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        It's been three weeks since Wilmer and I made up, and everything has been completely perfect. We've spent a lot of time in bed, making up for lost time. That's where we were now, Wilmer was sleeping on his side with his head in his lap while I sat up, watching his face as I ran my hand through his hair, my nails scratching lightly. The sun was just coming up and bits of it's light was streaking through the curtains. After a couple of minutes, Wilmer's eyes blinked open and he rolled onto his back resting his head on my thighs. 

"I love you so much." He murmured sleepily, and tapped his lips. I instantly leaned down and kissed him, cupping his cheek as I pulled away and looked into his eyes. 

"I'm so happy right now." 

Wilmer nodded and sat up, pulling me into his arms, "Believe me Dems, I'm so glad we're back to us." 

I snuggled into his arms and smiled as I traced his chest lightly with my fingertips, "Promise me something." 

He looked down at me and kissed my forehead, "Anything." 

I sighed and bit my lip, "Promise that you'll never let us go back to that place again." 

Wilmer took a deep breath, "Letting you slip away from me like that is one of my biggest regrets in life. I can't imagine ever even getting close to losing you again." 

I shook my head, "You didn't let go, and I didn't slip away. All you needed to do was say the word and I could've come running back into your arms." 

Wilmer smiled, "I'm glad you did it on your own though. It made all of this worth it." 



I looked up from my desk in the office at Wilmer who was standing in the doorway. "Whats up baby?" I said, propping my glasses on top of my head and leaning my chin on my hand with a smile. 

"I was wondering.. If you'd be okay with going to an event with me." 

I bit my lip, we'd only been back for a couple of weeks and I wasn't sure media attention would do us a whole lot of good. 

"I don't know Will, I don't think we're ready for public events right now." 

He smiled and shrugged, "Yeah, I think you're right. I just didn't want you to think I didn't want you to come and have you be upset, love." 

I nodded, "What do you wanna do for dinner?" 

Wilmer shrugged and looked down at his hands, "I don't know, we'll figure something out." 

Without another word, he left, and I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. 


        "Are you okay? You've been quiet all night." I said, as Wilmer and I ate sushi on the couch. 

"Yeah." He gave me a gentle smile, "I'm fine." 

I sighed, but let it go for now. Wilmer could brood over things for a long time and keep telling me it's nothing. Eventually though, it would surface in one way or another. 


        "Demi? Is that you?" I looked up from the rack of clothing in Topshop to see Eiza Gonzales, Wilmer's friend that he'd done 'From Dusk Till Dawn' with. 

"Hi!" I walked over and gave her a hug, "I haven't seen you in ages!" 

She laughed and rubbed my back before pulling me away, "I know! I'm so glad I ran into you here! I was planning on catching up with you at the premiere, but when Wilmer said you were going to be out of town, I was just going to call you." 

I furrowed my brow, "Premiere? What?" 

She nodded, "Yeah his movie premiere! That one he plays the lead in about finding some abducted girl? It's supposed to be huge, like huge, huge. He didn't tell you?" 

I felt a lump in my throat, "No he didn't. But I'm sure he's just being humble." 

Eiza nodded, "Well I should be going, Chris is taking me out for dinner tonight and I gotta look good." 

She gave me a smile that I weakly returned and let me alone to ponder and overthink about why Wilmer hadn't told me about this. 


        Wilmer was his usual cheery self when I got home, and I watched him carefully. 

"You okay babe?" He asked, kissing my cheek as he passed. 

"Yeah!" I cleared my throat as my voice squeaked, "Fine." 

He nodded and went to the stove, chopping up peppers and throwing them into a pan. 

"Actually, I'm not okay." 

Wilmer's eyes were concerned as he walked over to me, "What's wrong?" 

I glared at him,. "I ran into Eiza today... She told me it was too bad I'd be out of town for your movie premiere.


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Twitter: @Lovatic_Chica


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