nodded and leaned into his side, letting his wrap both of his arms around me, looking out the window together until the sound of screaming fans reached our ears when the limo slowed. The driver got out, and I put on a huge smile as the door opened and Wilmer and I stepped out into the flashes. I waved to the fans, blew kisses, and smiled at paparazzi cameras as we walked down the carpet, Wilmer's hand not leaving my waist the entire time, even when the media was screaming for individual pictures, he just kissed my cheek and kept walking. Eventually, we made it to the interview segment, and made our way to Ryan Seacrest's spot. I gave him a hug as the cameras started rolling, grabbing Wilmer's hand again when we pulled away. 

"Well look at who we have here! Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama." I shot a big smile to the cameras and Wilmer kissed my cheek as he waved to it. "It's certainly good to see you two out and about together again huh?" 

Ryan smiled big and I knew he was genuinely happy; he'd always been a fan of Wilmer and I, even when we first started dating and the world was against us. 

"I'm certainly a lucky man to have her on my arm tonight." Wilmer said, squeezing my waist. 

Ryan nodded, "Well this certainly clears up a lot of rumors that are surrounding your relationship, care to make a statement?" 

I took a deep breath and looked up at Wilmer, "I've never been happier. I'm so in love with this man, and every day I look forward to waking up next to him." 


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Twitter: @Lovatic_Chica


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